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What good available hair vitamins should I take after HT?

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Taking a good quality multi-vitamin will certainly cause no harm and will most likely have some benefit. Most people do not eat a very well balanced diet and could use some vitamin and mineral supplements. There are several ingredients in most multi-vitamins that have been identified as having positive effects on hair. These include but are not limited to Selenium, Biotin, Folic Acid, and Zinc. I believe that vitamins and minerals will have a more profound effect on the hair quality rather than hair quantity.

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I have said many times that I think that vitamin companies are more responsible for the fleecing of America than those cash advance places advertised so much on our local TV stations. That being said, vitamins are by definition "vital" and needed by the body.


I would generally agree with Dr. Charles that a multivitamin a day would be reasonable for most folks who don't have a balance home-cooked meal every evening. But on the occasion that I go to the grocery store, it seems like EVERYTHING we buy is "vitamin fortified" except Doritos. So I believe most people get enough vitamins, but an inexpensive multivitamin is probably not a bad idea. Where I have issues with the vitamin companies are when they suggest that a simple vitamin with a bit more of something, is perfect for ....impotent men, small breasted women, kids who don't pay attention etc. With the exception of vitamins A, K, E and D, everything else that is above what the body actually needs, is urinated out. So why spend your money on it??


So while this was a verbose answer, if you are bound and determined to take something, or you don't eat a reasonable average diet, a multivitamin is more than enough in my opinion.


If you want to spend your money on medicines for your hair, try Rogaine or Propecia. Each has their pros and cons and require an individual to weigh risks, benefits, and costs. And PRP may also be a reasonable consideration as well.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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