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Hair straightening

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I had a hair transplant 6 months ago. In addition to my hair having thinned out over the years, it has also gotten much more wavy and coarse, making it hard to style the way I like. My hair stylist has suggested getting my hair straightened. Can this damage either my transplanted hair or my existing hair?

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I had a hair transplant 6 months ago. In addition to my hair having thinned out over the years, it has also gotten much more wavy and coarse, making it hard to style the way I like. My hair stylist has suggested getting my hair straightened. Can this damage either my transplanted hair or my existing hair?

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  • Senior Member

Many hair transplant patients tell of the transplanted hairs being a bit wiry and coarse shortly after they grow in. They also say that this goes away in time; the hairs will "soften up."


As far as relaxing your hair, it is my understanding that the chemicals involved can be very harsh. The best that I can suggest for you to do is to find out exactly what is in the solution that they plan on using and consult your hair transplant physician to get his/her recommendations.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

Almost all the old mini and micro HT procedure resulted in wire/wavy hair but after about 18 months is straightens out and over time it becomes normal. However, with the latest FU procedures this should not be as much as a problem-- if it is truely FUs.

Dont straighten it-- that is like getting a "perm" which they use harsh chemicals which can damage the scalp and hair-- AVOID THAT AT ALL COSTS. What I did, was use a dense conditioner every day which helps over time.

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  • 12 years later...
  • Regular Member

You could try some physical hair straighteners? Just use a heat protectant product to help prevent damage.

Online Patient Advisor for Dr. Bijan Feriduni, Coalition Member


My opinions are my own and don't necessarily represent that of Dr. Feriduni's.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.


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The only reason why I got a HT was because I NEED straight hair, and it looked like shit with my recession. I will only be relieved when I can finally straighten it.


This will be the moment when I'll be unwrapping the christmas presents. Not before, even I get a full NW1.


This is how adamant about straightening my hair I am. Of course I'll use the best and less harsh products. As of now, I'm already(2 monts post-op) using an anti-frizz shampoo. I don't see how anything could damage the grafts. Of course some hairs will break. But in what way could any product harm the actual follicles?

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