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13 day post op graft question


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  • Regular Member

hi guys..

quick question, i am now 13 days post op and notice that quite a few of my grafts have started to fall out... more than a few in fact.


is it normal for them to be falling off this soon, 13 days... should i be worried about now or is this normal that they are falling out already at this stage?


thanks in advance!

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  • Regular Member

Are you talking about scabs or grafts with hair and follicles in it?


If its just white-yellow sbacs/crusts its normal, they have to fall to maximise the healing process. If you're talking about full grafts with hair and follicles in it, that shouldn't really happen at this stage since its quite early.

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  • Senior Member

No grafts should fall out, at all !! However hairs fall out and it's quite normal for this to happen early on when removing scabs or after they've been removed !! Hairs will nearly always shed within the first 6 weeks but there is no actual time frame to start, some shed all by 1 month , some don't start to shed by 1 month but by 2 all the hairs have shed!! If you loose a grafts you will know as it will bleed, a lot!!!!! I take it you just meant hairs??

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  • Regular Member

hi guys, thanks for the replies.

the scabs have been falling with hairs attached to them but i have no idea how to tell whether follicles are part of those or not. however, i have not been bleeding so then i'm sure everything is ok then as you guy said.

damn this is nerve wrecking!! just want everything to be ok and heal well.

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  • Regular Member

I bet it is nerve wrecking! I had my op done by a very highly recommended surgeon last week and now it's wait and wait. I did bump my head on the corner of the bathroom cabinet and damn a graft with two hair fell out! In the past I have bumped my head on this cabinet so many times with no blood but this time it bled a lot. I was really scared, it was 2am and I was not going to wake 'her' up! So I managed to hold a swab on for a few mins and it stopped! Then I rinsed area off gently using a sponge to squeeze water onto head. The next day I moved the damn cabinet!

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  • Regular Member

ive also had mine done with one of the highly recommended surgeons from here... so im sure the work is good. just gotta wait i guess.. i've been extra careful and thankfully not had any knocks or bumps!!


damn!! sorry dude...but im sure the rest of it will be ok.


seeing as i had no blood im gonna take it that im on track and try not to be so anxious and paranoid!! although thats easier said than done!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

hi guys.. thought i'd bump this as i have another question relating to this.


so how much blood is alot when talking about dislodged grafts etc.


i'm now 25 days post..

yesterday i had like a weird prickly feeling in my recipient area.. applied a cotton swap and saw a speck of blood..dabbed it down for a few seconds and saw a few more spots from the same spot... it wasnt a lot.. like 2 or 3 spots and then it stopped...


could it have just been a pimple or a scab that didn't heal properly maybe and just fell off then?


or at 25 days is it possible that a graft got loose or something??


thanks in advance guys!

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  • Regular Member

If you knocked a graft out it would bleed such that the blood would run over your scalp freely, rather like a sharp cut to a finger. It would take a couple of minutes with a swab to stem this blood flow. After 25-days the grafts are deeply implanted and would need a deep, sharp blow to loosen them.


From what you have written it sounds trivial, a few spots of blood is certainly nothing to worry about.

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  • Regular Member
If you knocked a graft out it would bleed such that the blood would run over your scalp freely, rather like a sharp cut to a finger. It would take a couple of minutes with a swab to stem this blood flow. After 25-days the grafts are deeply implanted and would need a deep, sharp blow to loosen them.


From what you have written it sounds trivial, a few spots of blood is certainly nothing to worry about.


cool... thanks mate!

probably just a pimple or scab or something minor then... there wasn't much blood at all and was able to stop it with just a few dabs of a cotton-wool swab.


still shedding loads though... a little heartbreaking seeing it all fall away!!

hopefully they will be back soon!!


hope you are progressing well!

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