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.....but thought I would try it anyway. I've been browsing through the forums tonight, and haven't found much on my problem.


First things first, I'm a female. And I'm only 22. This past year my hair has been falling out at a rediculous rate. Its at the point right now that the few times I leave the house, I cover my head. Its emberassing and I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.


I've had long, dark hair my whole life. This makes no sense. I wish I knew how to post pics, you'd understand what I'm talking about. The last time I went to a beautician she said she'd never seen a head of hair like mine, and that there wasn't any hope for it (and asked me if I'd ever had it in tight braids before...nope). Not only is it thin all over now, but I'm developing a scary looking witches peak and the sides/front of my hair are receding before my eyes....definitely doesn't help that my hair is dark either.


I don't understand this!! I see all the gals my age with gorgeous, full heads of hair and its really depressing (I can't help but wonder what people think when they see a young, "balding" female). I tried using Progaine but that didn't work (not sure if Rogaine would work, and its horribly expensive). I don't know what else to do.


So maybe I'm in the wrong place, if this is mainly for male hair loss. If so, please just disregard my message. Wanted to introduce myself and was hoping to see if anyone had any clues or suggestions on what could be going on.



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.....but thought I would try it anyway. I've been browsing through the forums tonight, and haven't found much on my problem.


First things first, I'm a female. And I'm only 22. This past year my hair has been falling out at a rediculous rate. Its at the point right now that the few times I leave the house, I cover my head. Its emberassing and I don't know if there's anything I can do about it.


I've had long, dark hair my whole life. This makes no sense. I wish I knew how to post pics, you'd understand what I'm talking about. The last time I went to a beautician she said she'd never seen a head of hair like mine, and that there wasn't any hope for it (and asked me if I'd ever had it in tight braids before...nope). Not only is it thin all over now, but I'm developing a scary looking witches peak and the sides/front of my hair are receding before my eyes....definitely doesn't help that my hair is dark either.


I don't understand this!! I see all the gals my age with gorgeous, full heads of hair and its really depressing (I can't help but wonder what people think when they see a young, "balding" female). I tried using Progaine but that didn't work (not sure if Rogaine would work, and its horribly expensive). I don't know what else to do.


So maybe I'm in the wrong place, if this is mainly for male hair loss. If so, please just disregard my message. Wanted to introduce myself and was hoping to see if anyone had any clues or suggestions on what could be going on.



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  • Senior Member



Though this is a "male-dominated" affliction, there have been many female posters here. First of all, welcome to the forums.


Second, to find other posts about female hair loss, utilize the forums "search" function to use keywords. This can be found under the "New" button at the top of your screen.


Next, I would like to direct you to our Hair Loss Learning Center. Here, you can find out about different causes for hair loss in women and different solutions. Simply follow the links below:


Hair Loss Why?


Hair Loss in Women


Gender and Hair Loss




Minoxidil is the medicinal name for Rogaine. The generic versions are just as potent and can cost as much as 2/3 less than brand-name Rogaine.


My first bit of advise for you is to contact a dermatologist that is familiar with female hair loss and its causes and treatments.


There can be many causes of hair loss from sudden, large stress factors to diet. I am very sorry to hear of your affliction. Though I cannot pretend to know exactly what you are going through as a thinning 22 year old woman, I do know what it is like to lose hair at a very young age. This is what these forums are for, to learn and share experiences.


Best of luck to you!





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Hi Tara22,


Welcome to the HTN forum! The very first thing to have done is a complete bloodwork evaluation. It is possible that your hairloss may be attributable to a condition that is not genetically related . The results of your bloodwork should determine the cause of your hairloss, but be sure you see a derm who is experienced in treating hairloss. The whole idea is to rule out the other possible causes.


Is there any family history of hairloss either on your maternal or paternal side of the family? Did your mother, aunts, grandparents, etc have hairloss? What about siblings? Do you know if your loss is taking on a pattern such as the Ludwig pattern for females? You also mentioned some frontal recession, any female family members with this same pattern?


I see you live in Virginia and I have an office in McLean if that is convenient to you at no charge. If you like, you can e-mail your photos to me as well. I can offer you my opinion based on my observations, but since I am not a doctor, it is only my observations, no diagnoses of course. I can also e-mail you a list of the various tests that are done that you can take to your derm for screening. If you have health insurance, the tests should be covered including your trip to the derm. If you have an HMO, you will need a referral from your PCP to cover the visit to the derm.


Currently, only minoxidil is approved by the FDA for treating genetic hairloss in women. Best wishes to you.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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  • Senior Member

Yes, I woud recommend going to see your OBGYN and also a Dermatologist. Being female, it sounds like a "hormone" side effect resulting in a spike or decline of certain hormones. Whenever a woman has a baby-- the first 8-10 weeks after they usually loose a lot of hair due to the hormone inbalance. Also, if you have taken or changed birth control pills--this too can cause the side effect of hairloss. A lot of BC drugs have this side effect on many women.

Also, make sure your getting enough calcium zinc and vit. C,E in your diet.

If your dieting with a "all protein" diet--- make sure your getting at least 30% carbs and fatty acids (fatty acids can be taken by the pill as well). Many people when they diet-- especially low carb diet-- loose hair or hair thins.

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Hi Tara!


First of all, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting. I can understand your nerves about posting. I'm a male and I was already nervous about posting etc. I agree with everyone above to do the research, but I do know that from what I've researched that HTs have been done on females and done very successfully at that.


BUT, I would definately check with a few medical doctors before even thinking of this, just to make sure the hair loss is coming from something natural, etc...I know hair loss happens in women, I just know it's not as common, so it's important that you get checked out by an MD to make sure everything else is in good health. Once that is ruled out, start looking into this more. I hope all goes well and wish you luck and prayers!



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