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Finasteride & Minoxidil

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  • Senior Member

Many people will notice finasteride losing its effectiveness around the 4 year mark. This happened to me and I switched right when avodart was approved and it has held strong 6+ years. I would of switched earlier, if it was available, due to its dual inhibiting of both types of enzymes responsible for DHT conversion. Fin reduces ~70% DHT as dutasteride(avodart)stops ~92% and near ~99% with 2.5 mg/day. Of course w/ stronger meds you risk stronger sides. I haven't had any bad sides.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks Leeson and Spex for your feedback, it was most helpful. I've only been on finasteride for three months, so it's early days yet. But it's good to know that there is a safety net out there should you not respond to finasteride.

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Propecia (finasteride) contains 1mg of finasteride and works to inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) - the hormone responsible for genetic hair loss.


Tpical Rogaine (minoxidil) is applied to the balding area in the recommended dosage 1ml applied twice daily. Rogaine works by stimulating the hair follicles which may increase the hair shaft diameter and elongate the anagen (growing) phase - thus rejuvenating thinning hair. Rogaine however, does nothing to stop genetic hair loss as it does nothing to inhibit DHT.


Taking both Propecia and Rogaine together are said to have a synergistic effect, thus being the best fighting force against hair loss when taken together. However, if one were going to choose one over the other - because Propecia inhibits DHT, it has a better chance of stopping hair loss than Rogaine that simply stimulates hair growth.


I hope this helps.



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  • Senior Member

Thanks for that Bill. I'm a bit lukewarm about going down the Minoxidil road given it's greasiness and inconvenience, but as my hairloss isn't too bad I might just get away with using the finasteride on it's own. Thanks again to everyone for your feedback.

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