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Hi all,


Anyone had any experience of Gethair in Istanbul, Turkey? There prices seem to good to be true. Also they don't seem to have any before/after photos on their website.





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Wouldn`t go, actually one of the clinics I`d strongly warn you to go. Surgeon operating is Tayfun Oguzoglu. Guess they are also affiliated with the dubious Beautytravels24. Regarding this Oguzoglu figure, we had strong issues on the german forum alopezie.de with highly unethical advertisement, fake accounts, totally misleading or stolen pictures etc. Pretty heavy stuff actually.. I`ve seen patients totally destroyed, the whole donor wasted, no chance for a satisfying repair.


Why even wasting thoughts on this clinic when there really are very good surgeons with comparable prices, ethical behaviour, lots of great, own results presented in a proper manner, and patient reports and contacts available. In Turkey, for instance: Keser, Beyhan, Demirsoy, Doganay, Erdogan, Eser (and maybe a few others).

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Dear Questionmark,


I am the Country Manager of GetHair in UK.

I would like to write an answer in regards to your recent comments about us.


First of all, I want to stress that GetHair is not owned by any surgeon and completely a separate entity, established to offer FUE hair transplant operations mainly for clients from the UK.

I would like to emphasise neither GetHair nor Dr. Tayfun Oguzoglu had worked with the company called Beauty Travels24 in the past or present.


When I read your next sentences, regarding fake accounts, I was quite shocked. Just to be 100% sure, I have searched the entire alopezie.de forum and there are only two topics where Dr. Oguzoglu’ s name is mentioned. In the whole forum, only in “2” topics.

Saying he had unethical advertisements, fake accounts, stolen pictures therefore doesn’t make any sense at all, compared to the volume of topics in the forum.


Do you honestly believe a hair surgeon performing operations since 1996 (and ISHRS member since 1998) would upload 3-4 photos only and they will be fake?

You say you have seen many destroyed hairs and wasted donors. You weren’t a patient of Dr. Oguzoglu, didn’t even meet with him once. So where have you seen them? Online? Which website? Did the patients take their donor photos especially (instead of transplanted regions) and upload?


But I also agree with you at a point that, there are many fake accounts, or paid hitmen of some surgeons you mentioned here. Actually, this is one of the main reasons why we, as GetHair, stopped working with one of the surgeons you have written above, just because he asked us to create many accounts. As we believed this is utterly unfair for clients who suffer from hair loss, we refused and ended our partnership.


I find it very unfortunate of you saying; “why even wasting thoughts on this clinic”.

You did not benefit from any of our services, not even contacted us once about your hair loss problem. But you comment as you have a good knowledge about our operations and us. Did you know that we are the only clinic in Turkey which constantly receives testimonials on a 3rd party website, which we have no control over. This is how transparent we are.


Frankly speaking, your comment looks like an unethical advertisement of other surgeons over another, and totally misleading other genuine users here by disparaging about GetHair and Dr. Oguzoglu, with lack of enough opinion.

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thank you for your reply. At first: Please accept my apologies that I brought you in context to beautytravels24. I also wrote "I guess", I was not sure, but wrote out of my appearently errant memory, and I regret this neglectfulness. I had a quick search and I was wrong, sorry! I hence have to state that I have not seen donors destroyed by Dr. Oguzoglu, and in the case I know of him, a repair might indeed be very possible. I rest my case, although, that I would advise everyone NOT TO GO, and you`ll find out why.


I actually am pretty attired by your overall appearance here, as I know the doctor you represent only in a context which is less complimentary: There indeed are not two, but three threads about Dr. Oguzoglu on alopezie.de, and each and every one smells to high heaven and raises major concerns not only about the work of him, but also his promotion ethics. You`d have to know that if you have evaluated the threads.


In chronology:


First appearance of Dr. Oguzoglu on alopezie.de: (2009, Link on request)


Guy with his first post presents his immediate post op pics. The patient received 2150 grafts via FUE. The hairline looks ridiculous and received strong criticism from several posters on the forum (not me ;)). It looks almost as if one side would have been designed by simply putting a straight edge to the forehead and then doing the slices along the line. Just by evaluating only this example, you should question the work of Dr. Oguzoglu. Also there are way too less grafts placed behind the hairline, which also was pointed out by several posters (again, not me). Even if the transection rate was so as to completely contradict the appearence of the quality of the surgery regarding the before mentioned issues, the patient would thus never get an at least half-way satisfying result, but would definitely need a repair, both hairline and a touch up behind the hairline to blend the transplants with his natural hair. Unfortunately we never got to know about this issue, just as no patient of Dr. Oguzoglu, or he himself or a representative provided the forum with at least one result.

Sorry, but this is just sloppy work, and again, you should know that. One poster (not me) even made a cynical joke and suggested that the surgeon would have to suffer of stradismus to place such a hairline. I don`t know if you get the authority to post it in here, but I would love to hear HRN`s forum member`s opinion on this. Maybe you even have the end result to provide us with? Would love to see that. In any case I am happy not to be in this patient`s shoes and I felt and still feel very sorry for him, and hope he had a repair by a good and ethical surgeon and is happy by now.


Second appearance of Dr. Oguzoglu on alopezie.de: (2013, Link on request)


An individual who called himself "Dino" claims to have received 3000 grafts by Dr. Oguzoglu. First appearance on the forum of course ;) Yet the text he wrote raised suspicions amongst the forum members (this time me included) if this would be a promotional, fake testimony, or at least an appointed one (This happens a lot unfortunately on alopezie.de, and we have aquired some type of sixth sense for it :rolleyes:) There are several specific markers for such, and "Dino" achieved to match them all.

The first issue was that "Dino" obviously had used a turkish keypad to write his review. He then stated that his girlfirend is turkish, but soon became hopelessly entangled in contradictions. But that was not the key issue here, wait and be amazed:


Very soon a member (not me) raised the concern that the uploaded pictures (11 month result), have been uploaded by another poster under another pseudonym someday in the past, yet. Then also another long-term member (not me again) wrote that he had seen the pictures before, once. He said it had been some time ago, it was an Oguzoglu promotional thread, too, and that the user spoke very bad german and "driveled" something about hair multiplication. "Dino" declared this possibility as impossible, and insisted it would be his own pictures, and instead accused the forum members of being payed by other doctors (Just as you accused me of, btw ;))

Unfortunately the older posts had been deleted (Dr. Oguzoglu payed an amount to be promoted on the site at that time), but I was able to still find them in the Google webcache. The most strange thing was that we found out that, in the older, yet actually deleted post, a member had written that he had seen the pictures (which were re-used yet in the thread directly in discussion) yet before, but presented under another pseudonym, and that it would be "a scam" ("Verarschung" in german). You got that?? Do you overstand the implications??

At that time I lost all trust in the forum, since Dr. Oguzoglu payed the site, and I was really shocked about all this. I told the others that I will have to resign from the forum, but then Mona, the mod there, provided us with the info that she evaluated the pictures like with a magnifying glass and the pictures are indeed exactly the same, even to specific most tiny pits in the skin structure.


So the pictures got used (at least lmao) 3 times to promote Dr. Oguzoglu, and we to this day even don`t know if the result (which was average) was even produced by him.


I hope everyone can judge for himself what this all means, and I really feel very sorry for you having to get payed by such a background. I`m still like ARRRRRGGGH when I think of this, it simply can`t get worse than this imo regarding ethics. Get real.


Last appearance of Dr. Oguzoglu on alopezie.de: (2014, Link on request)


Guy who states he is fourty somewhat and had 1200 grafts by Dr. Oguzoglu

- First post (do I have to mention this???), written like an advertisement text.

- States that he decided for Dr. Oguzoglu because of the forum. Stopped reading at this point to be frank, as it is the most ridiculous thing to say after his former appearances. Everybody going through them would stay as far away as anyhow possible.



So much for this. He`s on the s... list on alopezie.de, and for very good reasons. I don`t know any other information about him, but I think this is sufficient. The fact alone that he doesn`t provide results on the net although being in business for 18 years should raise concerns in critically thinking human beings. He hence should have hundreds of results available in a well documented way. And if he makes an appearance on the biggest german forum, it`s this? Seriously?


I thus fully stand by my statement that even one serious thought about visiting Dr. Oguzoglu is a waste of energy and can only result of a total lack of research and/or healthy thinking.

In all three examples mentioned above - if you only take these - Dr. Oguzoglu had the opportunity to at least try to explain himself. He failed every single time. Maybe he acknowledged the hopelessness of such an undertaking, considering the severity of the mess. Maybe he didn`t care. Maybe he gets enough patients. I hope not. Some people should really do something else if they fail at their profession.


And if he doesn`t fail he would not be dependent on such tactics. Or he would provide numerous and well documented patient cases on a regular basis, such as countless other docs are able to do.


I have no gain in writing this, it only consumes my free time. I am here independently and advocate general patient rights and transparency. You get payed by him, so I can overstand why you are here to defend him. It`s your effin job, mate :) But trust me, you wouldn`t do it if you wouldn`t receive money in return.




All the best



P.S.: It`s interesting though that one doctor I mentioned asked to create fake accounts. Pretty interesting.. Wonder who this might be. Makes me wonder sometimes..

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  • Senior Member

Hi Guys,


Quick reminder: we do not host outside links on the forums. Thanks!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hey Blake, sorry for the inconvenience, thought as it was to a non-english forum, it wouldn`t be a problem, But now I know ;)


@the rest: So the links got taken out, but can be requested if anyone is interested, via PM, for matters of context reference. You`d need an account on the forum, though...

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Dear Questionmark,


I appreciate you taking some spare time and replying us.


It’s good and pleasing to know that we are both after the truth and genuine comments about surgeons and experiences.


And I can empathise with you about the reason why you considered closing your account on alopezie.de. This is the only logic behind why we were not actively involved in forums so far. As you can see our joining date goes back to 2012 in this forum, means we could have promoted our service with many photos since then. But we chose to analyse the problems of hair loss sufferers and offer services upon their needs by scanning the forums instead. This is why many potential clients find the information we provide very useful and highly appreciate our real patient experience videos.


I have seen some users belittle good results, mainly the paid ones who want to promote their own surgeon only, like “Ah I didn’t like the result, not good, you should have gone with Dr. Xyz”.

As you know, deciding to go ahead with the hair transplant procedure is a very big step for men and they worry a lot until their hair regrows post-operation. So this is a very sensitive matter for them.

In order to prevent this happening to any of our patients, we have never asked anyone to take part in forums on our behalf and promote our services. We want our patient to stay confident and positive, not being discouraged by unrealistic comments.


But today, I have asked a few former patients to register and participate in this forum under this topic to tell other participants about their experience with our service.


Now at this point you may ask; “What about the comments on alopezie.de?”


2009: Dr. Tayfun and me are both surprised when we saw the photo from 2009. The reason why I am surprised was, the person hadn’t had a proper implantation; it was half done! On principle, Dr. Tayfun never accepts partial operations even if you insist on. So no 2000 Grafts this year, 1000 Grafts next year funny business.

And why HE was surprised is; because the person on the picture has never been his patient. And the more surprising part is, he says he had the operation done by Dr. Tayfun. Probably it was someone who worked for Dr. Tayfun before and wanted to earn commission by finding clients for him on the forum, and thought it would be a good idea to share a photo.



2013: This is very unfortunate for Dino. Because he was a real patient of Dr. Tayfun with good results. But apparently, he couldn’t answer questions more clearly, as he was supposed to. I am feeling sorry for him because I read many comments judging him slightly harsh on that forum. But he could defend himself with more physical evidence, like more photos. I can’t blame him; forums are not everybody’s cup of tea and can get tense easily. Give a dog a bad name and hang him.

But to prove that he was a real person, we will upload more photos of him on this forum soon. Though, I cannot comment about the other people who used his pictures, as we have no knowledge about it. We are suspicious of Dr. Tayfun’ s past partners, who might have wanted to take advantage of a good result by using both his name and their clinic’s name (at that time) as they also have the originals. But as I haven’t seen a concrete proof about those messages on that forum, I do not wish to accuse anyone of this at the moment.



2014: As far as I could find (there is only one topic in which his name is indicated in 2014 on that website), his name is mentioned with the hospital he is associated with, but no patient experience or whatsoever, just random information about where he performs the operations.


I understand your frustration and annoyance on this matter though. And I agree that we should fight against fake accounts, unreal pictures, etc. But you shouldn’t accuse a highly qualified surgeon due to several distorted comments, proven you have no experience with. It mustn’t be that easy to scare others away.


Yes, he should have defended himself maybe. But as he had no interest in that forum previously, he wasn’t even aware of the content until recently. Also, he is not obliged to be on any website either. And he barely has German patients, and is not focused on German market.


As promised, you will hear more about our services soon.

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I appreciate your answer, thanks so far for giving more insight on the matters. You`re a very good advocate, and Dr. Oguzoglu should be proud to have you in his team. It`s a bit strange, still, to say the least, and I don`t really have the time and dedication to investigate and think this through any further. Neither do I have the will to argue about the issues mentioned, I just wanted to tell my insights on topics related to his name in order to prevent people from making a bad decision they will regret maybe. After all it`s to each one to decide what was going on there. I gave my insight, and you expressed your position.


I`d still welcome if you could provide us with a couple of results he produced over the years, though. I also may say a couple of words in regards to the explanations provided by you, but I got no time these days. Again, you`re a good advocate, very professional and articulated, I congratulate on this ;) But a good representative doesn`t make a good surgeon. What we need are results results results :)

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Dear Questionmark,


I am a totally satisfied customer that had my transplant performed by Dr. Tayfun at GetHair, if you wish to see how a professional Doctor has carried out his work perfectly then please take time to look at my profile. Reading some of your comments above make me laugh and wherever your getting this useless information from I think you need to revise it again with people that have actually had work done by them, unlike yourself who has never experianced their life changing experience.


I am not even 6 months post operation yet and my doner area recovered totally within 4 weeks so how you can comment that he wrecks that area is total utter bubbles!! In fact it is really frustrating to see someone like you try and disturb Dr. Tayfun's repuatation with no actual proof - since I got back from Istanbul the amount of attention I have received from friends and family in my area regarding my results is unreal - also Facebook helped show to my many of the friends that if anyone is balding around my area are totally convinced at the supurb job GetHair do with all patients.


The customer service you receive from the company is second to none!! Istanbul is a conveyer belt for transplants and I know a lot of company's that are just after your money do the procedure and thats that no aftercare or help whereas GetHair take time to look after their patients post operation, they see to all the customers needs and re-assure at what stage you are at and what to expect. Not only that but they have an office in London that I can visit whenever I please and again this supports the fact that GetHair's proffessional service is a leader in the market.


Dr Tayfun is a suberb surgeon and thats FACT and not your fiction!!!




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Nice done, doggie, but you failed to provide any useful before and after pictures. Is this the standard of documentation with Gethair?? If not, where are all the results he has produced? Didn`t they have a patient to send to the frontline with at least that?


Btw I can`t adress all the flaws in your rambling, but if you really would have read through the thread here you would have seen that I said that "I have not seen donors destroyed by Dr. Oguzoglu". My concerns moreover adress the promotional ethics as well as other general issues, derived from the cases I have seen, as well as the lack of results presented with no good reason at all as long as he produces solid results on a regular basis.

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Questionmark you really are dilluded, what is it you didnt notice about my before/after picture. Just because your profile bores me with photos over and over....week 1, week 2, day 18, week 4, day 31.....I mean what is this the big brother house. In fact just il follow suit with my attachments just to shut your complete and utter false information up...


Oh and you want to poke at my grammer do you well come back when your a SAP proffesional like myself, rather than an English literature geek with a 1960 hairstyle!! Honest to god people like you arent even worth the time and space on this network. It is quite clear to me you are getting paid for your absoloute nonsence.........


See more pictures happy to keep them coming if you please :-)












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It`s really difficult to evaluate your results, Danny, but as long as you`re happy, it`s all good. Btw I don`t get payed for my critical position towards some clinics, I wish I would. I think I made my points very clear in my previous posts. It`s really funny how questions on providing access to Dr. Oguzoglus results get consequently ignored. You may have received a satisfying result even, however it is pretty obvious that you got asked to pop up here, and advocate for Gethair with your result (which even this however is really difficult to evaluate, as said, due to angles, distance and resolution of the pics.) A clinics reputation doesn`t depend on one or two results they did produce, but a constant flow of transparent information. With the history in mind of which I talked in my initial posts, I thus still rest my case. Glad that you are so happy with your result and the clinic, but I still wouldn`t feel good recommending anyone to go with them..


I didn`t get your point with the grammar, though, what did you mean by that? And SAP? Why did you mention this? Is it in any way related to the topic here??

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