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crown HT questions.

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  • Senior Member

I just had some questions in relation to crown restoration.

I was an NW6 and my first surgery took up 4387 grafts. I am now 6 months post op and noticed a lot of growth and i'm very happy so far.


I now have a large crown that I want to fill in on my next procedure. I know i will need at least 2500 grafts to get some coverage for the crown. Is it better to attack the anterior part of the crown, meaning to do a partial restoration then grow out the hair?


Also once you have had the HT can you now sleep on your back on the grafts? Or do they get damaged?


Ideally I would like to thicken up the front by another 1000 grafts and use the rest for the crown. I'm estimating that i have anywhere between 3 to 5k grafts left. Also I do want to save a few grafts for any future hair loss that might occur.

Any suggestions HT Docs, Bill, members???

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  • Senior Member

I just had some questions in relation to crown restoration.

I was an NW6 and my first surgery took up 4387 grafts. I am now 6 months post op and noticed a lot of growth and i'm very happy so far.


I now have a large crown that I want to fill in on my next procedure. I know i will need at least 2500 grafts to get some coverage for the crown. Is it better to attack the anterior part of the crown, meaning to do a partial restoration then grow out the hair?


Also once you have had the HT can you now sleep on your back on the grafts? Or do they get damaged?


Ideally I would like to thicken up the front by another 1000 grafts and use the rest for the crown. I'm estimating that i have anywhere between 3 to 5k grafts left. Also I do want to save a few grafts for any future hair loss that might occur.

Any suggestions HT Docs, Bill, members???

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  • Senior Member
Is it better to attack the anterior part of the crown, meaning to do a partial restoration then grow out the hair?


Yes. This is a good option, in order to conserve grafts.


Also once you have had the HT can you now sleep on your back on the grafts? Or do they get damaged?


I think, once you use the neck pillow for support, and sleep as directed by your surgeon, this shouldn't be a problem.



I'm estimating that i have anywhere between 3 to 5k grafts left.


Is this what your doctor told you?


You surgeon can give you a better idea as to how to ratio the next batch of extracted grafts, in order to increase the illusion of density, together with your preferred styling option.

take care...



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I am very partial to dealing with the front. You see what was accomplished daily. The crown you'll only see in pics, it likely won't be as dense as the front and you may not be as happy.


But, we do crowns....


If I were you, I'd wait til 12 months and see your final results from your frontal case. Then decide if you need any additional thickening up front. If not, you have more to spend on your crown; and that will lend itself to a better crown case.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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