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Unique hair loss pattern & grafts needed

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Hi All,


I think I have a very unique hairloss pattern. Picture attached for your entertainment. icon_smile.gif

I do not not have a receding hairline and in fact my hair density in the front part of my scalp is quite good. However my crown area is almost completely bald.


This does not seem to match any pattern on the Hamilton Norwood scale. Have any of you seen or experienced this type of hair loss before. I am pretty sure it's MPB and not anyhting else (I've had physical checkups and everyhtings normal). Also I've been losing hair slowly over the years.


Also could any of the physicans or HT clinc spokespersons on this forum speak to how many grafts and sessions will I need to fix this?





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That's basically what I look like now too, after my first HT. Now I have to take care of the dome. There is a graph estimator on this site that you can use to get a ballpark figure. I'm guessing 3-4k grafts at least, depending on the quality of your hair (coarseness, etc). I would recommend submitting some pics to several recommended physicians on this site and get their opinion. You'll have to include a straight on shot, a side shot, and a shot of the back of your head, in addition to the shot you've posted.


They can fix you. It may take more than one pass, but they can fix you.

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How old are you? Does any other males in your family have this similar pattern of hair loss. The crown area tends to need more grafting than the frontal area to obtain good coverage. Most patients have a swirl that originates somewhere in the crown region. This leads to hair dispersing in all different directions and you do not get the layering effect that you would in the frontal region.

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