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Okay, recently i have had a tough time in my life. I am just after finishing with a girl i dated for four and a half years so not good, that is really hurting me.


Secondly i was in work today and i had to send a form for approval and it needed the approval of my manager with my passport id. "so this is what you look like with hair", why oh fooking why did you have to say that fella " you look so different" was another comment.


Now i have been receeding heavily and i am fairly light in my crown but i do have hair and can style it, even though in truth maybe i should shave my head. I have been using rogaine and my crown has improved, not drastically but there is more hair. I have big enough ears and that is one reason i do not feel comfortable shaving my head.


I am feeling really down about the relationship as well it was out of my hands, i still care for her and this hurts as she loved me for who i was, not my hair or lack of it. There is no way back though.


At a guess i believe i would need between 3500-4000 grafts looking at similar hair to myself. I have around 16k euro-20k dollar available if needed.


Not sure if that is enough, probably not. I would be looking at Hasson and Wong as my main choice as their results are stunning as well as Cam Simmons.


I just hate my life at the moment. I am still not a bad looking lad but i have zero confidence.


It takes me 30 minutes a morning to style my hair and really i don't want to get involved with a lass who sees me having to do that every morning. I will either shave it and be done and then feel a lot worse i would think or get a transplant done which i hope would be a success.


I am hitting my mid thirties and would love to do this soon and enjoy the rest of my thirties and hope to meet a nice girl and just be happy with my life

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  • Regular Member

Feel your pain buddy. Do a lot of research and don't rush into a procedure. Think long term. I thought the same thing: my head and ears won't fit a buzz. But, I recently buzzed my head without a guard and it is liberating to not spend time with hair gel and concealer; took about an hour a day (due to ht scars). So, the scars show and I'm working on camouflaging with pigment. Sure I don't look as attractive(women still like me though), but it is a clean professional, and symmetrical look. Anyhow, if you are a norwood 6 like me.....it takes a lot of grafts and good donor density to be satisfied, and it will most likely never look as it once did. Good luck and talk to someone, like a counselor, because keeping it inside will eat you up.

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Sorry your not feeling so good my man. The two surgeons that you have mentioned are solid and you are undoubtedly at the right place to find out all of the information that you need, and to get some genuine professional feedback from the best HT Dr.s on the planet. Being in you mid 30s, it is not an insane situation to be losing your hair. A good percentage of guys your age will be in a similar situation. Not that this makes your feel any better though.


Sorry to hear that you recent relationship didn't work out. That sucks, and life works like this sometimes, where it seems that everything is up against you, one thing after another. Just takes time to get your feelings in order and to move on and meet somebody better and right for you. Any genuine woman, does not see your head of hair or lack there of it, they see you as you and that is what matters.


If you hair is bothering you that much, then take the next steps and gather all of the necessary information, and then when well informed, make the right decision for you, but don't confuse this with just generally feeling down with some raw deals in life. It will all work out for you, stay positive and remember that we are all here to help out however we can! Good luck!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I appreciate you being so vulnerable and honest about how hair loss is making you feel. As a recovered bald guy, I can relate to a lot of the feelings you are currently having. In fact, I was so ashamed of my hair loss that I didn't go anywhere without a hat. And if I had to attend an event without a hat, I either tried desperately to find a way out of it or didn't invite certain individuals (females) whose opinion could break me.


8 years after my journey has begun however, I have learned a lot. Yes I've restored my hair thanks to world renowned surgeons providing me with world class hair transplant results. But I've also learned a lot about life and why life is worth living to the fullest with or without hair.


Here at this community, we can provide you with the information and support you need to help you make an informed decision. But while you're researching your options, I encourage you to do what it takes to press forward and enjoy life. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and those who are worth your time will be more attracted to inner beauty and confidence than any physical attribute.


I've seen the baldest and heaviest of men attract more women with their confidence than anyone could alone with their looks. And those who truly love you will share in your life's journey unconditionally.


If there's anything I can do to assist you in your journey, don't hesitate to ask.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

hang on there , alot of things on ur plate, first thing is dont rush into any hts without doing some research HnW is a top clinic,find a friend or family member you can trust and let it out , EVERYTHING , it wont change your situation at the moment but you will feel alot better getting it off ur chest,and then take the steps in getting ur hair sorted, losing a GF, is something that takes time to get over, its important to have ur mind right when you have a HT, because its a long road, the surgery will be over in a day but the WAIT for new growth is the hard part, good luck and hang in there,

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Keep smiling matey.


I have drafted a long reply for you to put on here with some pointers to help you out but as it's so long, it's awaiting approval from the moderators!


In the meantime, start thinking about other ways to make YOU feel better whilst thinking about your hair work... buy a new shirt, go on the sunbed, get your teeth whitened (women go weak at the knees for a good set of teeth!), get some gym suppliments and go hard at the gym.


All these things boost serotonin levels in the brain which in turn will make you feel more confident in yourself whilst you consider your hair changes.


More detailed info coming your way on here once approved by the mods.......


You are not alone!!



2800 FUE, Istanbul

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Good sound advice guys. Ireland, as you can see you have a great community here for you. Your not on your own.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Bill, you are in fact correct, my apologies!!


However, the advice still applies and i hope that the op click son the link and feel slightly more positive about his situation.


It's all logical stuff and things i have to tell myself when i'm feeling down too (and in a way, helping others keeps me happy too), so if it helps in anyway, that's all good.





2800 FUE, Istanbul

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Guys i just want to say thank you so much for the replies. The difference with this forum is that people truely care. I do believe a ht is the best choice for me if i really want to gain my confidence. The big problem is work but i could take a 6 mth career break which may help.


The relationship was on and off for over four years due to her situation. It is gone now and i HAVE to try and move on as she is doing.


Low yes but i am fairly strong mentally and i hope to pus on, get the right advice, go for my ht and move on and try to be happy.


Thank you for all the replies.

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