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1500 grafts dr hasson second surgery


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Hey guys, Just yesterday I had gone in for my second procedure at H&W. I was initially a repair patient coming from a clinic that butchered me and basically ruined my life. Dr. Hasson promised to take me back to the promise land on jan 31st 2013, and OH HE DID. We had planned for 4,000 graft but were only able to get 3100 grafts from mid scalp to frontal area..

fast forward 7 months later... my life completely turned around :) I Now just had 1200 grafts as a cherry on top in the frontal area and hairline. my crown area is still extremely full and healthy so I'm not too concerned about that. whatever donor hair that i do have left will be used there.. but that should be many years from now. If anyone would like to see my before and afters, just request and i will be sure to post. swell as any help or info regarding transplants in general.. i would be happy to assist anyone with the knowledge I've gained throughout this journey of mine in life


update: pics posted

these are between the time i came in for my first surgery and when i came in PRE-op of the second (to the point of the shave down prior to going in to start transplant #2)







Edited by MoMo542
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Yeah I have some commitments back at home so I couldn't stay the extra day. Doctor hasson tried to convince me to stay one more day but I just couldn't. It's ok though. I feel great. No pain or anything.

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Congratulations on your recent second surgery with Dr Hasson really pleased to hear everything went well. It would be great if you can keep the forum updated with your progress and some pics would be great to see.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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hey guys, i just thought id post my previous results from the day i went in as a repair patient to the results i had showed Hasson and wong when i went in for my second op. they took some pics of my hair before we shaved it for the second procedure. i also managed to get a pic of my frontal area shaved again just before the 2nd surgery so you guys can see the difference between pre surgery with h&W to how far I've come along already.

btw, the first procedure was a year and a few months ago. it was a total of 3053 grafts.

note: I will post my results on this second procedure as time goes by.. anyway, here we are


btw, id like to mention I'm surprised at home great my recovery has been. ZERO pain, all i have to deal with is a half shaved head lol. Once my hair grows back i should be back to normal







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Great to see you at the clinic the week before last. What a big difference from your previous trip ! I'm happy for you the improvement has been so dramatic. The shaved down pics really tell the story, if the ht surgery is not done right it really shows in these. You can't hide the work with creative styling or photos. Nice comparison. Looking forward to hearing from you in the future.

I am a salaried employee of Hasson and Wong since 2001. Opinions expressed are my own.


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Sounds good. I think you'll have a much better few months waiting for the hair to come in this time as you've got all that hair from your last procedure with Dr.Hasson you didn't have the first time. You should be looking pretty good from here on until the new ones start to appear. Keep us posted.

I am a salaried employee of Hasson and Wong since 2001. Opinions expressed are my own.


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