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Im back 8 years later HT #2


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HT was performed July 22 by Dr. Paul Shapiro. Not a lot has changed. They have a shock thing that makes the shots barley hurt and lots of movies to watch. Its still hard sitting in a chair all day. I had roughly 2754 grafts in the middle where i was thinning about 20cm, hoping for 40-45cm now.


I let them shave the top of my head.....it looks stupid, thankfully i work from home and can hide out. Last time they didnt cut my hair, i was back to the grind a week later. Ill have a odd haircut for a longer time this go around.


I went in for my first shampoo yesterday, all went well. Ive been spraying that stuff on my head every 1/2 hour....man it makes my head itch!! Cant wait to itch the top of my numb head, lol. I took 2 showers today, all went well.


I go in for a hair cut Monday, should be interesting.....I dont think they can fix this jacked up hair dew i got going on here. Gonna be a long 2 weeks.


glad to have it behind me, next goal get back to normal life.


ill try to post pics of pre op

day 1 and day 2

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  • Senior Member

Are you on fin. I'd like to see some pre and post ops too.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Welcome back Troy! Congrats on your latest hair transplant. I'm looking forward to some ics and hope you'll be documenting this latest procedure as you did the first one. Happy growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Ya I took pics each day, Ill try to post them this weekend.


I did use SMG last time too and document the who procedure for 12 months, not sure how to link it to this thread.


The vibrating think some how made the shots not hurt, I dont know what it was but its new.


Im not loving my crazy looking hair right now. Im going in for a hair cut Monday, hopefully it can be somewhat salvaged. I was hoping to pull this transplant off without anyone knowing other than my best friend who goes in for FUE next month.


Im excited for next week, I want to itch the top of my head....ive been tying my hands to my waist at night so I dont itch my head in my sleep, lol

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  • Senior Member

Checking in. Im now 6 weeks post op, half way until the fun stage :


2 questions,

Is shedding non trans planted hair located in the recipient area normal? Im much thinner now than pre op.


My head is really itchy in the recipient area, is this normal?


Im using rogain and finistride.

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