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Scalp Exercises...someone invent a massager!

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  • Senior Member

I'm probably 3 months out from my surgery and have started doing the scalp exercises. I know it's worth it, especially since my scalp has been judged to be on the tight side. But man, I would pay to have a nice massager that would do it for you while you watch TV. My arms get exhausted doing the excersices after about 20 minutes.

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  • Senior Member

I'm probably 3 months out from my surgery and have started doing the scalp exercises. I know it's worth it, especially since my scalp has been judged to be on the tight side. But man, I would pay to have a nice massager that would do it for you while you watch TV. My arms get exhausted doing the excersices after about 20 minutes.

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It is probably not necessary if it is your first procedure. It usually is only an issue for those who have been told they have tight scalps to begin with or patients who have had prior procedures. It is amazing how adding just a few millimeters of additional movement of the scalp can allow the doctor to remove more scar tissue and hair baring scalp and still close the wound with less tension.

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  • Senior Member

I had 3 scalp reductions 14 years ago. The consultant gauged my laxity as "tight" while the doctor gave me a rating of average. They both said I should continue with the exercises though.


Speegs: If you were judged to have excellent laxity, I guess it still depends on how many you plan to have on your first session. My guess is if you are doing around 2500 to finish the entire job, you probably don't need to do the exercises. But it certainly doesn't hurt.

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  • Senior Member

I'm 26 and my scalp is extremely movable! I feel I'd be a case where I would have donor stretching. I know this is common for younger patients.


If I was a NW7 I think Dr. Wong could get 10,000 grafts out of my scalp in one session and make it a record, haha!


That's why I'm going to try FUE first. I feel I have no choice for temple and hairline work. But if you have even an average scalp it really helps!

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