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Seeking advice

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  • Regular Member

Hi all. I'm planning on having a second surgery this December, but I was hoping some of the experienced members on this forum might be able to give me some useful advice before I choose what and what not to do.


Some background....I started noticing hair loss about 3 years ago. I have a diffuse pattern in the frontal 1/3 and mid 2/3 with recession around the temples. I've been taking Finasteride for over a year now (started June of 08). I believe I got some stabilization from the medication, but nothing remarkable. I decided to undergo my first surgery in February of this year. I didn't want to have work done on my hairline for fear of future recession (mid-twenties candidate), so I decided on a 1000 graft transplant 1 inch back of my hairline in the frontal 1/3 zone. I'm now 5 months post op and growth is very slow.


My first surgery was conservative, and I knew I would have to have another in a near future. I live in Arizona and met with Dr. Alexander over a month ago to discuss my options. I'm writing to the members here because I would like honest opinions on what would be beneficial to me given my current condition. I know I have a decent head of hair at the moment and I don't want to make matters worse. But as of right now, I know I want my hairline addressed (specifically the left side), but only to strengthen it, not lower it. My biggest concern is having work done on my diffuse section. I know Dr. Alexander likes to shave patients, and I would be willing to do so if that would give myself the best opportunity for success.


I tried to upload some pictures of my areas of concern. These were taken right after a shower with no hair spray or concealers of any kind. Thanks for your time and any input is greatly appreciated.











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  • Regular Member

Hi all. I'm planning on having a second surgery this December, but I was hoping some of the experienced members on this forum might be able to give me some useful advice before I choose what and what not to do.


Some background....I started noticing hair loss about 3 years ago. I have a diffuse pattern in the frontal 1/3 and mid 2/3 with recession around the temples. I've been taking Finasteride for over a year now (started June of 08). I believe I got some stabilization from the medication, but nothing remarkable. I decided to undergo my first surgery in February of this year. I didn't want to have work done on my hairline for fear of future recession (mid-twenties candidate), so I decided on a 1000 graft transplant 1 inch back of my hairline in the frontal 1/3 zone. I'm now 5 months post op and growth is very slow.


My first surgery was conservative, and I knew I would have to have another in a near future. I live in Arizona and met with Dr. Alexander over a month ago to discuss my options. I'm writing to the members here because I would like honest opinions on what would be beneficial to me given my current condition. I know I have a decent head of hair at the moment and I don't want to make matters worse. But as of right now, I know I want my hairline addressed (specifically the left side), but only to strengthen it, not lower it. My biggest concern is having work done on my diffuse section. I know Dr. Alexander likes to shave patients, and I would be willing to do so if that would give myself the best opportunity for success.


I tried to upload some pictures of my areas of concern. These were taken right after a shower with no hair spray or concealers of any kind. Thanks for your time and any input is greatly appreciated.











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  • Senior Member

My advice to you would be leave well enough alone....You don't need anything....Most men on this site would die for a head of hair like yours....HT are not "preventative" they are intended for those people who have lost more than 50% density in a given area, hairloss is not noticeable when you have 50% density, and beleive me you have way more than that...A 2nd HT into your existing hair might cause you more problems than you can expect,(shockloss). Keep it real.


Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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  • Regular Member

The camera lighting/angle must not be showing my concerns well enough. Here are some pictures taken a month ago that will clearly show my thinning.









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Guest wanthairs

i still would nto have a transplant, and just take propecia and rogaine for a year anf then evaluate....

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  • Senior Member

I agree with the others, you don't really need another HT at this time. However, if it still bothers you, why not try some toppik or dermatch, it can help your thinning sections.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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