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Looking for some guidance/ Suggestion


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Hi all


I am new to this just stumbles upon when i was trying to find some details about longvita in turkey.


I am getting bald nearly on top just spread out hair on top so i am considering the hair transplantation.


Dont know how but i looked into the website of longvita in turkey and they offer unlimited grafts for ?1600 or something like that. I sent my pictures they suggested 3000 grafts but this offer overs tomorrow.


I have questions


1] Does this hair transplantation works at all?

2] Any reviews on Longvita in Turkey?

3] Is there any other better hospital with similar prices?


Please shed some lights as i want some hair back as it is not helping with my confidence?



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Hi Arlo,


Welcome to the Hair Restoration Network discussion forums. Please, feel free to read through the discussion forums, review patient cases, and ask as many questions as you'd like!


For the right patient, hair transplant is a very effective procedure. Review some of the cases presented by our leading hair restoration surgeons and I think you'll feel the same way. In other words: yes, hair transplantation does "work."


In Turkey, we highly recommend Dr. Doganay and Dr. Erdogan. Feel free to ask any additional questions about these physicians.


Hope this helps. Look forward to your reply.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thanks for the response . Understandably you recommend them. But i would like to know about longevita as they are the one i am contacting with. I will be looking into forums in detail maybe later tonight but if anyone could suggest good quality and bit cheap like this one would be appreciated




looking forward to your replies with valuable suggestion

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I cannot recommend Longevita whatsoever ! I had FUE with them approx 12 months ago.

Did not get expected grafts and did not get a particulary good result.


Look elsewhere !


Thanks Johnboy...is there any places in UK

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  • Regular Member
Hi Arlo,


Welcome to the Hair Restoration Network discussion forums. Please, feel free to read through the discussion forums, review patient cases, and ask as many questions as you'd like!


For the right patient, hair transplant is a very effective procedure. Review some of the cases presented by our leading hair restoration surgeons and I think you'll feel the same way. In other words: yes, hair transplantation does "work."


In Turkey, we highly recommend Dr. Doganay and Dr. Erdogan. Feel free to ask any additional questions about these physicians.


Hope this helps. Look forward to your reply.




how these surgeons are better than others?

whats the price range?

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Hi Arlo,


These surgeons have been thoroughly screened and meet our rigorous recommendation standards. To see how we select the doctors we recommend, please see the following: How We Recommend Hair Transplant Physicians.


You will likely need to contact the clinic to discuss pricing specifics. However, I do know both surgeons are known for their lower than average pricing (paired with high quality work).


Hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
Hi Arlo,


These surgeons have been thoroughly screened and meet our rigorous recommendation standards. To see how we select the doctors we recommend, please see the following: How We Recommend Hair Transplant Physicians.


You will likely need to contact the clinic to discuss pricing specifics. However, I do know both surgeons are known for their lower than average pricing (paired with high quality work).


Hope this helps!


Thanks blake. I have contacted the both doctors in Turkey. Will keep checking. Planning to do HT in the next 30-45 days

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  • Senior Member
Thanks blake. I have contacted the both doctors in Turkey. Will keep checking. Planning to do HT in the next 30-45 days


I would keep researching for a bit longer than 45 days. There is no reset button after a procedure is performed. No rush please :)

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I would keep researching for a bit longer than 45 days. There is no reset button after a procedure is performed. No rush please :)


Much appreciated for your comments. May i know the reason and what should i look for? I meant what should i research for ? is it the doctors or the procedure itself?

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Much appreciated for your comments. May i know the reason and what should i look for? I meant what should i research for ? is it the doctors or the procedure itself?


The surgeon. Their methods. The tools they use. How many grafts you need and what is a wise amount. The surgeons success rate. What occurs if the procedure does no blossom(because every surgeon has cases that are unsuccessful). What size their extraction punches are(can vary from .8mm to 1mm) do they use motorized or manual punches. Do they use techs to assist in extracting or does the surgeon perform it exclusively. What implantation tools they prefer(choi implanter, lion implanter, custom blades. The list is endless but every day you spend researching is a day of knowledge that did not exist before and that can never be a bad thing. The things I have learnt in the last few years has been astounding and I really wish I knew then what I know now.

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The surgeon. Their methods. The tools they use. How many grafts you need and what is a wise amount. The surgeons success rate. What occurs if the procedure does no blossom(because every surgeon has cases that are unsuccessful). What size their extraction punches are(can vary from .8mm to 1mm) do they use motorized or manual punches. Do they use techs to assist in extracting or does the surgeon perform it exclusively. What implantation tools they prefer(choi implanter, lion implanter, custom blades. The list is endless but every day you spend researching is a day of knowledge that did not exist before and that can never be a bad thing. The things I have learnt in the last few years has been astounding and I really wish I knew then what I know now.


Thats awesome information to start with. Please dont think i am trying to be lazy but what is the best combination? i am going google each and every word you said..thanks man


i am pretty sure i want to do this but with the helps of all you experts i believe i will give my head in safe hands

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Thats awesome information to start with. Please dont think i am trying to be lazy but what is the best combination? i am going google each and every word you said..thanks man


i am pretty sure i want to do this but with the helps of all you experts i believe i will give my head in safe hands


Check the links in my signature :) They have alot of information in regards to the different tools and techniques. Don't stop there either, even when you think you know enough, research more!

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If you spend a good amount of time on this hair loss community, you will observe that most of the members here offer an honest opinion regardless of what clinic you are pursuing. If you are in search of the truth, definitely ask as many questions as possible. This can be the difference of you succeeding or failing. Take advantage of this online community as an invaluable resource. Not all individuals are candidates for surgical hair restoration.


You may want to post a few current photos to gain some insight on improving your unique situation. Definitely have more than one consultation to increase your chances of having your procedure properly performed. Your diligence to find out the credentials of this clinic that you are currently consulting is very important.


Don't worry about special pricing until your research is complete. You may not way to limit your choices based on pricing and location. One of the most important considerations for you to make as a consumer is the level of quality that you should expect.


I don't know any history of this clinic that you have mentioned. There is a very small chance that this clinic can offer you a price for unlimited graft because you only need and have a certain amount of donor grafts. You could also have more hair loss at a later time in the future so efficiently manage the hair in your donor area.


Welcome to the forum, Arlo.

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

Free Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba


Brussels, Belgium - Available

London, United Kingdom - Available

Zurich, Switzerland - Available

Bologna, Italy - Available

Follow us: Facebook - Youtube - Pinterest


Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Much appreciated for your comments. May i know the reason and what should i look for? I meant what should i research for ? is it the doctors or the procedure itself?


I think the biggest reason to wait is so you can get a better idea if a HT really something you want to do. Ever think something is a great idea for a few days, weeks, months, etc... then look back and think, "Wow I can't believe I almost did that". A HT is a big decision, you don't want to regret it.


You need to let the idea really sink in and marinate, sort of speak. Are you sure you want to take hairloss meds for the rest of your life? Are you sure you're OK with the risks? Is this really something you want to do? Can you live it? Etc, etc, there are many concerns to ponder and figure out.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
I think the biggest reason to wait is so you can get a better idea if a HT really something you want to do. Ever think something is a great idea for a few days, weeks, months, etc... then look back and think, "Wow I can't believe I almost did that". A HT is a big decision, you don't want to regret it.


You need to let the idea really sink in and marinate, sort of speak. Are you sure you want to take hairloss meds for the rest of your life? Are you sure you're OK with the risks? Is this really something you want to do? Can you live it? Etc, etc, there are many concerns to ponder and figure out.


Are you saying Hair transplantation will involve taking medication for the rest of the life? If i may ask what are the risks. i will try and post the pictures soon



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

@ Arlo


Hi there. I believe that what Rootz is trying to say is that any decision comes with long-term and short-term effects. Medication is very similar to surgery in terms of meeting the demand of your hair loss. You want to make good decisions and usually we tend to make them better as time passes. Maturity is relative to making life decisions such as non-surgical and surgical hair restoration.


Posting a few photos is a great idea, Arlo.

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

Free Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba


Brussels, Belgium - Available

London, United Kingdom - Available

Zurich, Switzerland - Available

Bologna, Italy - Available

Follow us: Facebook - Youtube - Pinterest


Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I am more confused ever. I went through few forums and feedback. I believed I should go for Dr.Maral but I read few feedbacks today morning especially i forgot the guys name sole thread dishing out Dr.Maral which is putting me off and at the sametime I came across about Dr.Bhatti and his feedback are quite good. Now i am in a state which side I could for?


One of the feedback is you wont get the mentioned grafts in Dr.Maral as you will get what you pay for. Is this true?


Please guide me.



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I had my HT with Dr Maral a couple of months ago. I would say its the only time i have ever received the correct amount of grafts ! Dr Maral actually gave me a chance to count them all.

Yes there was 1 poster that wasnt happy but he didnt even have a HT.

There are plenty of cases where people have had good results and people are happy.

I am happy so far and believe i will get the result im looking for.

Having been on this forum for a good while it seems every single surgeon will occasionally have less than optimum results but this is usually rare and down to a individuals genetic make up.

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