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Six months after second surgery with Dr Glenn Charles

Mark S

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It's been six months since my second surgery with Dr Charles on Sept 19, 2008. I had my second surgery just seven months after the first and experienced a lot of shock loss and pain in the donor area.


Dr Charles assured me everything would grow back and invited me to call him as often as needed "every day if necessary" if I was concerned about anything while waiting for the hair to grow.


I'm happy to report that all the lost hair has grown back. The new grafts have grown in too. I like my new look and I am glad I had the second surgery.


The donor scar was almost invisible seven months after the first surgery but is still very visible now if I look for it with a comb. Just a small problem in the big picture of things, just can't cut my hair too short.


I would recommend to anyone contemplating a second surgery to wait longer than I did. I know you guys would like to see pictures. I recently dropped my photo host site and am not set up yet to post pics. I'll see what I can do.

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It's been six months since my second surgery with Dr Charles on Sept 19, 2008. I had my second surgery just seven months after the first and experienced a lot of shock loss and pain in the donor area.


Dr Charles assured me everything would grow back and invited me to call him as often as needed "every day if necessary" if I was concerned about anything while waiting for the hair to grow.


I'm happy to report that all the lost hair has grown back. The new grafts have grown in too. I like my new look and I am glad I had the second surgery.


The donor scar was almost invisible seven months after the first surgery but is still very visible now if I look for it with a comb. Just a small problem in the big picture of things, just can't cut my hair too short.


I would recommend to anyone contemplating a second surgery to wait longer than I did. I know you guys would like to see pictures. I recently dropped my photo host site and am not set up yet to post pics. I'll see what I can do.

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Good for you Mark. Can you give some more specifics on both of your surgeries, such as graft count, shockloss, and ultimate % yields? Why are you glad that you went through with a second procedure?I ask because I just had surgery with Dr. Charles on 3-16 and I'm trying to get some realistic expectations for my future progress....Thanks again!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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Originally posted by used2beshaggy:

Good for you Mark. Can you give some more specifics on both of your surgeries, such as graft count, shockloss, and ultimate % yields? Why are you glad that you went through with a second procedure?I ask because I just had surgery with Dr. Charles on 3-16 and I'm trying to get some realistic expectations for my future progress....Thanks again!


I had a bit over 3000 grafts the first time and a bit less than 3000 the second time. The shock loss was almost none the first time but really bad the second time.(most of the hair from the first surgery fell out)


I don't know how you figure ultimate % yields.


I'm glad I went through the second surgery because my hair looks better now than before the second procedure. Although it doesn't look twice as good, more like 10-20% better. That's just the visual effect of going from really thin to not too bad (big visual effect after the first surgery) After the second surgery the hair line looks a bit denser and the hair looks a bit thicker. But it still doesn't look like a thick head of hair, that's just unrealistic. The point is I don't look balding anymore and I'm happy with that.


Your progress will depend on your specific situation. I would have been happy with just the first procedure but I had the money to make a good thing better so I did. Pound for pound I got a lot more improved visual effect out of the first procedure.


The second surgery was a lot more uncomfortable in the donor area. It has healed good now, but the scar is more visible when I look for it.

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Mark,when I talk about % yields, I mean to say how many transplanted hairs do you think ultimately grew? Sorry I wasn't more specific with my original inquiry. I had my hairline reinforced (have had a "mature" hairline from a fairly young age)but /i think one temple may wind up growing in thicker than the other one. I'm also concerned about density, as I am still a young guy at 24, but with above average donor and thorugh research in my favor, as well as finasteride. Glad to hear your procedures went well overall!

If you wanna scream, scream with me....

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