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Hair transplant with Dr. Glen Charles


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I just had a transplant a week ago with Dr Charles. After much research about the procedure itself and the best person to do do it I selected Dr Charles. I couldn't be more pleased. The initial discussions with Dr Charles as I did my research and learned about the procedure were not rushed, low pressure, and very complete. The surgery itself was smoother than I expected. And the follow-up to date has been great. Dr Charles has been very responsive to me and my concerns every step of the way. I was made to feel like a person and not a patient moving through a revolving door. Furthermore, being a businessman quality and confidentiality were extremely important. I don't feel I compromised anything on these two fronts. In short, I couldn't be more happy with Dr. Charles and I recommend him highly.

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I just had a transplant a week ago with Dr Charles. After much research about the procedure itself and the best person to do do it I selected Dr Charles. I couldn't be more pleased. The initial discussions with Dr Charles as I did my research and learned about the procedure were not rushed, low pressure, and very complete. The surgery itself was smoother than I expected. And the follow-up to date has been great. Dr Charles has been very responsive to me and my concerns every step of the way. I was made to feel like a person and not a patient moving through a revolving door. Furthermore, being a businessman quality and confidentiality were extremely important. I don't feel I compromised anything on these two fronts. In short, I couldn't be more happy with Dr. Charles and I recommend him highly.

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Hello Brando -- He did 2091 grafts. It's a number that I won't forget.


Hello Big1 -- You are right. this guy spends more time on the phone with former patients and potential patients than any doctor I've ever known. Believe me I'm a person that can be very critical of doctors and their attitudes of making patients wait forever and then spending as little time as possible with them. I'm in the service business so I always recognize and appreciate good service. Glen Charles is the real deal -- sincere, concerned, and willing to take whatever time is necessary both before and after surgery.


By way of additional reporting I can tell you that I had the sutures removed yesterday by my pesonal doctor. It was a piece of cake and my doctor was very complimentary of Glen's work on sewing me up. He said it was very "clean and neat".

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm at the one month point and I can report that: (1) I've lost very few of the grafts so far. (Let's hope it stays that way.), (2) I'm still just a little tender on the top and back, but it's barely noticible, and (3)I've probably called Dr C about 4 times since the surgery and he responds promptly, politely, and completely each time. In short, I'm a happy camper.

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Hi, cpa, just wondering, how much was your procedure and how's the growth, if any, coming along. I was considering to have a consultation with dr. Charles, but then he lives too far from me. Do you have any pictures? I have seen some of his photos and they look nice, but so much to my liking, does he do dense packing and temple closing, some feed back from you would be nice.

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