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FHT 3650 grafts Dr Radha 27/09/12 (pics, details...)


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As promised i 'm updating my experience.

I'm back to France so it's easier to update pics and write on my keyboard.


I can make it long but i will try to keep it short. (i know you're only interested by pics ;) )

If you are on a hurry just go to my blog => http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=2561


I was on hollidays in the north of india and Nepal before HT.

I went to Vizag on the 25th of september. I met Dr Radha on the 26th for one hour. We planned together the surgery.

Dr radha and her team are very nice and professional.

I had a long day at the clinic (9 am 8 pm)

I had to go back to the clinic on the 28th for first checking and shampoo.

Suture removal on the 2nd of october and last post op explanations.


Actually i was scared about doing my HT in India. Price was one my motivation.

I was supposed to do it in april http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165102-fht-dr-radha.html but because of work issues i had to postpone it http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/167458-fht-dr-radha-4000-grafts-coming.html.


She said i was almost a norwood 7. But i think i more on my way to be a norwood 6 right now.


I was hopping 4000 grafts at least but i had only 3650 grafts done. Scalp laxity was good but my density was only 70-75 hairs (per cm square i suppose)


The count : I don't remmenber exactly so it may be not exactly right

single: 1250

double : 2350

triple : 50 (bad news...)


I insisted to do the tamples and to have a good density on the front and not to have a too high hairline. That's why she could not go as far as planned before.


So the bad news : poor density (70-75), very few triple hairs. 3650 grafts (was expecting more than 4000) :(


The good news : Dr radha and her team were great, no pain, good scar, good work, and First HT done. No more finasteride ( i want to stop it !):)



So now i'm fine and i shaved my hairs. I have scabs and i don't really know if i have to remove it or not. (so any advice would be a lot appr?ciated).


I'm not an expert in FUT, i'm french (sorry for my mistakes) and this was my first HT. I choosed dr Radha before recommandation on this forum and i'm very happy with my choice till now.


But to be honest, the only thing that matters to me is the result.. So now i have to be patient. I cannot recommend at a 100% Dr Radha until 8 months.

But definitely, i really appreciated my HT experience so far and i'm looking forward to see my hairs growing.


Fortune hotel in Vizag is expensive but is great by the way !


i've updated my blog for all the pics. Just have a look at my signature.


I will post the today's pics !!!


Dr radha did'nt send me the pics she took before and after the surgery. I will post it as soon i will have it.


Any coments would be a lot appreciated.


before : Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss Patient Blogs

1 hour after : Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss Patient Blogs

1 day post op : Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss Patient Blogs

12 days post op, hairs shaved : Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss Patient Blogs


PS : i'm already thinking of my next FHT in a year if results are great with Dr Radha ( crown and add density)

And for those considering a FHT with Dr Radha rani do not hesitate to ask any questions you'd like to...




Edited by oncled
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  • Senior Member

Hey oncled,


Congratulations on your successful surgery! The coverage seems good and will make a whole lot of difference when everything sprouts up :)


You mentioned that you won't be continuing with fin now. Is it something that the doc suggested or is it a personal call? What is Dr. Radha's take on oral medication after a HT?


Happy growing!

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Actually i decided bymyself to stop finasteride (propecia). I told her i wanted to stop it. I took it during 8 months. I didn't notice a big change and i don't want to take the risk to have its side effects. I'm only 28 and this could affect me for the rest of my life... no way !!!


So now i take Androanagen. Dr radha prescribes me that dietary supplement and she told me that it has no side effect reported.


But i'm not an expert, so if anyone could help me to understand exactly what it is, that would be great. (pic attached)


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Things look very good, I to was wondering why you would stop the use of fin? In my unprofessional opinion I would say you may be able to get some benefit from using it and assist in the potential shock loss if you will experience any. How soon where your sutures removed? What was the cost of the procedure (if you don't mind me asking)? Do you have more donor available for another HT if you ever want to consider one? And do you know the size of the strip that the doctor excised? Thanks and happy growing.

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Yes , i'm pretty sure that Propecia could help. But i really want to stop it. I don't want to take that risk at my age.


The first sutures were removed the fifth day after the HT. And the others are absorable suture ( will take about 3 weeks after HT to be absorbed if i'm right)


She charges 50 indian roupies per grafts which is very cheap compared to the price in western countries (europe, US ...). I don't know if it's still the same amount.


I don't mind telling you how much i paid but as i did contact Dr Radha last year and she was not recommended by this forum and very few pics were available at this time, i had a small discount. ( We fixed the price in january...)


It was also besause it was quite a big amount of grafts. Let just say it's between 2000 and 2600 € with 10 months supply of androanagen.


You cannot find cheaper for the class of work she does. But actually i need to wait another ten months to really tell you if it worth it...or not.


I guess we can remove about 6000 grafts with FUT (and maybe more). So yes i will have the opportunity to do it again in 10 month, when scalp laxity will be restored. I think my scalp laxity is good and that should'nt be the problem. I don't know the size exactly of the strip but i know it was quite big. Unfortunately, poor density did'nt help me to achieve the amount that i was planning.


Hope this help !

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To be honest, since it was my first HT, i didn't do scalp laxity exercises.

But 3650 is not a bad number at all...i only hoped to have 4000 or more...

i think the piece of skin she took was large enough to achieve 4000 grafts with a better density.


Unfortunately, i didn't have good density (let alone triple or quads ... :( )


But if i can achieve the same amount of grafts for my second hair transplant (next year ??) with scalp exercises, i would be very happy !!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I don't know what to think.


Actually, it seems that everything is happening fast. (too fast ?)


No more scab after one week...


The stiches were supposed to be absorbed between 3 and 6 weeks. I lost all of them only 2 weeks after HT:confused:


I already lost a lot of hairs (at least 70%) and i hope this is not a bad news. Is it too early ?


I can feel some pain on the recipient area when i touch it. Is that normal ? Furthermore, it's like it's still on anesthesia....a bit concerned about that.


My scar is still quite red. i cannot feel it at all except 3 cm ( maybe 1mm on surface)


I hope everything is normal. I know waiting is the hardest part...



More pics on my blog:rolleyes:


Thanks for your help and sorry for my english (very tired tonight)






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Hey... work looked clean, you had severe loss for age 28 imho. I feel locating grafts towards the vertex-crown region would have been a more conservative approach, as you said though you insisted on temple work.


I think you could have gone with more grafts. I believe hairs falling out after a couple weeks is normal and expected. I will say that on your day 12 pics with the shaved head it looks like if and when they grow in, you will look completely different. your day 12 pic from the front you look much better imho than pre-op photos. Though shaven, the stubble helps frame your face.


Good luck and let us know how it progresses. I am considering her as well.

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  • 1 month later...
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Yes you're right. But i know i will have a second hair transplant for the crown.


I have a lot of body hairs if i need to and i hope that replicell and company..... will help one day to add density.... let's cross fingers.


But that's exactly what i wanted so i did it !


I wanted more grafts but actually density was not so great. But this is a good number after all....


I cannot recommend her at a 100% since i will have to wait at least another 6 months to check the results. But d?finitely, i had a great experience so far ;) .


I had a few pimples and hairs appear to grow little by little. I'm only at the beginnig of the road and waiting is the hardest part. But i'm confident and i know it's for the best.


I will post pics in a couple of weeks so you will see the results at 3 months post op.


Tks for sharing your oppinion

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hey man , I just looked at your blog ... the work from dr radha looks great. Remember to be very patient with the whole procedure, stop looking in the mirror and stop putting yourself down with the negative comments. Try and rest easy, you picked a great surgeon . I have had 2 transplants , one from a terrible hack who scarred me badly at the young age of 23, then i had a repair session with Dr Lindsey and he really helped me out . At least you didnt make a mistake like I did, you went with a reccommended surgeon the first time around. Good luck friend , ill be watching your blog.happy new years:D

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Thank you .

Yes i know i just have to be patient.


Dr radha was really nice and i 'm not complaining at all.

She did a good job and i'm sure it will look great...


But waiting is a hard part... That was my feeling ...that's it .


Sorry for your first HT. I think going to a recommanded surgeon is almost a must.


Thank you for your feedback.


And honestly, i don't feel very bad. It is just that i 'm looking forward to the next summer ;) .

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