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Why Dr Maral is not operating FUE?


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Charlyboy you say you have no issue with the maral clinic how can you say that?

6 posts now and everyone knocking the clinic that you have no issue with.

Heres a idea why dont the moderators turn their attention to why it is that people such as you come here and attack this clinic in everyone of your posts.

OK yeah that's right you dont have a issue with the maral clinic what a idiot i am.


MODERATORS come on seriously this is plain stupid that this is allowed to go on.


Its a blatant attack but by whom and for what reason?

Fairs fair and while some people have been totally fair others such as charlyboy just insult the intelligence..

Have a good day all

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Good morning KO

I am not trying to silence someone who is here to put relevent points that have not just been answered very recently.

What i am doing is pointing out is that charlyboy came here obviously with one intention and that was to knock marals clinic and that is fact 6 posts all having ago at the clinic.

But he insists he has no issue come on?

If he has new relevant questions that haven't been answered already let him fire away but up till now its blatant bull you know that KO same as everyone else.

All have a good day

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We all know the facts about marals clinic.

If people were creating new threads attacking a recommended clinic in each and everyone one of their posts there would be uproar.

If you don't agree with the way marals clinic operates you don't have to go there for a ht but you don't need to attack it either.

Busa you the same as everyone is perfectly entitled to your own opinions but do you not also believe in fair play?

For all you know you may well be helping a clinic that may treat their patients a lot worse than maral does his.Apart from one all of marals seem to be happy and were is the harm in that?

Do you know who charlyboy is ?

If the maral clinic is considered for recommendation we can all have are say on the results provided but it seems some people or even clinics do not want it to get to that stage.

Everyone deserves a fair trial not a lynching.

Fair play for one and all what is wrong with this logic?

All have a good weekend

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we have yet to see any of maral patients hit the year mark to see if the initial results look anything like the final result. a LOT of HT's look great immediate after but that doesn't tell anyone chit!


if after a year all the results posted look great then the techs working there shud open up their own clinic cause the work performed aint by the doctor.


there are some plastic surgery clinics that have actual DOCTORS who went to MEDICAL school in training perform surgeries as a resident on patients. thats a real scam too but imagine going to have a face-lift and having some tech working there perform ur face-lift! would you be OK with that? I highly doubt it! or are you under the impression that a HT is not an elective surgical procedure?


and I can assure u the Maral clinic will NEVER be considered here for recommendation. one of the small details that this forum requires when a doctor is being recommended is that the doctor being recommended is the one actually performing the HT's. or maybe ur thinking the techs will become recommended?:rolleyes:


We all know the facts about marals clinic.

If people were creating new threads attacking a recommended clinic in each and everyone one of their posts there would be uproar.

If you don't agree with the way marals clinic operates you don't have to go there for a ht but you don't need to attack it either.

Busa you the same as everyone is perfectly entitled to your own opinions but do you not also believe in fair play?

For all you know you may well be helping a clinic that may treat their patients a lot worse than maral does his.Apart from one all of marals seem to be happy and were is the harm in that?

Do you know who charlyboy is ?

If the maral clinic is considered for recommendation we can all have are say on the results provided but it seems some people or even clinics do not want it to get to that stage.

Everyone deserves a fair trial not a lynching.

Fair play for one and all what is wrong with this logic?

All have a good weekend

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Good evening Bus a I hope your well.

As far as I know the clinic is being considered for recommendation now if it ever does is a different story.

Everyone starts by doing something for the first time.

I would rather entrust my ht to a tech with vast experience than a Dr with very little but each to their own.

And if you look through the many maral patients threads several are now over 12 months.

Like I said are you a believer in fair play? Just because you don't believe in something does not mean to say others shouldn't.

Do you believe that fut or fue is better.are you christian. Muslim. Gay straight.we are all individuals with our own free will you might not agree with it but there's no need to shout it down

Live and let live.

You have a nice weekend.

Edited by 1966kph
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What 1966kph keeps deliberately ignoring is the behavior of Maral Klinik - promotional behavior despite not being a recommended clinic - posting threads to promote "Mikromotor FUE", posting patient photos, and finally lying about the procedure and the involvement of Dr. Maral. Only after being questioned did they acknowledge that it is a technician driven procedure where the doctor may not even supervise the operation and can leave early to go home. You say that everybody knows that it is a "technician-driven" but earlier, even Bill the moderator did not know this. So it was not clear at all until brought to light.


Finally the clinic representative clearly stated that they have no interest in being recommended here. And yet they post...


You keep talking about "fair play" but you deliberately ignore what Maral Klinik is doing.

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1966kph who are you? you say you are not on Maral Clinics payroll and yet ignoring all the facts and trying to promote Maral Clinic.

Allow me to make a list.


A. Maral has never performed any operation on anyone on this forum. I asked him why he doesn't operate himself but MirkoFUE is ignoring my question.

B. Why posting detailed information when no one has asked for it. And lets not forget ignoring moderators warning and forum's rules.

C. Why the aggression in your replies when someone is criticising Maral Clinic

D. I think you have more than 15 forum accounts promoting and bringing the posts to the top. Everyone can see that.

E. I personally think this clinic should not be listed as a recommended clinic since the doctor himself is not operating and techs are performing the whole from a2z.


Important question: Do you inform your patients that you will not operate on them at all and techs are doing the a2z before they come to your clinic? please answer this. If you did then can someone please post a screenshot of such reply?


I hope the moderators have seen my last post and the request to delete MirkoFUE posts on listed threads. I really feel for the ht clinics when Maral's posts leaves no room on the front page and ignoring forum's rules. This must be addressed as soon as possible.

All have a good weekend

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Who are you charlyboy.

7 posts all having ago at one clinic.

One thing is for sure and that you are not a hair loss sufferer looking for answers or advice but with a agenda to try and discredit the maral clinic EVERYONE can see this.Who are you or should i just call you k?

Why are you atacking one clinic ?

Even the haters of this clinic know you are a fraud with some alterior motive.

You start a thread to stir up trouble when it has all just been answered.

You want to know anything about this clinic read through the forum its all there.Oh yeah your objective is not to find answers but to cause trouble.

Good evening ko.

I have never ignored a legitimate point being directed at the clinic and if you go through my post history I think you will find that I have actually asked the clinic to clarify certain points.

The clinic definitely pushed its luck posting up results but I think there may of been a bit of misunderstanding with what bill had said to the clinic.

I have not defended the clinic but always try to see both sides of the argument from broth sides.

Many people will not agree with the way this clinic operates which is completely acceptable.But when people such as yourself come and say that you are actively discouraging people from going to maral clinic this is hardly being democratic is it?

Unlike many people here I am prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to the clinic and weigh up each result on its merits not on the way it reached the result.

This is like me going on all the FUT threads and disagree with the majority just because i think fue is the better procedure.

Its pointless and selfish not to let the clinic and its patients be heard.

But because you don't agree with me you totally ignore the fact you are being bias with no impartiality.

You've said the same things over and over with nothing new being said its old news.

Please point me to anyone of marals patients or should I say victims that you didn't manage to save from him that is unhappy with their results and regret going to him.

That's right as far as I am aware there is one and we all know even the best have poor results.

Who are you trying to save? More idiots from making a stupid decision to go to marals clinic?

If this is the case you are calling all patients of maral idiots is this what your saying?

All have a nice weekend

Edited by 1966kph
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no one gives rats ass who is gay str8 muslim or watevr. once again let me clarify for you NO doctor will be recommended here or anywhere else when techs perform HT's vs. doctors.


u can entrust a tech with ur HT is u want and if the doctor has no experience then he shud not be opening up a clinic. this isn't brain surgery. well, maybe it is for u but for the the rest of us with common sense wen we go to a clinic for a HT we expect the doctors who owns the clinic to actually perform the HT.


if ppl are dumb enough to be suckered into his pricing to be treated by some tech with zero medical training then they need to get their head examined.


Good evening Bus a I hope your well.

As far as I know the clinic is being considered for recommendation now if it ever does is a different story.

Everyone starts by doing something for the first time.

I would rather entrust my ht to a tech with vast experience than a Dr with very little but each to their own.

And if you look through the many maral patients threads several are now over 12 months.

Like I said are you a believer in fair play? Just because you don't believe in something does not mean to say others shouldn't.

Do you believe that fut or fue is better.are you christian. Muslim. Gay straight.we are all individuals with our own free will you might not agree with it but there's no need to shout it down

Live and let live.

You have a nice weekend.

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Your opinion which you are entitled to.

You have not been elected as some kind of spokesman have you? as in your above post you seem to think you are speaking on everyone else's behalf: quote ( the rest of us )

So just to get it straight here you are saying or rather calling marals patients idiots?

That is what your saying?They lack intelligence or common sense?

And you can try and clarify all you want but your wrong as future ht doc has stated the people who make the decision are already looking at the possible recommendation of tech led clinics.

Your insistance does not strengthen your augument neither does being incorrect or your insults.

Rather than offer people the choice to choose by their own free will you and others think they should not have the choice.

I'm not going to tell anyone to do anything and I expect the same in return.

Individual choice.

You have a nice day

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well, maybe if u keep telln urself that long enough u might actually start to believe ur own BS!


Your opinion which you are entitled to.

You have not been elected as some kind of spokesman have you? as in your above post you seem to think you are speaking on everyone else's behalf: quote ( the rest of us )

So just to get it straight here you are saying or rather calling marals patients idiots?

That is what your saying?They lack intelligence or common sense?

And you can try and clarify all you want but your wrong as future ht doc has stated the people who make the decision are already looking at the possible recommendation of tech led clinics.

Your insistance does not strengthen your augument neither does being incorrect or your insults.

Rather than offer people the choice to choose by their own free will you and others think they should not have the choice.

I'm not going to tell anyone to do anything and I expect the same in return.

Individual choice.

You have a nice day

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Good evening busa I hope you are well.

Please elaborate what do you determine to be BS ?

If its the point that marals clinic is not being considered for potential recommendations both bill and future doc have both stated it is happening.

Now whether it is remains to be seen and to be honest I am not bothered one way or the other so long as it gets a fair hearing before this community so they can pass final judgement.

That has been my whole point behind all my posts regarding this very controversial clinic..

You have a nice day

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To clarify:


Bill discussed the issue with Pat (the publisher of the network). They decided that results are what matter most in the end. They are okay with the process if a physician is closely supervising.


Bill did, however, publicly state his concerns about this type of practice model. Dave (TakingThePlunge) and I have as well.


Bill and Dr. Maral are discussing officially sharing cases for potential recommendation now. Nothing is finalized at the moment.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Important question: Do you inform your patients that you will not operate on them at all and techs are doing the a2z before they come to your clinic? please answer this. If you did then can someone please post a screenshot of such reply?



Proof (original mailings between the patient and Dr. Maral) has been sent to the moderators..


Patient asked?

What is the name of the surgeon doing the procedure?

Is it possible to have a large number of follicles (4000?)


Dr. Maral replied:

The operation will be done by my professional team under my supervision,

4000 - 5000 grafts possible but depends on your donor areas capacity.

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Good day all plebeians, some info for you,


I'm just a man from England but I keep smelling rats....

Rahal's practice, and multiple surgeries on the same day, doctor attending other surgeries, all technician extractions and implantation's, new faces, new-training technicians.....

It is known that this practice is common for all recommended/coalition physicians and those physicians are mostly not plastic surgeons. I think Maral deserves membership more than the others. I experienced him and his team, his practice and ask this to KO, BUSA, Charlie; did you have any experience with Maral and his team? If not, please give it a rest, you are just repeating yourself you are really showing your prejudice and becoming unsavory - your input is looking decidedly biased.


1st FUE:

-most extractions were done by a lead technician, who was very new to FUE extractions/learning, some were done by the doctor. Doctor was also attending other surgeries.

-the Harris SAFE punch system motorized tool was used.

.8mm punches were used, some at .9mm supposadly

-doctor made incisions

-2 technicians placed grafts (one technician was new to Dr. Rahal's clinic from US, white) and one was an older Asian lady

-1 other new technician was holding, passing grafts to these other techs, rising the operating table chair, up and down and positioning.

-more than one surgery was going on

-clinic was small to mid size , 2 - or maybe 3 operating rooms?


2nd FUE Repair

-the same lead tech from first procedure was extracting my grafts about 60% and doctor did the rest. this time he did seem to be more confident, needing no instruction. doctor again was attending to other surgeries.

-the same FUE motorized extraction tool was used, .8mm punch sizes used as confirmed by clinic (like last time)

-doctor made incisions

-for recipient graft placement, did not see same new white technician from US from last time, other then the two Asian ones, and another newer face from last time,

-the younger Asian one that rose my chair up and down last procedure seemed to be partaking in surgeries now

-this clinic is a lot bigger, more than 3 operating rooms, a lot more techs working there, some newer faces.

-more than one procedure going on same time as mine

-definitly less backbreaking for me as I didnt have to be in the chair for such a long time, but again this is a streneous procedure to go through

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I am interested to know

A. Why Dr Maral is not operating himself on any patient?



There are a lot of reasons for that, and all related to the patients' own good and benefit.


One of the reason from about one hundred reasons is that;


Do not compare HT with heart surgery, this is unwarranted insult to Cardiovascular Surgeons. You can compare HT with small nevus or skin tag excisions. Dr. Maral, as a plastic surgeon and microvascular surgeon, is capable of performing finger and extremity replantations and free flap transfers by microvascular surgery. He knows what is useful and better for his patients.


Ve, Kapalicarsida 1 milyon dolara satılan halıları koylu kızlarının koylerinde dokuduğunu biliyorsun, değil mi? Bu da 2. sebep senin icin.


No worriness, Charly knows Turkish, the others may use Translator.

Edited by MikroFUE

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Now you are going to any of Rahal's thread and asking him, if he provide this information -the extraction is done by new, learning technicians- to his potential patients?


Note also, 3000 grafts HT is small procedure in Maral Klinik not a large one. Beginner clinics can just do 1000-1500 grafts transfer in one day, Maral Klinik passed this learning curve years ago.


If you post something here or to this forum without asking this, I will resign from my job, Maral Klinik representative, and you and your boss will be my main business. Maral phoned your boss as you know.


You can be sure that there is no new, training technician in Maral Klinik, all are professionals, all have huge experience and spesific talents, more information about this has been already provided to forum moderators by Dr. Maral.

Edited by MikroFUE

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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Thanks guys I thought I was all alone here.

This is my point.

I had been away from the forum for a while and when I came for a browse the attacks on this clinic really got to me.

The only reason I think nothing has been done is maybe because future doc and taking the plunge do not support the way marals clinic operates.

Charlyboys posts have all been related to damaging the maral clinic.

This was pointed out but as far as I am aware no moderater has investigated it.

The hate shown to this clinic should be investigated in my opinion.

Maybe one day we can get back were this forum is a caring community and not a place for clinic wars.

All have a good week

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Finally the clinic representative clearly stated that they have no interest in being recommended here. And yet they post...





I want to correct one misunderstanding and you also changed the words changing the meaning.


I said / meant that we did not apply for membership, (since we know all-technicians hand-on procedures may prevent this) but if the moderators propose for that, we are very eager to become a recommended clinic, even if we can ride the bench. (see BUSA'S comment)

I am the marketing representative of Maral Hair Transplant and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Klinik in Istanbul, Turkey.

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