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Picking at scabs in donar area

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


I got a Hair transplant approx two months ago by FUT method. I got a wound closure called trichophytic and self dissolving stitches.


The donor area felt pretty sore for a while at first and found it somewhat difficult to sleep as one would expect. However, this subsided greatly after a month and it would have seemed to have healed up very well so far.


However, on a few occasions just there earlier this evening inclusive I went picking at some scabbing in the donor area. A few times the scabs that came off in my finger had hairs in them. They were purely white flaky scabs with absolutely no blood. It would seem that the hairs were going through the scabs.


Could somebody please answer me if there is a possibility I pulled hair follicles out from my head when picking at these scars or are the hairs that I see interwoven in the scabs simply hairs only that will grow back again?

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  • Regular Member
Nothing to worry about mate.


Thanks fitnessjunkie, your reply is most appreciated. I was almost thinking as much myself when there was no blood even on my head at the area the scab came from but just wanted to seek confirmation


Probably not a good practice to be picking at the scabs all the same I'd imagine...

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You cannot pull out the hair follicles at this point ( 1 month post-op). I do agree with gentle rubbing/ messaging to get the scabs off. Keep in mind that for the first few months after the procedure the original hair in the areas that were transplanted and close to donor wound are more fragile.

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