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upcoming second procedure and density (fue)

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  • Senior Member

i had a fut procedure of 1500 grafts just over a year ago and am very pleased with the results however i would like to beef up the hairline a bit more and possibly temporal peaks.


i would like to do fue this procedure around 800 grafts according to doc


is it easier for a surgeon to beef up hairline after the first procedure as he can see where gaps are for grafts to go?

i guess my question is considering i need so very few grafts why did doc not utilise more first time around??

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  • Senior Member



Different surgeons utilize different approaches; some like to extract and implant a maximum number of grafts in one procedure, while other like a conservative approach with less grafts spread out over multiple procedures. Altogether, it's impossible to say which approach is "right," but it seems like your surgeon opted for a more conservative route.


I'm not sure whether it would be "easier" to increase the hairline density via a second procedure, but I can say that it's a common practice.


I hope this helps!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member

Dingdong, my case is similar too...i received 1500 grafts using FUT and doc said I need to wait for some time to get hairline, temporal and crown areas done later. Why only 1500 for me - because of lack of my scalp laxity, doc could only extra that much. After sometime, say about 3-4 months for FUE, or 1 year for another FUT, I need to think about next procedure.

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  • Senior Member



There is no reason why one's laxity would keep the maximum to 1500 unless you had extremely poor donor density or you've had multiple prior procedures. I've never seen a scalp so tight that 1500 was the max if all other factors were normal.




It is hard to say why some clinics will take less than they should. Sometimes it can just be a matter of misjudging. It could be a matter of some not growing. It could be what Blake said, your doc took a conservative approach and felt that two sessions would be best. Did you ask him about why a second procedure is necessary, or rather, why the first pass did not do the job?

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

some believe there is a higher yield with smaller procedures


less trauma to the scalp

less shock

less risk of necrosis


for these reasons (and for some, because of their skill-set and/or patient-specific characteristics) they are more conservative

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