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Dr. Arocha- 2 Years POST FUT 3100

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35 year old man with AGA desiring to start hair restoration of the hairline and frontal area. He underwent a 3100+ FUT procedure and the after photos are taken at over 2 years post hair transplant. Patient's crown also seems to be responding to medical regiment.


For more Photos Please visit : http://www.arochahairrestoration.com/en/photos/albums/v/114


























Edited by ArochaInfo

Employed by Dr. Bernard Arocha. Dr. Arocha is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Looks good, just a little confused as to why the pre-operative shots and the immediate post-operative shots show a contrast in hair length? The immediate post operative shot shows longer hair all around whilst the pre-operative shots contain very short hair and make the balding look far worse than what it really was.

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Are a little upset at Arocha Hair Restoration? I have read a couple of post on here where your comments have been a little mean spirited. I think that the first pictures really give you a good idea of the areas where the patient was balding. Not quite sure what you could be confused about?


I think that these are outstanding results. You can really see the areas that have grown in with the close -ups.


Hey there. Read my other posts. You will find that I call out ALL surgeons when the before and afters are not comparable. How can you compare the patient with a zero-grade buzz in the before shot, to the fully grown out result 12 months post-operative? The clinic obviously took the shaved head shots some time prior to the actual surgery because the immediate post-op shot shows the hair grown out. This is deceptive because on the day of the surgery, his hair was longer and photos WERE taken(as seen in the immediate post-operative shots) but the clinic choose to post pictures with the hair shaved(which were taken weeks prior, unless the patient has the ability to grow hair at an insanely inhuman rate) in order to accentuate the difference.


Here I call out Dr Lindsey for showing poor documentation with the hairline and areas worked on completely hidden. I must have had surgery with Lindsey and am upset with him and have an agenda:




Here I call out Dr Erdogan for wetting the patient's hair pre-operative. I guess I must have had surgery with Erdogan and am upset with him and have an agenda:




Here I call out Dr Vogel for wetting the patient's hair pre-operative. I guess I must have had surgery with Vogel and am upset with him and have an agenda:




Here I call out Dr Alfonso for what I perceive to be a sub-par result. I guess I must have had surgery with Alfonso and am upset and have an agenda:




Here I call out Dr Feller for operating on a 20 year old norwood 2.5. I guess I must have had surgery with Feller and am upset with him and have an agenda:




I think you see my point. I don't kiss-ass. If a result is not good. I say it. If a result is spectacular, I say it. If I see something that is deceptive, I call it out.


Here are examples of me praising surgeon results, all within the same timeframe as the above threads:












So I must have had surgery with all these surgeons and have an agenda then? All 5 of your posts seem to be praising Dr Arocha, yet I do not suspect you have having an agenda. From reading your profile I do believe you are a sincere forum member who is looking to solve/rectify her hair situation, just like many of us. I really do with you all the very best on your endevor and wish you an amazing result, whomever you decide to go with.

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I have to agree with Mickey85 on this one.


The presentation by the large majority of clinics is not good enough in my opinion. It can be misleading, inaccurate and there is absolutely no excuse for not doing it.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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I have to agree with Mickey85 on this one.


The presentation by the large majority of clinics is not good enough in my opinion. It can be misleading, inaccurate and there is absolutely no excuse for not doing it.


Thanks Chris. I know you say this because you are a logical and analytical guy. I'm glad there are guys like you, Rootz and a few others who are questioning things.

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You clearly have too much time on your hands. I agree with you and think that their are bad hair surgeons out there that really are using deceptive tactics to get patients, but I really don't think that this is the case here. I don't think that Dr. Arocha being is deceptive at all by posting these photos. You can clearly see the areas of the hair that Dr. Arocha worked on in the pics with the shaved head. It is not as if he is telling you that the man grew hair all over his head because he had a hair transplant done at Arocha's clinic. If anything you get a clearer picture of the areas he worked in the pics with the shaved head.



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I will stick to getting advise from actual Doctors and since I have a job, family and kids there are far more important things for me to do than look at this website all day and look for Doctors to criticize.


And yet here you are, taking pot shots at a forum member you have never met before. I feel special :) Nawwwwwww :)

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Good afternoon Inneedsomehair, Petefromfarjo, Mickey85, Chrisdav and LondonHT,


Thank you for taking the time to post your comments. We really appreciate the fact that you enjoyed our results. I am always very excited and happy when I see our patient’s "After" results. It really means a lot to see that such educated and well informed members of this community take time to view our work. We truly have a passion for hair restoration at Arocha Hair Restoration. We take our business very seriously. Our only goal is to help to improve the lives of our patients. We are not in the business of deception. We have results that speak for themselves. I make sure every photo is documented and zoomed in for you the viewer to make a complete assessment of our work.


Mickey85- I encourage you to click on the hyperlink at the top of this post. That link will take you to an album with the additional views that you were looking for. Also feel free to visit our Google+ page at:google.com/+ArochaHairRestorationHouston for additional views.


I hope this clears up any confusion gentleman. Have a nice weekend.



Employed by Dr. Bernard Arocha. Dr. Arocha is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Cece, with all due respect, that hyperlink in the original post was edited(yesterday at 06.09PM) in after my concern was raised. Prior to that, there was only one photo of the patient with his hair grown out before his 12 month fruition shot. So the clinic did take photos of the patient on the day of the operation before surgery but you guys did not put them up, instead you choose the shots taken from weeks prior with the patients head shaved down to a zero(or close) which to me, does not make for an honest comparison. I did say the result was good(and it does), but please, let us compare apples with apples, especially if you do have the photographic documentation for it. If the patient came in on the day of the operation with a zero-grade buzz cut, fine, there is nothing you guys can do about it. But that was not the case here.

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