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First HT -please reply


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Wow, I wish I found this sight a long time ago! I've gotten so many questions answered already. I am female and it's been 8 months since my HT. I feel like I have less hair now than before, but I guess I could be suffering from the "shock" that I've been reading about. I'm worried about having another transplant in fear of losing more. I didn't go back at the 5 month mark because I couldn't see any results.

So this is normal? I just got back from the doc and he says I've got all kinds of new growth, but I think it's just the stuff he cut, growing back. Plus, what has grown out has some gray in it. The donor area has never been gray, so it wouldn't grow in the transplanted area gray, right!!!???

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  • Regular Member

Wow, I wish I found this sight a long time ago! I've gotten so many questions answered already. I am female and it's been 8 months since my HT. I feel like I have less hair now than before, but I guess I could be suffering from the "shock" that I've been reading about. I'm worried about having another transplant in fear of losing more. I didn't go back at the 5 month mark because I couldn't see any results.

So this is normal? I just got back from the doc and he says I've got all kinds of new growth, but I think it's just the stuff he cut, growing back. Plus, what has grown out has some gray in it. The donor area has never been gray, so it wouldn't grow in the transplanted area gray, right!!!???

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At 8 months, I would guess that you would have pretty significant new growth - somewhere around 80%.


Who was your HT doctor? How many graphs did you get and where? What meds are you taking? Did you take any before pics to compare yourself to? Does anyone else know that you had the procedure done so they can look at your before pic and your present state and give you an objective opinion? If not, Post your pictures on here(blur your face if you like) and there will be many glad to give an opnion.


Good Luck, JC



Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Dr. Elliot of Elliot and True, Newport Beach.

I had about 950 grafts all over top of head, though if I had known better I would have opted for just crown and front area. I had "enough" in the middle but he cut it to within 1/4 inch during transplant. Some of that fell out and came back and he's trying to tell me that's the new growth. If it were, why is it coming in somewhat gray and why didn't I get that kind of growth on crown and front area where there really were bald spots in the first place. A couple of the "before" pictures they took actually look like they were touched up to make it look like I had even less hair. I am so skeptical now.

I am not on any meds (I guess that's only for men, except the MSM? which I would like to know more about).

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with such small amount of grafts, it would be really hard to tell.

Do you have any pictures?

From your own take of course.

I also would like to see their pictures, I maybe able to tell if they were touched up..


There really is no answer from any of us, until we can see something to look at. But we are here to help and give our input.

Good Luck!!

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Sounds like with your short haircut, your grafts should be more noticable. At 8 months you should have at least 50% growth, sometimes it takes 12-18 months for 100% growth. Dr. Elliot is not one of the more advance docs. I've had experience with his clinic 15 yrs ago with his partner at the time DR. McClenion. THis was before he claimed Bankruptcy-- yes he BK his hairmill in the early 90's. It was called Thomas Elliott/ That says something.

I'm sure your result will be fine. If your not satified you still can go to a top notch surgeon like the ones mentioned on this site for "fill in" work.

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See if you can post some copies of your pics (with your face blurred or blocked is fine).


The clinic should be able to supply copies of your pics to you, and you are entitled to have copies of your own pics. I am especially curious to see the pics that you think may have been retouched, if that is possible.


950 grafts is not a lot of grafts, especially spread out over a large area. I wonder what the logic was, for doing a small number of grafts and distributing them over a large area.

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I had an HT will Dr. Elliott back in October of 99 and consulted him before having my second HT about a month ago. I did not go back to Dr. Elliott for a number of reasons.


I hope you are happy with your results. If you would like to know more about my experience, please let me know. I'll be happy to share/advise.



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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by arfy:

See if you can post some copies of your pics


I am especially curious to see the pics that you think may have been retouched, if that is possible.



You would need to have seen what my hair really looked like before to tell if the pics were accurate, unfortunately.

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I just called Elliots office to try and get the pics emailed. They said they don't have them on the computer anymore so I would have to scan copies to get them digital again... wouldn't come out too well.

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