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Bad receding hairline at 18(Pics)

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Hey, I'm new to the forum but I have been lurking around for quite some time now. As the title suggest, I have a receding hairline and am only 18 years old. I have always had a high forehead but only recently have I been experiencing thinning on the top of my head and my hairline has been receding. It has really had an impact on my confidence and I don't go out with my friends anymore because of how self conscious I am about it. I started taking propecia(1mg) for about 2 months now and I know it's too early to see any results but was wondering about few things:

1. I have a line of thin little "baby" hairs where my hairline used to be. Has anybody experienced it before and is it possible that those hairs will thicken up again or is it to late for them?

2. I used to be able to grow long hair. If propecia works, will I be able to grow long hair again?

Any feedback will be appreciated :)

P.S. Sorry for the bad lighting :P









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You are young and propecia works especially well on young folks. I suspect that you will see strengthening of your hair overall (many thin hairs growing thicker and overall healtheir hair) with the drug along with decreased fallout. However, most likely not major regrowth. You could be one of the lucky few that does and I hope that you are.


Having said that, do not underestimate the value of overall hair thickeing and stabilized hairloss. It will make a difference in your overall look and battling hairloss overall.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Regular Member

Hi ice

I understand how you feel I was 18ish when my hair started receding I'm 30 now and with propecia rogaine and a Ht I've got a decent head of hair , try to stay positive in 6 months you could have massive improvement from the fin

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  • Regular Member
You are young and propecia works especially well on young folks. I suspect that you will see strengthening of your hair overall (many thin hairs growing thicker and overall healtheir hair) with the drug along with decreased fallout. However, most likely not major regrowth. You could be one of the lucky few that does and I hope that you are.


Having said that, do not underestimate the value of overall hair thickeing and stabilized hairloss. It will make a difference in your overall look and battling hairloss overall.


Thanks for the reply :) I'M really just hoping for thicker hair and maintenance. Anything else would just be a bonus :)

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  • Regular Member
Hi ice

I understand how you feel I was 18ish when my hair started receding I'm 30 now and with propecia rogaine and a Ht I've got a decent head of hair , try to stay positive in 6 months you could have massive improvement from the fin


I will. Thanks for the feedback :)

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  • Regular Member
You've received good advice and there is no need to pursue surgery yet . Have you tried shaving your head to see what it looks like ?


I actually shaved my head after I took those pictures but it looks worse :(. Every time I'm under light, it looks like I'm almost bald, which sucks so I wear a hatt almost everyday at school.

Edited by Ice
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  • Senior Member

ur are too young to get surgery at this point. hopefully propecia will work for you with noi side effects., i tried propecia many years ago, but unflortunately had side effects so i had to stop. my hair unfortunately got alot worse over the years and now i am seriously considering a HT. i am now 34 so i have a good idea of the extent of my hairloss.

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  • 1 month later...

@ AJ29.


I have been on this site for a while now and must say im well impressed with your results. Dr Bisanga seems to be really good as iv read many reviews on him now.


I been wanting a HT for 3 years now but never really had enough trust in the HT surgeons.


Im thinking of going ahead with Dr. Bisanga. Was wondering if you could tell me abit more about your experiace in terms of how was on the first day at the clinic? do you pay up in advance? how was your drive back home after the op? any problems. Im considering driving there myself (from leeds).


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  • Senior Member

Hey Ice, you sound like you have a pretty good attitude about your hair loss. I know it's bothering you but I'm glad you're living your life and not talking about suicide like others hear have done. There is no reason for that!


I agree with others in that fin and minox should really help your hair. Be realistic though. You're probably not going to look like Brad Pitt but you should see some thickening and strengthening. Try to just hang onto what you have for as long as possible before even considering surgery. Hopefully if you can maintain for the next 5-10 years there might even be more treatments available (or a cure!).


Good luck and stay positive!

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