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Looking for female hairline HT

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Hello everyone,


I'm 29 years old with a genetically high hairline. I think I'm about a Norwood 2. I've hated my hairline for almost my entire life so finally decided to do something about it! :)


I wanted to ask for your advice in finding a HT surgeon experinced with female hairlines. I live in the UK but I'll travel anywhere in the world. I hope finally to be able to stop having a fringe/bangs!


Best wishes,


Red Panda

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Hi Dutch,

Yes that was kind of what I was thinking too.

Basically if I go for FUE then


Dr Erdogan or Dr Lorenzo


and I go for for FUT then


Dr Feriduni or Dr Devroye


or if I decided to cross the Atlantic then H&W, Konior, or Rahal.



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