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Finalized on HT Surgeon


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  • Regular Member

Heya fellas I'm just gonna say it outright here, this forum is just awesome for us balding lads out here. Surgeons, medications, motivations you all have been really great in keeping this forum alive, especially the 2 dudes who seem to be quite active in moderating the forums.

Anyhow coming to the point, I've finally decided to get under the knife and get myself a HT done. I've decided to get in done in India and sent my pics to most of the recognized docs out there. I've got varying replies to the number of grafts I'd require. Average grafts required = 3000 grafts (Norwood iv)

Long story short-----from looking into the threads here I've decided to choose Dr. Radha Rani for my HT surgery.

I'm looking for your views on this, have you come across anything that should make me change my mind about my chosen HT surgeon ?

Any comments on her hairline restoration techniques and work ?

I require 3000 grafts according to her, and thankfully all the grafts required are for my front region, I have decent growth on my crown.

Looking forward for your comments.


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  • Senior Member

Dr. Radha is an exceptional surgeon. I'm at 4 months and growth is remarkable, I was expecting to be where I am at 6-7 months not 4 months. Hairline design suits my face shape. Linear scar cant be seen on guard 3 cut. Hoping to do a guard 1 buzz at 12months to see how it looks.

There are cheaper options in india for HT, even fue is cheaper by some than Dr Radha. But cheaper is not always best esp when it comea down to low donor supply.


The reason why i went with Dr. Radha? Because she is a female surgeon. There are not many female anything in this world compared to males. The females who reach the top in their field work harder and smarter to get to where they are (this is a male dominanted world). Additionally females are nurturers by nature and less prone to male flaws like ego and greed.


All the best with your ht, whomever you go with.

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I wud reconsider that decision and look to go to Turkey and see Demsroy or Donagay who both perform FUE which means there is ZERO chance of ur linear scar stretching from FUT over time which is impossible to predict before the surgery.


her prices are so so. there are better options imo.


and as far as choosing a females surgeon over a male surgeon I wud say this... 99% of the TOP plastic surgeons and 100% of HT surgeons in the world are MALE.


if I was choosing one sex over another it wud surely be male over female but I don't really think that means chit but the fact is ALL of ur top HT surgeons are male. thats a FACT not an opinion.


HT females who reach the top of their felid which are NONE cause none are at the top of the HT field and don't work any harder then males. the males just seem to be more talented.


chit, even look at the top chefs around the world. their ALL male....

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