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HELP!! ADVICE & GUIDANCE NEEDED!! Losing hair at young age!!

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Helooo, im very much lost about rogaine/regaine and other factors about hairloss, i have several questions which i would be grateful if you could help me on, thanks!!.


BACKGROUND to myself:

I am aged 20 born in uk,

At first i noticed that the edges of my hairline was receding this was roughly around march/april 2013 i had just turned 19.

Since it has been progressively going backwards with some hair loss, i lose about 20 hairs each morning onto my hands.



Currently I only use nizoral 2% shampoo 1day on then 4days off repeat, reason for this is it is quite harsh on my scalp,

I would rather have the 1% but crnt seem to find it anywhere in the UK.


Boots in the uk sell a years supply of regaine for ?200 / $329,

This seems reasonable to me as its only half my weeks wages.

And i have already ordered it, does the price seem reasonable to you??btw iv ordered the foam at 5%minox.





1. To apply the regaine in the morning do i have to wash my hair every morning? And if so do i wash just with water or with nizoral?


2.When do i apply the 2nd application, i know its after 10hours or so, but can i apply it before bed?


3. Is there a minimum amount of time i must keep it on for?


4. Say i apply if at 9am then shower at 6pm, should i apply it after shower or before bed?


5. Where on my head/scalp do i apply it? All over the top of my head? Or crown and or front hairline area? and do i massage it into the scalp?


6. How do i balance regaine with nizoral, as mentioned i used nizoral 1day then take 4days off nizoral, so say on the day i use nizoral how would i go about it??


By this is mean should i use nizoral before 1st application? Or midday before 2application? Or after 3rd application?


7. Im 99% sure you can take nizoral when flying on a plane to another country, but just for asking has any been refused??


8. Is there a natural 2in1 shampoo and conditioner anyone recommends, to use if and when needed after a shower, also again same question in regards how would this be used in correlation to the Regaine??


9. I will be having a transplant when i slightly older around 24ish,

(certain areas filled in around side of hairline to bring it forward, not whole radical one if the regaine works).

So i ask just for the sake of knowing, would one still use regaine after the transplant? Maybe less frequently maybe once a day rather than twice?

I know it differs from people to people.


10. Also does regaine cause ageing on fave?? Have you experienced any negative changes on your face?


Thanks you i greatly appreciate you for reading this and replying, its really hard being 20 and losing hair.


I have posted pictures so you can get an idea.


I will keep this thread updated often on my progress using regaine.


Thank you!!




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>Boots in the uk sell a years supply of regaine for ?200 / $329,

This seems reasonable to me as its only half my weeks wages.

And i have already ordered it, does the price seem reasonable to you??btw iv ordered the foam at 5%minox.


You can get it on eBay a little cheaper than this. Also search Kirkland Foam which is a generic version.





1. To apply the regaine in the morning do i have to wash my hair every morning? And if so do i wash just with water or with nizoral?


Just wash with a normal everyday shampoo.


2.When do i apply the 2nd application, i know its after 10hours or so, but can i apply it before bed?


Yes, before bed is fine. To be honest I only use it once a day (at night), as it just doesn't fit into my routine using it twice. You may want to consider that as well.


3. Is there a minimum amount of time i must keep it on for?


They say 4 hours minimum


4. Say i apply if at 9am then shower at 6pm, should i apply it after shower or before bed?


If you want to apply twice a day then that would be fine.


5. Where on my head/scalp do i apply it? All over the top of my head? Or crown and or front hairline area? and do i massage it into the scalp?


All thinning areas but try not to be wasteful. It was found in clinical trials to work best in the Crown but can sometimes work well in the hairline.


A small amount of massage is required to ensure a decent contact with the scalp.


6. How do i balance regaine with nizoral, as mentioned i used nizoral 1day then take 4days off nizoral, so say on the day i use nizoral how would i go about it??


You don't have to do anything different compared to when you use a daily shampoo, just don't use nizoral more than twice a week.



7. Im 99% sure you can take nizoral when flying on a plane to another country, but just for asking has any been refused??


Never heard of this.


8. Is there a natural 2in1 shampoo and conditioner anyone recommends, to use if and when needed after a shower, also again same question in regards how would this be used in correlation to the Regaine??


Wash hair daily and dry, then apply regain. I use a tresemme brand.


9. I will be having a transplant when i slightly older around 24ish,

(certain areas filled in around side of hairline to bring it forward, not whole radical one if the regaine works).

So i ask just for the sake of knowing, would one still use regaine after the transplant? Maybe less frequently maybe once a day rather than twice?

I know it differs from people to people.


If it turns out to be effective it is a lifelong commitment. However, anecdotally some claim it loses effectiveness after 5 years. You really need to consider taking Propecia (Finasteride) in combination with it.


10. Also does regaine cause ageing on fave?? Have you experienced any negative changes on your face?


I have not but have read that some do.


>Thanks you i greatly appreciate you for reading this and replying, its really hard being 20 and losing hair.


I'd really think about getting a prescription for propecia...

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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thanks for your reply pal,


i would be open to propecia but my previous medical history means it would be a risk due to the potential side effects.


you mention washing hair daily then dry and apply regaine,

can i just normal wash my hair with water rather than shampoo everyday or would this make the minox less effective??


in my mind i had a regime of something like this


*Regaine/Minox 2wice a day:

-Morning and before bed preferably, if not possible on somedays then atleast 8 hours apart.

-mildy wet hair with only water then dry and apply 10 later.


*Nizoral 2% 1day on-5day off/ 1once a week:

-When using, use before 1st application of minox, apply minox 10mins after nizoral.


*Little Extras/Others:

-Natural 2in1 shampoo and coniditoner use when needed

-Multivitamin once per day (i take this anyway)

-Hair skin and nails tablet once a day

-Cut hair to suit

-Dry hair softly


any recommendations pal?



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It would be better to shampoo daily as water may not be enough to wash out the residue from the last application of regaine.


There is no correlation between shampooing and genetic hair loss.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Buddy, you are nowhere near hair transplant ready. You have too much hair. In fact I think you look like Neymar:


Does your family have a history of male pattern hair loss? If so, then you should consider taking finasteride....do not rush into this however.



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i would be open to propecia but my previous medical history means it would be a risk due to the potential side effects.



I was like you in respect to my loss at 19, and like you are planning, I had an HT at 24 (strip).


Unlike you, I didn't cope in terms of hairstyle. You have a strong hairstyle. I tried to splay the hair forward. You look just fine, albeit older than 19.


To be frank, I wouldn't invest too much hope in Minox preventing further loss and I also suggest going easy on the Nizoral. I am certain I just roasted my dying hairs with that stuff by too much use.


But the reason I am writing is because I thought about fin (Propecia). I don't know how effective it is for the forehead, but it certainly helps with the crown and sooner or later, I guess you will be dealing with that, unless you are one of those rare breeds that just loses a bit up front then stabilizes. Are you sure you don't want to mess with Propecia? Just saying, because I think more loss is inevitable. Even so, judging by your hairstyle, you are handling it in grand style o far.

good luck

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It would be better to shampoo daily as water may not be enough to wash out the residue from the last application of regaine.


There is no correlation between shampooing and genetic hair loss.


Yeah makes sense i guess, will do but using a mild amount,

Now to find a good natural 2in1 shampoo & conditioner .....

Also can i ask when applying the minox do you apply to just scalp, or scalp and hair??

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I was like you in respect to my loss at 19, and like you are planning, I had an HT at 24 (strip).


Unlike you, I didn't cope in terms of hairstyle. You have a strong hairstyle. I tried to splay the hair forward. You look just fine, albeit older than 19.


To be frank, I wouldn't invest too much hope in Minox preventing further loss and I also suggest going easy on the Nizoral. I am certain I just roasted my dying hairs with that stuff by too much use.


But the reason I am writing is because I thought about fin (Propecia). I don't know how effective it is for the forehead, but it certainly helps with the crown and sooner or later, I guess you will be dealing with that, unless you are one of those rare breeds that just loses a bit up front then stabilizes. Are you sure you don't want to mess with Propecia? Just saying, because I think more loss is inevitable. Even so, judging by your hairstyle, you are handling it in grand style o far.

good luck


Yeah think you may be right on the nizoral it is quite harsh, so best to stick to once a week i guess.


I would consider propecia but having spoken to my doctor he advised against it, as i both my kidneys nearly failed when i was 4.


Thanks, yeah i guess i hide it well, the 1st two pics are with me moving my hair to show the areas affected, the last pic is how i have it and no1 has mentioned that its receding, unless iv told them and moved the to show them.

Im 20 and 6 months so hopefully i can drag it out longer.


In terms of hairstyle, those pics my sides and back are longer than usual and my top hair is also shorter,

I usually get: 0.2 to 0.3 on the sides and back with a low fade, and just leave the top long, also leaving the all front head hairline untouched.



Iv added some more pics of how it looks after a hair cut, 1st pic if 14 weeks ago, 2nd is 9weeks ago


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Yeah makes sense i guess, will do but using a mild amount,

Now to find a good natural 2in1 shampoo & conditioner .....

Also can i ask when applying the minox do you apply to just scalp, or scalp and hair??


It only works by absorption through the scalp but inevitably some gets stuck on your hair.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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