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at my grown rate, how long do you guys think itll take for it to thicken drastically.


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Hey guys,

This is my second hair transplant, and my first HT was a disaster. The thicker hairs on my temples are hairs that matured before from my first procedure, which shows that my first HT left me with a lot of gaps. I had my 2nd HT at the 8 1/2 month mark i believe, but I am not too sure at the moment. I am at my 11 month mark of my 2nd HT and it has taken this long for me to get the results I have now. The first attachment is my right temple, and the second attachment is my left temple. What do you guys think? Do you think that I am just a rare case of the 2nd HT growing in extremely slow? I see hope in my growth, but I am just frustrated that it is taking this long to grow/mature. Your guys' opinion would be much appreciated. Thank You!!



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  • Senior Member

I hate to be a downer but in my experience it is very rare to see a marked improvement after 11 months. The hair you have looks mature so I don't know if I would be looking for improvement in that area either. Someone with a larger area may see improvement from maturing post 11 months, but as small as yours is I doubt you will see a difference.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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well, some ppl have seen growth up to 16 months but like spanker stated at the 11 month mark most have seen the majority of what they are going to see.


who was ur HT surgeon for both procedures?

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  • Senior Member

What are the black dots below the hairline? Are those hairs from the second procedure beginning to grow or are those hairs from the first that you shave down? Also it would be helpful to see some pre-op photos.

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Thanks guys for the prompt response! The black dots are from me shaving down from the first. I used to pluck them but I stopped bc i knew that it was a very bad idea. The darker blacker dots are the double graphs, which is why it's more visible. Spooker, i know what you mean, but there are tiny almost invisible hairs that are growing in between the gaps (although i wish there was much more density). I feel that pictures are deceiving bc jpeg images dont capture all the small details, but I do know where youre coming from, and thank you for that! I dont want to be too optimistic only for me to be more disappointed. I took these pictures in the dark using flash with my phone. I want to see what my progress will be like during the 14th month mark, so ill post more pictures later to see if pictures really are that deceiving, or not. Thanks again for your guys' input, much appreciated!!!

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