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Potential Recommendation of Dr. Yalamanchi Venkata Rao of Hyderabad, India

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Dear forum members,


As many of you know, we gather as much information as possible about a physician, their staff, technique and track record before they are even considered for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. Part of our review process involves getting input from patients and the members of this forum community. To learn more about this review process, click here.


We’d like to gather your input and opinions regarding the potential recommendation of Dr. Yalamanchi Venkata Rao of Hyderabad, India on the Hair Transplant Network. At this time, Dr. Rao is only being considered for recommendation, not the Coalition. To see our standards for recommendation, click here.


At this time, Dr. Rao only has strip results to show. Thus, we will be only be reviewing his strip technique for recommendation at this time. However, we have described both his FUT/strip and FUE technique below.


Dr. Yalamanchi Rao has over 10 years of experience and performs hair transplant surgery as the primary part of his practice in Hyderabad, India. Dr. Rao performs mostly FUT/strip but more recently started providing FUE to his patients. He specializes in FUT/strip surgery, FUE, eyebrow transplantation, moustache transplantation and provides medical treatments for hair loss such as Propecia and Platelet Rich Plasma for thinning hair.


Dr. Rao has the staff and experience to perform large, densely packed sessions exceeding 3000 follicular units when appropriate for the patient and performs only one procedure per day. He uses all the latest techniques including the trichophytic closure technique, minimally invasive needles, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), microscopic dissection and dense packing when appropriate for the patient. Because Indian hair is thicker and coarser in nature, Dr. Rao typically uses needles ranging between .9mm and 1.2mm in size.


Dr. Yalamanchi Rao is very hands on and places many of the follicular units himself, in particular into the crucial hairline area. In order to create the most natural looking hairline, Dr. Rao uses only the finest 1 haired follicular units. He never uses multi-haired grafts and believes that naturalness, not numbers ultimately determines whether the end result is good or bad.


Dr. Rao uses a single number 10 surgical blade to harvest the donor strip to minimize transection. All follicular units are dissected and trimmed under microscopes and carefully placed into recipient sites with the help of his staff. His large staff of 15 average over 6 years of experience.


Dr. Yalamanchi Rao uses a motorized blunt 0.9mm punch (similar to the Harris SAFE Scribe) called the marathon during his FUE procedures. While Dr. Rao feels comfortable with this extraction device, he believes that a physician's expertise and experience is more important than which tool a physician uses as each tool comes with a list of potential advantages and disadvantages. Follicular units are implanted with curved titanium forceps available in India.


During Dr. Rao's FUE procedure, follicular units are placed into recipient sites no later than 1 to 2 hours after extraction in order to avoid desiccation (dehydration). Grafts are stored in ice cold saline that's sometimes coupled with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) if appropriate. Some grafts are further trimmed under microscopes if necessary before implantation but not all follicular units require it.


Given Dr. Rao's experience in performing state of the art hair transplant surgery and providing only the best results, in my opinion, he should be considered for recommendation.


In recent weeks, Dr. Rao has presented several examples of his procedure and recent results on this forum. Some of Dr. Rao's Recent Patient and Surgical photos can be found below:


4012 Grafts 7 Months After Via Strip with Dr. Rao


4268 Grafts via strip with Dr. Rao


2748 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


3685 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


2803 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


3102 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


2815 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


2589 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


3312 Grafts via Strip with Dr. Rao


2932 Grafts via Strip wtih Dr. Rao


You can find additional examples of his work by visiting Dr. Rao's photo albums on his social profile.


I welcome input and comments from forum members regarding his potential recommendation.


To view our standards for recommendation, click here.


Onwards and Upwards,



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Thank you to everyone who's provided private feedback regarding Dr. Rao's recommendation. The majority of the feedback that's been provided privately has been positive in favor of his recommendation based on his technique and results presented on this community. I'm surprised however, that nobody has posted publicly with their opinion. If anyone else would like to provide their input, now is the time :-).


I look forward to any additional feedback.


Best wishes,



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I have seen only very few of his patients posting their results on this forum, though the doctor himself posted results often. I would trust more the results posted by patients as they are honest and unbiased.

IMHO, the lack of results posted by his patients should be taken in to account in evaluating his recommendation. Going further, I think the doctor should encourage his patients to post their HT progress here, and come back at a later time after enough results are posted.

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  • Regular Member
I have seen only very few of his patients posting their results on this forum, though the doctor himself posted results often. I would trust more the results posted by patients as they are honest and unbiased.

IMHO, the lack of results posted by his patients should be taken in to account in evaluating his recommendation. Going further, I think the doctor should encourage his patients to post their HT progress here, and come back at a later time after enough results are posted.





Also, does the doctor have any FUE results to show?

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Thank you to everyone who's provided private feedback regarding Dr. Rao's recommendation. The majority of the feedback that's been provided privately has been positive in favor of his recommendation based on his technique and results presented on this community. I'm surprised however, that nobody has posted publicly with their opinion. If anyone else would like to provide their input, now is the time :-).


I look forward to any additional feedback.


Best wishes,




Well to be honest, I have never heard of the doctor before in here or in other forums, I don't see any patients of other origin except India so its basically hard to have any patients feedback that we can trust, I haven't seen any FUE results only strip.


To tell you the truth i didn't want to comment because I am surprised he is considered for recommendation!


If i can give a piece of friendly advice maybe the moderators should find a different form of collaboration with some doctors for a time period until we see some real patients coming in and sharing finished results. Some of the doctors i see lately up for recomendation do not persuade me at all, at least not yet...

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I disagree with that statement....I think that we should continue to look for good surgeons who are not that well known yet, furthermore, givne that he practices in India....perhaps it is not realistic to expect a wide range of posted patient experiences...given that only a minority of patients post.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the doctor firstly needs to prove that he is 'good' and then be put up for recommendation.

As of now I see, hes got very few results to show and very few patient experiences.. It is difficult to reach a conclusion based on these few results whether his work is good or bad.

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  • Senior Member
I disagree with that statement....I think that we should continue to look for good surgeons who are not that well known yet, furthermore, givne that he practices in India....perhaps it is not realistic to expect a wide range of posted patient experiences...given that only a minority of patients post.



Nobody said to stop looking for good surgeons KO... but for me when i choose or recomend a surgeon a wide range of posted patient experiences is the most important factor. I think its pretty realistic from what i have seen from other surgeons threads.

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Thank you for your input so far. Our community considers experienced physicians who can prove they regularly produce excellent results for potential recommendation. It does not matter if they are "well known" or not. This is not a popularity contest. I agree that it would be ideal if each physician had patients regularly sharing and posting examples of the results on our forum. However, this is not always the case. Historically, we've always presented physicians for potential recommendation based on information we learned about them by collecting data through interviews, discussion, and polling patients, their physician peers and our community. We also view examples of each physician's work and results.


Dr. Rao already presented 20 examples of his results, not just the ones that I've linked above. If you take a look at the end of the topic, I've linked to his social profile where he's presented even more examples of his results for viewing. In my opinion, Dr. Rao has been very responsive and providing examples of his work and results and the work he has shown is sufficient for reviewing his procedure.


While I understand some level of skepticism for each new doctor we recommend, I think Dr. Rao has shown sufficient examples of his work and results to prove he is doing first-rate work on par with other leading surgeons recommended by this community. Thus, I feel confident that he will be a good fit and that men and women suffering from hair loss in India and beyond should consider Dr. Rao for surgery.


Best wishes,



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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the doctor firstly needs to prove that he is 'good' and then be put up for recommendation.

As of now I see, hes got very few results to show and very few patient experiences.. It is difficult to reach a conclusion based on these few results whether his work is good or bad.


Criteria for selection is critical for the site to maintain credibility. Population analysis is critical. There should never be a minimum number of examples as a sole determinant, and from what I have read, the site has done a lot more to look into the methods, tools, staff, techniques, patient results (both good and bad) and many more criteria before a surgeon is recommended by the site.


IMHO they do a lot of the right things to select the best doctors out there for endorsement by the site. I am not sure what they do to ensure a doctor maintains that endorsement (ie: does a bad outcome put them into a "probationary status" until the case is further studied and understood?). There should be no tenure when it comes to this industry. I've seen only a few poor outcomes from recommended docs, but I never see if that changes their status at all.

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Supposedly he claims his research and development team invented the trichophytic procedure! Also he can finish the hairloss problem in one visit by doing both strip and FUE at the same time!


Did you guys research about him thoroughly to recommend him?


Our hair transplant documented results are many and are the best in the sector. we illustrate with clear and good Quality comparable before, post-op and after photos; they are recent and constantly updated in our website and always show a close up of the hairline. YVRao’s hair clinic uses its own research and development programs for developing new techniques. The new “Trichophytic Closure” developed. The only non-visible scarring “Strip Technique” in the world.


We offer Mega sessions of 2500-3500 Grafts, Super sessions of 3500-4500 Grafts. And Giga sessions of 4500-5500 Grafts. When the donor area allows, thus giving more coverage and avoidance of multiple sessions. We pride ourselves in dedicating our full time medical team, something that no other hair restoration clinic in India can do. We have introduced the one visit total coverage concept with the new development of FUE-FUT combination surgery. Hair sufferers with extensive baldness now have the chance to combine the 2 techniques of FUE-FUT and cover the complete balding area with only one visit to the clinic. We believe the creation of a full head of hair is not just a medical procedure; it is an art form. Our medical team does not solely rely on their highly trained expertise but also their artistic license and devotion to their work, to provide our patients with great and natural result they desire.


Welcome to Dr. YVRao's Hair Transplant & Cosmetic Surgery Centre - skin clinic in banjara hills - skin specialist in banjara hills - cosmetic clinic in banjara hills - lipo suction treatment in banjara hills - liposuction treatment in banjara hills -

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Thanks for the update. I am curious to know why only his FUT results are being reviewed and not FUE as well?


thanks for the compliments and about the query- we are in the process of acquiring the skills and good results by FUE, which may take quite some time. only then ,we will post the results of FUE, thank you-Dr.Rao

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  • Senior Member
I have seen only very few of his patients posting their results on this forum, though the doctor himself posted results often. I would trust more the results posted by patients as they are honest and unbiased.

IMHO, the lack of results posted by his patients should be taken in to account in evaluating his recommendation. Going further, I think the doctor should encourage his patients to post their HT progress here, and come back at a later time after enough results are posted.


we have posted results of 20 cases as per guide lines mentioned. about the posting of results by patients, themselves- in this part of my country,some persons object even to take routine photographs which were uploaded and they shy away. they strongly insist on not revealing their identity / face. it will be difficult to convince them to post the post transplant photos on their own, but we will try- Dr.Rao

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the doctor firstly needs to prove that he is 'good' and then be put up for recommendation.

As of now I see, hes got very few results to show and very few patient experiences.. It is difficult to reach a conclusion based on these few results whether his work is good or bad.


we have posted quite a few cases along with videos also. we will keep posting some more, if needed. probably, the organizers of the site might be having the link- Dr.Rao

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I think we are beginning to see a pattern here in that at the moment there isn't enough photographic or patients evidence to make a informed decision.I don't this clinic should be recommended at the present time because how could we recommend someone go for fue there without seeing a single grown out 1 year + result?

I hope at some point he proves his clinic to be first class but I for one need more than this evidence provided.

The website claims do seem to get my alarm bells jingling a little.

More evidence please.

All have a nice day.

Edited by 1966kph
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I appreciate everyone's input regarding the potential recommendation of Dr. Yalamanchi Venkata Rao. In my opinion, Dr. Rao did provide sufficient evidence that he is performing high quality follicular unit hair transplantation and that he meets our high standards for recommendation. Although I only linked to about 10 examples above, he presented 20 examples of his results on his social profile. As I referenced in my first post, you can view them all by clicking here.


I understand that people would like to inevitably see more results, especially by patients themselves. However, this is not always practical (as Dr. Rao pointed out in one of his posts on this topic). Thus, in my opinion, based on the feedback we received both from patients and physicians, there's no real reason not to give Dr. Rao a chance and approve him for recommendation. After having many discussions and interviews with Dr. Rao, I personally have a good feeling about him and his results and feel that he will be a good fit for our community.


You can view his recommendation profile here.


As to the words on his website regarding the trichophytic closure, I think the language used requires clarification. I will ask Dr. Rao to clarify this.


Dr. Rao, welcome to our community. We trust and encourage you to continue to present excellent examples of your results on our discussion forum in the months to come. Please also encourage your patients to present their experiences and results here as well.


Best wishes,



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I do want to see more quality doctors coming out of India and recommended in this forum.

But, I never heard of this doctor while doing my months of search for best doctors in India.

We need more patients review rather than doctor putting up their case and pics.

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Congrats Dr. Yalamanchi Venkata Rao.


Presented results are good.

As you have long experience in HT surgery and hence i was expecting to see more number of cases on your websites. Anyway would like to see more updates, including in-progress HT results in future .


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