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Whats the point??


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  • Senior Member



I am 21 and loosing hair, mostly at the front, i just wanted peoples views on using different drugs.


I was just thinking, why bother spending loads of money on the likes of Propecia etc when your hair will never be how you want it.


I am thinking of HT but also other treatments that i could have, But i think i will just wait a year or so till i loose more hair and then just get HT.


What do u think?

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  • Senior Member

Propecia and 5% Rogain (xtrastrength) will stop your hairloss progression. When you have a HT it doesnt stop the hairloss progression, only replaces hair that wasnt there before-- so you can continue to have hairloss--- The meds allow you to limit your hairloss. Most HT surgeons highly recommend continuing Propecia and Rogain after HT to limit further loss--- so that you dont look like a "clown" 5 yrs after HT-- the eight ball look.


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  • Senior Member

don't forget proscar, as a replacement to propecia.

Proscar maybe covered under medical plans, and you can cut it into quarters, to last 4x as long of a supply.


whats better tho??


so do you think i should get on the meds for a year then get HT?

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  • Senior Member



Proscar and Propecia are exactly the same. They are both Finasteride.


Proscar - 5 mg (thus cut into 1/4ths or even 1/5ths)


Propecia - 1 mg taken daily


Proscar has the same premise of going to Sam's Club. Buy in bulk and save.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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You want to be on finasteride for a year "to see how you respond" to the medication. That way you can get a better gauge on whether you can stabilize future loss or not. If you do not respond favorably to finasteride and your hairloss continues, you are in no position to start making decisions about sugery untill you can better ascertain how extensive your hairloss can be.


By the age of 25, diffusion (loss of caliper) will be evident in the scalp even though you have not lost the hair yet. That provides the doctor the areas of your scalp that DHT is adversely affecting. I mean who knows, if one has the potential to hit Norwood class 7 someday, and does not respond to meds, would that individual even want to get started with HTs. Maybe, maybe not.


It is understandable when young men begin to lose their hair, especially their hairline, and want that hairline back. But we are all getting older and a "mature" hairline is a more viable, realistic goal as eventually the youthful look will not compliment our age.


Medications do not stop hairloss. They only buy us time at best. Hairloss is progressive in nature because it is a genetic trait. Finasteride is medicinally classified as a "specific hormone inhibitor" or what we commonly refer to as "blockers". There are no guarantees to their long term efficiencies.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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