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Dr Mwamba + My WHTC -2659 grafts FIT shaven - 2 years later

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We are presenting the results of the following patient.

He had previously a hair transplant in Frontal Zone, FUE surgery, and came to us because he was not totally satisfied. He had a double goal:

1. Fill in his vertex area ( 66 cm2 in size )

2. Reinforce the density on top.

His donor area had a follicular density of 63 Fu/cm2 and a hair density of 156 hairs /cm2 .Even though the follicular density was below the average (Normal range of donor follicular density is 70 to 90 Fu/cm2), it was compensated by the calculated density (number of hairs per follicle) which was equal to 2.4 hairs per graft vs. 1.8 to2.2 hairs per follicle on average .He also had coarse black hairs .The contrast hair /skin was not high.


We decided to proceed in two steps to avoid overharvesting and thinning in some area of his donor .We grafted 1135 grafts by FIT shaven in the vertex .One year later , we did another 1524 grafts spread between the vertex ( 500 grafts ) and the top ( 1024 grafts ).

We are presenting his results two years after he walked in our office.
















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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Excellent results! Thank you for sharing.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Dr mwamba u have done awesome job dr mwamba i have a question

I have seen on ur website you give very good hairline

I want to ask u do u draw hairline first on forehead before operating and then you put one by one graft

Because i read on bald truth that one doctor in california he has made a custom shield like a metal crown he puts on hairline and then he puts the graft on the border of shield one by one

I have seen lot of work of surgeon here on forum but I will definately tell that the way you design hairline covering even temple both side is good


1787 FIT Dense Packed Hairline Result


Doctor what is your call on beard to scalp hair transplant do you do that

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Thank you FUEonly for your question and kind remarks .

I do design first the hair line on the forehead .Most of the time , I asked the patient to draw what he believes is the perfect or desired hair line for him. Then I drew mine .And it give us a base for our discussion until we get to a common agreement about the location and the shape of his hair line .

Then I will use The hair line design mask or the laser device to adjust the symmetry .

The next step will be to select the grafts and place them in an irregular , random fashion.


Yes I have been involving in BHT since 2003 .Beard are coarse hairs , with different texture .They are mostly in anagen phase and do grow very good. You just have to be aware it could not match with your existing hairs .Therefore , placing them in a spread fashion among your existing hairs is the best way ;otherwise you may have cluster of strong beard surrounded by thin scalp hairs .Beard hairs have great indication in hair restoration surgery .You just need to use them accordingly to get a maximum cosmetic impact out of them .

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Doctor I am moved by your honesty and integrity and you shared that you have a designed mask. Awesome

My another question doctor have you used beard to scalp mega session i mean more then 6 to 700 beard on scalp with mix of head hair I understand.

You mean to say different cycle means beard will shed and some times head hair when you comb or when cycle appears and that will be sporadic on scalp correct.

One more imp question what about pubic hair they have pretty much same characteristic like beard why not pubic hair or you have even explore that

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Of course .We routinely harvest 1000 to 2000 beard hairs in some patients and mixed them with scalp hairs or alone for hair restoration or scar repair , etc...


Pubic hairs are also a very good source that we also use .The limit with pubic hairs is the quantity you can get .So far , we do harvest 200 to 300 pubic and we usually mix them with beard , and chest .


In BHT quality , I will say you have beard number 1 , pubic as number 2 , chest 3 , abdomen 4 and legs .


Arm pit are also good but very challenging to get them .Some patients had good back hairs , and arms or forearms .We have used all of them with of course variable outcomes .

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr your chronologial order for hair preference after scalp is same as i thought should be.

Doctor what about shock loss when person go for multiple session after span of 1 year or two years in same portion let imaging front scalp. If firast time you gave me hairline and after one year i want density when you put additional graft in smae area does previous

transplanted hair are vulnerable to shock i mean as native hair are very vulnerable to shock loss in adjacent and same area.


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By Definition , transplanted hairs are stronger hairs than your native hairs in recipient area .The later are inclined to shed because they are so advance in the hair cycle .And you can notice it by their caliber or pigmentation status .


So if you are transplanting in the same area , of course the transplanted may fall due to shock loss but the probability is lower than your native hairs .

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Dr mwamba your answers are so satisfying. Dr so u mean to say their is always going to be shockloss regardless if its ur native hair or before transplanted hair as long as same region is retouched UNLESS person is CLASS 7 then their is no worries of shockloss. In that case too if class seven is teated with 5000 plus graft in one session and after year he goes for another 2000 or 3000 graft for thickness then shockloss of previous transplanted hair cannot be averted. Correct

Doctor mwamba i was thinking as beard hairs are best after scalp then in case if person from previous fut has scar and he want to redress scar and thich the density then pubic hair should be first preference to cover scar and beard hair with scalp hair combo should be utilized for density on scalp.

I think because scar is on back and it mingles with pubic hair when grown out.

As long as HT is considerd first priority is cosmetic look which is overall frontla appearence and vertex and i think it feasible to utilize beard on to scalp hair rather then on scar.

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Correct about shock loss .

Correct about beard ,scalp and pubic hairs allocation in recipient area .

The location about where to put beard hairs will depend on patient's goals .

One category will be fed up with the surgery and would like to fix the scar so they can wear their hairs shorter ; Others will be seeking about cosmetic appearance , therefore , you will privilege the frontal zone and vertex .

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Doctor Mwamba, what percentage of your practice would you say would be FUE/FIT and strip? Do you see an increased demand for FUE/FIT and can you foresee your practice being FIT-exclusive in the future? Keep posting the great results.

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90 to 95 % FIT/FUE

5 to 10 % strip /FUT


I do believe a good practice will have to master the two techniques to cover a large amount of patients .

Some cases need a combo FIT -FUT to cover the entire bald area in one session .

Other cases such as black people may be better of with a FUT because you can have a better control of quality grafts .I will present good results of both strip and FIT in black people in the future .But I do agree in such case strip is easier than FUE .


But FIT provide so many advantages over the strip in comfort that it will definitely replace the strip as the standard technique .Doctors will just have to take time to get good training to avoid all the bad works we used to see in the past .FIT is a more challenging technique and you will pay cash if you don't take it seriously .

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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