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Extremely Disappointed

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I was born with a big forehead, but I had a hair transplant because I got tired of it. I had the hair transplant in July 2012 and I thought that my problem had been solved. Even though I lived like this for over four decades, now that I had the hair transplant each day is like a decade. I want to wake up and see the results. Now that I complete the sixth month mark, I feel despair. Before I had a big forehead, but my hair was thick and dense. The bare skin was just forehead skin. Now I look worse than ever. I look as bald as those patients that need a transplant. The hair grew up in my forehead, but it is not dense at all. Please let me know if things will get better for me. I paid $8,100 ($6.00 per hair graft). It looks as if this is just the beginning of a long journey. Do more hairs still emerge?








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  • Regular Member

hi! don't despair, hair will grow for up to 12 months to see your final results. how many grafts did you actually get? it looks like there was a significant amount of grafting put in your hairline. it will take a while for the ones that have already sprouted to strengthen up as well.


are you taking any supplements for hair growth? a lot of people recommend taking MSM or Biotin to help with speeding things up and keeping hair healthy. i've also heard good reviews about something called Biosil. all three of those will help strengthen hair and increase follicle diameter, meaning you're hair will look thicker.


good luck to you! here i sit with fresh grafts on my head worrying about the same things as you, so i can relate.

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  • Senior Member

welcome to the forums, i can relate to the bigforehead, it stinks, 6 months is still early , most of the grafts should have sprouted, in the next few months , these thin hairs should grow thicker and longer and give more coverage, how many grafts did you have ? i dont know if all the grafts grew , but you still have time to see improvement,maybe if you style your hair different it will help hide this area for you untill a few months pass and you can judge the results again, goodluck

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  • Senior Member

It sounds like you recieved 1350 grafts in your hairline. That is nearly not enough to have a dense hairline in the area that you transplanted. Even though your current situation will improve it probaly wont be enought grafts.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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1300 seems to be a little light on grafts, but ti be fair, there will be some more improvement and it looks a lot better. The way it is combed is not doing you any favors either. I would try not to be nervous to you are around 10 months. You may need a second pass but you appear to have fairly even growth and it has a very natural appearance.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Give it a good 14 months to see the final result. The new hair is typically more coarse in the beginning which will affect the cosmetics.



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  • Senior Member
It sounds like you recieved 1350 grafts in your hairline. That is nearly not enough to have a dense hairline in the area that you transplanted. Even though your current situation will improve it probaly wont be enought grafts.


I agree with this. I think you covered quite a bit of territory for only 1350 grafts. Like others have said, I think you'll see continued thickening for the next 6 months or so but I'm not sure it's going to match the density of your native hair.


Did you have a conversation about this with your doctor? Who did your HT?

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Thanks for the answers. I don't remember how many grafts I received, but back then I divided the total cost by 6 and the answer was the amount of hair grafts I signed for. I use hair bangs, Nanogen and hair decorations. I don't touch the transplanted area to prevent traction alopecia. I will post more pictures every month. What I feel is an emotion never experienced before. Only hair transplant patients should understand what I mean. I have read that a second hair transplant is slower to grow and you can also experience shock loss. I had my first postoperative follow-up appointment in November and the doctor said everything was OK. One of the technicians said, "That's only 20% of the final result. One day you are going to wake up and feel amazed by how much hair you have grown." I will follow your advice ; )

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