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Hair Scabs falling off or follicile units?

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I know I'm being very paranoid and they're most likely scabs but I'm currently 16 days post operation (first HT) and this morning I took a shower for about 20 minutes and gently rubbed my transplanted hair at the scalp area for the first time and started feeling a lot of little "obstructions" instead of a clean skin, I've removed most of them now but the majority came out with a hair (or a hair strand).


There was no blood other than the skin going red from the rubbing for about 5 to 10 minutes.


Thanks in advance


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scabs and hair...not follicle.


However you should have started gently washing the scabs off after day 4 once the follicles were set. The fact that scabs formed for longer means that the hairs most likely had more chance of coming out (which is inevitable mostly anyway at some point).


I have been spraying my head every 30 mins with saline for 3 days post op to help with scabbing. I start washing the follicles with baby shampoo on day 4

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Until day 7 I would not do much beyond very gentle shampoo foam on top of the grafts and using a jug of water to rinse it off (no rapid shower streams). 7-10+ days it would be hard to pull the grafts out even if you were inclined to try it.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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I've been avoiding rubbing my graft area when showering, i had my procedure done on 7.2.14 and that puts me @ 11days post surgery. So you all recommend that i rub gently the area now but i was supposed to do it after the 4th day? Damn i hope i didnt jeopardize anything. Also what do you all do with the dryness, my scalp seems to be prettry dry i guess its from the shock phase, i do noticed minimal hair loss and i seen a few stubs come off with dried base from the follicle i presume. From what i've read this is typical?

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My instructions were to spray the grafts with sterile salt water every thirty mins for the first three days post surgery. Tomorrow, day 4, I am to start gently shampooing to remove the scabs, which is apparently important.

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C29f. You don't have anything to worry about here. You are just experiencing some normal shedding of hair shafts. You will be experiencing the shedding of hair shafts as the transplanted hair follicles go into the dormant phase.

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

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