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A Simple question - Require Feedback

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A quick Post...


Well i'm 23 and Balding.... Below are my Pics... I'm 6 weeks Post Op ... 700 Grafts FUE on either temples..


That's me




Everyone Keeps their NW 1 hairline on Dad's Side....


I am following my Maternal Grandpa's Path... I think he is a NW2 Anterior.. My Elder brother is showing no signs of Balding :mad:


Guy who gave me the Gene :rolleyes:




He Died at 68... But kept that Hairline.... Crown was'nt balding..


So here's the question...


Would there be enough Donor Hair to cover that Balding area with a Decent density

.. Bcoz i'am already on the HT Route


And If so how many Grafts would be required??


PS : My Grandpa is the Baldest Guy in the Family...... No Advanced Class

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Your hair looks pretty awesome. Who did you have the HT with? I would have thought your best course of action would have been the meds.


I have no idea about predicting your loss, I don't buy into the family history too much when it comes to hair loss. My dad has a full head of hair, his dad has good hair for an 80 year old, but my uncle is bald as a baby!

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Regular Member
Your hair looks pretty awesome. Who did you have the HT with? I would have thought your best course of action would have been the meds.


I have no idea about predicting your loss, I don't buy into the family history too much when it comes to hair loss. My dad has a full head of hair, his dad has good hair for an 80 year old, but my uncle is bald as a baby!


My left temple was wierd.... It was eating up my Self Confidence and happiness....I don't feel like going out .... Socialising....Joining Get Togethers, PArtiesss...etc


So i took the Plunge


Yeah Family History of course plays a part... More Chances to get it From Maternal Side....You are not going to Bald if none in the Family has hairloss


I Observed it Myselves

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I have read people on here who had no hair loss history that ended up going bald.


Who was your surgery with? How many grafts? Did you get advised to get on propecia and minoxidil? Did you get checked for whether it is actually male pattern baldness and not just a mature hairline forming?

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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How do you know he is reputed if no-one online has heard of him? I'm not saying this means he is bad....but a lot of bad doctors market themselves are reputed and leading etc so just wondered who it was.


If you respond well to the meds and the HT grows in well then hopefully you wont have to worry about any future loss :)

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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What regions of the scalp are you considering implanting?


Based upon the images you provided, I'd be wary of any surgeon willing to perform your hair transplant. Frankly, it doesn't appear like you're really suffering from androgenic alopecia.


Do you think you can share some "straight on" shots of your hairline? It may provide a better idea of what you're considering.


Also, don't drive yourself crazy with the genetic component of your hair loss. Genetic hair loss is poly genetic (meaning it can come from anywhere) and expresses variable penetrance (meaning that having the gene does not guarantee full or even partial expression). Because of these two variables, it's really not worth trying to "nail down" a genetic cause, and most hair loss folk wisdom (e.g. - "hair loss comes from your Mom's Dad") is myth.


Look forward to your reply!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
What regions of the scalp are you considering implanting?


Based upon the images you provided, I'd be wary of any surgeon willing to perform your hair transplant. Frankly, it doesn't appear like you're really suffering from androgenic alopecia.


Do you think you can share some "straight on" shots of your hairline? It may provide a better idea of what you're considering.


Also, don't drive yourself crazy with the genetic component of your hair loss. Genetic hair loss is poly genetic (meaning it can come from anywhere) and expresses variable penetrance (meaning that having the gene does not guarantee full or even partial expression). Because of these two variables, it's really not worth trying to "nail down" a genetic cause, and most hair loss folk wisdom (e.g. - "hair loss comes from your Mom's Dad") is myth.


Look forward to your reply!


Thanx For the Response Future_Doc... U Might have been mislead by the above photos..


Check out these photos when combed back... The Points marked in red shows where i got the fue.... 700 grafts (380 on 1 side and remaining on other)






I am 2.5 months Post - op ..There is some growth... on either sides.. more to come...

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Sorry for the Poor Quality Pics... My Cam is not working...


I may be wrong about the genetic Part... But i cannot see a single person who is past NW 3 in either sides of my Family....


Below are the Pics of Family members...






I might be safe... Just Might be... Not Confirming though


As i told earlier Grandpa was the Baldest Guy in the Family...


My Question was Would an average NW 2 Anterior guy have enough amount of Grafts to restore his Hairline with a Good Density

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Yes, probably.


You have really good genetics on both sides. If anything you might look like one of the maternal uncles indeed.


The surgeon should not have operated at your age unless the family history was clear. Even so, you are young to get a procedure. But you've done it. Stop worrying for now, wait 12 months, go have some fun. Genes are on your side.

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Keep in mind if you cut your hair a little shorter it might look more "full" in the corners. SInce you went FUE, you might try it out and see how things progress as your HT grows in.


Last time i tried that it didn't look good... Because i didn't have an athletic body then..


I am planning to go to the Gym... Would definitely check it out

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  • Regular Member
Yes, probably.


You have really good genetics on both sides. If anything you might look like one of the maternal uncles indeed.


The surgeon should not have operated at your age unless the family history was clear. Even so, you are young to get a procedure. But you've done it. Stop worrying for now, wait 12 months, go have some fun. Genes are on your side.



Thanks Buddy.. Now that's Comforting..... I have to now Start My Career... This Recession was giving me anxiety problems and depression... That's why i went the HT Route


Surgeon indeed asked me to show the Family History... and did remind that i was young to have an HT.. Also i might need Multiple Procedures in Future..... I am prepared for that too...

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Yes, a NW II patient should have sufficient donor density for acceptable hairline restoration.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Okay those photos with your hair back tell a different story, I understand why you'd want that sorted. It's easy to brush it off when those of us here have much worse loss than you..........but if I were you I'd be wanting to sort those temples out too.


I just hope you went to a quality surgeon and that the finasteride works well for you.

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Regular Member
Okay those photos with your hair back tell a different story, I understand why you'd want that sorted. It's easy to brush it off when those of us here have much worse loss than you..........but if I were you I'd be wanting to sort those temples out too.


I just hope you went to a quality surgeon and that the finasteride works well for you.


You got it :)

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