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Dr. Ivan Cohen experience help?


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Dr. Ivan Cohen in Fairfield , CT


I have newly joined this forum, I have been following it for a long time and decided its time to jump and do some serious research on my options for a HT.


Has anyone heard about or had a recent personal experience with this doctor? Please advise. Thanks.

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I have heard of him since I am from CT. He is a recommended doc on here but not a "Coalition" doc. In my opinion and based on the results that I have seen, he is decent enough but there are much better docs out there.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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I have heard of him since I am from CT. He is a recommended doc on here but not a "Coalition" doc. In my opinion and based on the results that I have seen, he is decent enough but there are much better docs out there.



Would you mind suggesting any good docs in and around CT/MA/NY/NJ? Thanks for your time.

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You should not let distance stop you from finding the best doc out there.


However, here are my choices in the areas that you requested in order:


1. True or Dorin NY (Both from same clinic and do equal work IMO)

2. Feller NY

3. Wesley NY


There are other docs from these areas that are recommended on this site like Bernstein and others but for various reasons, I would not recommend them personally although I am sure there are others on here that would.


Good Luck

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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u need to be more specific. are u lookn for FUT or FUE. and what age are you and what NW class are you? as stated location should be ur last concern.


price and quality should be ur first concern and unfortunately price here in the states is outrageous! quality is good but ur gonna pay 3 to 4 times more here then abroad.


if u only need 1500 grafts or so not a big deal. if u need 4000-6000 grafts then price is a big deal.

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  • 3 months later...

I went to Dr Cohen approx 18 months ago. About 1800 grafts if memory serves.


On the plus side, there has been a definite improvement to my hairline.


On the negative side, the "full coverage" I was promised for the balding area on top is anything but. The coverage is patchy and there is a large strip in back where almost no growth at all occurred. If I comb carefully, and use just the right amount of hairspray, I can get away with looking almost normal. Forget about taking a shower with someone or going swimming.


Oh, and the scar appears to be about the thickness of a magic marker. It's grotesque.


In short, I keep the hair long enough to hide the scar, the hair on top is too sparse, and if I cut the hair on the back and side short enought to match what's on top, I look, in my opinion, like a monster.


I would not, under any circumstances, go back to Dr. Ivan Cohen.


I am not saying he is a bad surgeon. Maybe I was a bad candidate. But my own experience with him was close to disastrous.

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Mass69 I am sorry to hear that you are disappointed with the results of your hair transplant surgery. There are many reasons that could explain why you are not completely satisfied with your results and I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss them with you. It is very important to me that all of my patient have a good experience during and after the procedure. Almost always there is a way to resolve any issues that patients may have after their surgery. I hope to hear from you personally.

Dr. Cohen is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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Dr. Cohen,


I did talk with you a few months after the surgery because there were some bad signs even then. At the time you had no suggestions other than to tell me to wait and said things would probably get better. Your "bedside manner" during that conversation did not instill much confidence in your ability to resolve anything. Not sure what is to be gained by revisiting the issue with you at this point. But thank you for your reply.



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I think some of the accusations and comments regarding Dr. Cohen are becoming a bit harsh. Frankly, Dr. Cohen has been recommended by our community for a number of years, and I've personally seen numerous impressive results from his clinic over the years. Though he may, in certain cases, choose a more conservative approach, I think it's unfair and inaccurate to say that he's never presented an impressive case on the community or shouldn't be in business.


Mass, I also believe that if you are truly disappointed, I recommend the following:


First, I think you should try to discuss this issue directly with Dr. Cohen. I know you spoke with him in the other thread, but I think presenting him (and the community) with some photographs and discussing the issue will help you both come to some sense of resolution.


Second, if you are truly disappointed and would like to seek a second procedure with a different physician, I do suggest reviewing our recommended hair restoration surgeons. If you do have any questions about a physician you feel is more suited to your hair restoration goals, please let me know.


Additionally, I did want to let you know that I'm sorry to hear about the poor experience. If there is anything I (or any of the other moderators) can do to help, please don't hesitate to send a private message.



"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Mass, I also believe that if you are truly disappointed, I recommend the following:


First, I think you should try to discuss this issue directly with Dr. Cohen. I know you spoke with him in the other thread, but I think presenting him (and the community) with some photographs and discussing the issue will help you both come to some sense of resolution.


Second, if you are truly disappointed and would like to seek a second procedure with a different physician, I do suggest reviewing our recommended hair restoration surgeons. If you do have any questions about a physician you feel is more suited to your hair restoration goals, please let me know.




Fair points, but part of the reason for the existence for forums such as this is to spread the word, good or bad, for others who might be considering investing a great deal of money on a procedure like this. It's extremely helpful to have a place where one can receive an honest assessment of an individual's own results with a particular doctor.


I am making no claims at all about anyone else's experience with Dr. Cohen, but I should be able to voice my own experience. As to photo's, I may share those here shortly.


Yes, truly disappointed, and yes, probably going to be looking for a new physician to try and help improve things.

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Nobody begrudges you for sharing your experience on this forum. Patients are welcome to share their genuine experiences and photos on this forum good or bad.


However, in the interest of keeping this forum balanced and fair, those who choose to share their experience must also be willing to allow their surgeon to share their side of the story when appropriate. At times, we will also require patients to provide photos showing their results so the adult members of this community can then draw their own conclusions. To see how we handle patient disputes, please see the forum topic "Maintaining a Fair and Safe Environment on our Forum for both Patients and Physicians".


In the interest of fairness, I ask that you present your photos on this topic and provide Dr. Cohen with the necessary information and permission to share his side of the story. If you prefer, you can send me a private message with your full name and I can pass it along to Dr. Cohen. In his response, he will not identify you but will be able to better respond to your concerns.


Thanks for your anticipated cooperation,



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I'll snap some photo's and post them either there or in a new thread. I have been frankly embarrassed to share them prior to this.


I signed a previous reply to Dr. Cohen with my initials so I think he can figure out who I am.

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I'll snap some photo's and post them either there or in a new thread.


I think this will be very helpful. Let me know if you need help with any of the images.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Please do go ahead and post photos ASAP. However, I've asked that you supply Dr. Cohen and/or one of us with your full name privately. I'm not going to ask Dr. Cohen to guess based on your initials.


Your identity will be kept confidential but Dr. Cohen will need it to properly respond to your concerns.


Please send me and/or Blake a private message with the information we've requested.





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