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anavar (oxandrolone) and hair loss?

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im a keen gym goer and considered using anavar (oxandrolone ) for a while. my reason for this is it is considered the safest roid out there due to fact it does not aromatise.


my main concern is will it have effect on hair loss ,,,,,,any opinions welcome

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  • Senior Member

It's still a steroid and will still raise testosterone and therefore DHT levels. If you are experiencing hairloss or have a family history of it, taking any anabolic steroid will most likely accelerate male hair loss.


Just get in the gym and work hard. U dont need to juice!


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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It's still a steroid and will still raise testosterone and therefore DHT levels. If you are experiencing hairloss or have a family history of it, taking any anabolic steroid will most likely accelerate male hair loss.


Just get in the gym and work hard. U dont need to juice!

wrong! Anavar does not aromatize or convert to DHT which is why it is considered one of the safest and most sought after oral steroids.


oxandrolone is a DHT derivative, meaning, it is already alpha-5 Reduced. It cannot convert back to DHT once it has been metabolized. nor will it cause gynecomastia.

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  • Senior Member

Hey mate it's ur hair so it's ur choice. There's no proven evidence it doesn't cause hairloss and with it being a steroid there is ALWAYS a chance of it causing hair loss, regardless of the THEORY - thats why drug companies arent allowed to release drugs based on theory - they need clinical evidence from trials in thousands of people.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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oxandrolone is a DHT derivative, meaning, it is already alpha-5 Reduced.


Will it act in an agonistic manner on dermal papilla DHT receptors? Interesting to see that it can't be converted to an estrogen derivative that would cause gynecomastia, but I'm wondering if it's a close enough DHT analog to still cause hair loss?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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it lacks the capacity to interact with the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and convert to dihydro form. its RARELY used by itself but has been around since the 60's but usually used with a test or anadrol.


it is sought after by women bodybuilders as well for its characteristics and safety but it is also one of the most conterfeited steroids on the black market.

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do you think would cause hairloss??

by itself no I dont. it doesnt convert enough but if one is already losing their hair they will continue to lose their hair likely to some degree no matter what you take so some who have takn var (anavar) have reported hair loss but thats because they were losing it anyway.


it is the safest and most sought after steroid on the planet which is why its conterfieted so often and why women often take it.


deca durabolin is the next safest along with primobolan imo but never ever take 5ar blockers such as proscar or propecia cause it would block the conversion of nandrolone to DHN in tissues such as the scalp and the prostate resulting in hairloss and BPH:eek:.


if one takes testosterone along with a 5ar blocker such as proscar it's not nearly as harmful for your hair. DHT is an anti-estrogen and blocking it while your body has higher levels of testosterone might lead to gynecomastia so id combine proscar with Arimidex for example.


test will convert to DHT via 5ar enzyme. that's the main reason why test is so androgenic tho.


I hav never known anyone to take var and accelerate their hair loss but its so hard to tell or calculate cause they may have been losing it rapidly anyway so many see a nexus but there is no THEORY like some have stated. the science does not support hair loss due to its lack of conversion.

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no problem. and no it wont be easy to find a legit source so be skeptical cause after taking it u wont see the WOW effect that u might see with d-bol or something very strong.


its primarily used for strength and fat loss in the belly (visceral fat) but the fat loss in that area tends to be permanent but takes some time.


there is certainly more then one company that makes it so be careful. half like is 4 hours. a moderate dose taken in the morning is largely out of the system by night yet gives reasonable levels of androgen during the day and early evening. take in morming and b4 u go to bed.


var shares the liver toxicity problems common to all 17-alkylated steroids. 40 mg-day and higher, liver toxicity is indeed an issue with prolonged use but u dont need that much to be honest. 20-30mg shud suffice.

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I understand that it's likely not going to be reduced to actual DHT via the 5-a2-reductase because the chemical formula is different (replacing a Carbon atom with an Oxygen atom and methylating a group somewhere in the process), but I'm still wondering if its a close enough DHT analog to stimulate DHT receptors in the dermal papilla portion of the hair follicle? If so, I think it could (in theory) still cause hair loss.

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"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 8 years later...
  • Regular Member

Sorry to revive an old post but did we get anywhere with this question?

I do not have the experience or skills of a medical professional so obviously I do not have the tools to speculate on how likely it is to bind to receptors on the follicle - though I am not the worst at reading scientific literature. 

Running through Google Scholar, I don't see any mention of AGA and Oxandrolone. Most of my search results come back with anecdotes on Reddit or Quora.

"Forum experts" claim that though it is a derivative of DHT, Oxandrolone (Anavar) is known to be "highly anabolic and mildly androgenic" (hence why it is stacked with Testosterone at a TRT dose or greater). "Androgenic Alopecia" being affected by the high "androgenic" effects of DHT are unaffected by the low androgenic effects of Oxandrolone.

There are equally as many reports that it's a DHT derivative so your hair will fall out.

Has there been any progress in this space since the previous post in 2013?




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  • 11 months later...

Haven't seen anything recent.  Landed here with the same question - will Var cause hair loss.  I've used it off and on (lots of on) for years at <40 per day and tbh I don't think it caused any worse loss than nature would have brought me. I have familial MPB going on - a few micro grafts over time have made it easy to get by with some cosmetic color - and I'd bet that any progression would have happened with or without the Var. My original source vanished - it was really effective stuff - and since then its been naps and I've been satisfied.  Thwe combination of low dose Var and low dose growth worked the best results for me over time.  It's not overnight, but it brings a nice lean toned look. 

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