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Confused about RU and topical Finasteride


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  • Regular Member

Hello folks, im using Minoxidil for a few years now, but it didn't completely stopped my hair loss. So i been looking for another way to fight it and maybe improve the thickness of my hair, that would be awesome to say at least.

So i've been reading about this topical treatment called RU, and also found that people can take topical fin. I primarily wanted a topical treatment, because of the side effects of fin. I suffered from a decrease in libido due to some other pills i took and im afraid of having it again.


So about RU and topical fin, the thing that got me confused is that there's always so many guys out there whose opinions diverge a lot, and that really leaves me knowing the same as i knew before. Like, who should i trust after all ?


So i started this topic in the attempt of getting enlightened about my doubts on this.


So my questions are:


1) if any of both treatments work.

2) Side effects for them?

3) I've heard that most RU that is sold is fake, and its almost impossible to find the real stuff. is this right?

4) About Topical Fin, i've seen that many people do take it differently, is there any proven method that works? perhaps mixing it with minox? if so, what dosages?

5)Same thing about RU, how to mix it with minox.

6) If its all good news, where can i buy it from?


Im sorry for bringing up this subject that most of you guys have talked about so many times before, i did tried getting some info, but im confused and i needed a final opinion about it. And maybe there are other people wanting to know the same thing, so since we're all in the same boat, i hope someone can help me.


Thanks everyone.


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  • Senior Member

I have no personal experience using either RU or Fin topicals. From what I've read they're less effective than systematic Fin (pill) for the main reason of low absoprtion rates into the hair follicles. It has also been argued that the relatively little amount absorbed doesn't necessarily stick around and remain effective for a long enough duration.


I think the reason there doesn't seem to be major consensus regarding these is, like systematic fin, the results over any short term duration (as in a few years) are usually subtle. In other words, people are unable to measure it. It's like using some product that's supposed increase finger nail growth rate by 50%, and trying to determine if it works by eyeballing the result after 1 day. Good luck with that. Systematic Fin however has had several major scientific studies done and the results are well established.


Fighting hairloss with just Minxodil is an uphill battle, and one you will likely eventually lose because it doesn't address the root of the problem (pun intended). Minoxidil tends to turn back the clock on your hairloss a few years by rewakening recent hairs that have gone dorment... so in a few years, theoretically, you will be back to your starting point and continue to lose hairs as though you were not on any treatment.


I would look for studies relating to topical RU and Fin and then choose the one that seems most promising based on that.

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  • Senior Member

RU is an experimental treatment you apparently have to order from dubious sources in order to obtain

I would not recommend using it at all


there are some older posts on this forum on topical Fin if you do a search

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
RU is an experimental treatment you apparently have to order from dubious sources in order to obtain

I would not recommend using it at all


there are some older posts on this forum on topical Fin if you do a search



I also found the same thing so decided not to buy it

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