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HT with Dr.Feriduni


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  • Regular Member

hi all,


after all the research, i have decided to do the HT with Dr. Friduni,on October.


please i need some help and advices.

i have attached my photo(hope it works as i did once before and the photo was too largge)


do you think i have done the right decision to do HT with the extend of my baldness?


also do you think i have choosen the right Dr to do my HT with?


i had alot of help already from this wesite thanks to the founder and everybody else.


please advice me as al you know it is big decision not only financially but everything else also.


please comment on anythin that i might not know.


many thanks to all in advance




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  • Regular Member

thanks forrest, i get to know Dr. Feriduni from this website,apparantly he is one of the best out side north america, i dont know if with my balddness would it be beig difference by HT.

thanks again for the responce

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  • Senior Member

I haven't seen as much as I would like from Dr. Feriduni, but what I have seen of his is truly outstanding. He is certainly on my short list of doctors. How old are you nader?

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  • Regular Member

thanks tc17 for replying, i am 29 yrs old , and i have an appointment with Dr.feriduni on october, i have contacetd Dr.Deveeroy also he suggested 3000 graft , but Dr. Feriduni propossed 4000-5000, from what i have seen on his website and report in this website he is great but i am searching for more info .

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  • Senior Member

You're relatively young, so I think that you must tread carefully. Both Dr. Devroye and Dr. Feriduni have outstanding reputations, but their graft estimates are wildly different, why? You need to find out the answer to that question before you proceed. If I were in your shoes, I would follow up with each and ask why they recommended the numbers that they did, and also get at least 5 more estimates from other highly respected physicians.


From your level of baldness, I would say that 4,000 sounds about right, but that is not to say that Dr. Devroye is incorrect in his estimate. It is very likely that you will continue to lose much more hair, and you may be left with a donor that can only support 4,000 to 5,000 grafts. If that does occur, and you use 80% of it now, you may not have enough to keep up with future loss. That might be one of the reasons why you received a lower number for Dr. Devroye.


It is extremely important to consult with MANY more doctors to get their opinion on your case. After all, if you consult with 8 more doctors, and all 8 agree with Dr. Devroye's assessment, then maybe you should pause for a moment. Likewise, if all 8 agree with Dr. Feriduni, then that should tell you something as well. Nothing is guaranteed, but if a majority of the respected docs are in agreement, you should feel more confident in your plan of action.

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  • Regular Member

thanks alot TC17, as per both of them i have a good donor area, infact Dr.fereiduni have told me that i might have to do another HT after a year with 1000-2000 graft more for vertex. as u recomended i would send my photos to more doctors and ask how many graft would i need . ,

thanks again for all the advices

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  • Regular Member

Sorry for hijacking the thread...but... nw4 - you say you haven't been to the pro-hair clinic but also say that their results are much better. Can you clarify that a bit more please? I've looked at the results from their clinic and they do seem to be pretty good, but I'd be worried about the 'hair mill' problem - how do you know you'll get a good surgeon on the day?


Are there any other forumites who have experience of the prohair clinic? I only ask because their FUE prices are lower than Feriduni and Devroye, which seems an attractive option (but as we all know, cost should not be the top priority when choosing an HT surgeon).

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I totally don't agree with nw4; prohair does have a great reputation in Belgium,The Netherlands and outside these countries but they only perform FUE surgery and with the amount of grafts Nader supposed to get I'm not sure it'll be an option for him.

Dr Feriduni does an outstanding job and certainly will be there during the surgery;

He won't transplant all the grafts which I'm not sure if any surgeon does do them without the use of assistants or technicians?

He will extract the grafts(fue) or will perform the strip extraction and trichoclosure ; will make the receiving holes and will transplant the first couple of hundreds then two technicians will continue this job and at he will come by every now and then to check if everything is going to plan. He will jump by to give you some more sedation when this wears off or when there's extensive bleeding so the sedation won't last long enough.

When the grafts are in place he'll give it a thourough check and most of the time he will place the last hundred or so grafts using the stick and place method which he'll do by himself; sort of finishing touches.

There are a bunch of well respected clinics and surgeons here as well but I haven't heard a story of people who went with prohair who were only helped by the surgeon himself.

I think it's normal that in most cases and clinics ; the placement of the grafts being done by assistants or technicians; they are well educated nurses who know very well what they're doing.

Every clinic will have their own portion of bad results no matter how well respected or trained the surgeon is, but the chances of a good hair transplant is higher with a reputable surgeon.

I bet even dr Feller,Shapiro,H&w,... will have their not so good result patients but reading nw4's post it seems like dr Feriduni is only delivering good results when he's doing the job himself without help to show off those results as a promoting campaign.

I have met most of the hair surgeons in Belgium,The Netherlands and a few in Germany but I can't say anything wrong about Dr Feriduni and he has alot of patients he will show you on his desktop. He'll find patients which had the kind of surgery you're needing or wanting to let you see the what it can do for you.

I think dr Feriduni is a great surgeon and a great person.

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  • Senior Member


I went to Feriduni in February this year- you can do a search on my name as my pics are on here. I found the whole thing faultless and he is a nice guy too. You won't get an accurate graft count until you see the surgeon in person, many will often underestimate from a photo.

I will be posting my 6 month results on Monday.

Be wary of people like NW4 who come on here and make accusations about clinics. It is quite normal procedure for the techs to do the planting.

Good luck you are in good hands!!

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In my opinon, Coalition member Dr. Feriduni is first-rate. He's been impressing members of this community for over a year with examples of his work on our forum. He's also very attentive to his patients, a dedicated surgeon, and an overall nice guy.




Are you a patient of Dr. Feriduni's? If so, when did you have surgery? Did you express your concerns about poor growth? I've also sent you a private message asking you to substantiate that you are indeed one of his patients. I'll be awaiting your response.


Best wishes,



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Are you a patient of Dr. Feriduni's or not? Please answer that question and the rest of the questions I asked you publicly. Your first post made it sound like you are. Now you make it sound like you've only had a consult with him. You are backtracking...why?


Frankly, your initial post was fishy and your second one is even moreso.


If you're a genuine patient sharing your experience, you have nothing to be concerned about. I just want to substantiate that you are indeed a genuine patient like you say you are.


The administrators of this community have the right to ask you to substantiate whether or not you're a genuine patient at any time at our discretion. See Maintaining a Fair and Safe Environment on our forum for Patients and Physicians.


If you don't respond, I'm going to assume you're not genuine and your posts will be removed.



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  • Regular Member

To be honest I've taken Dr Ferudini off my list of hair transplant doctors. I made a very positive post about him on here in January and asked for his reply(and pm'ed him). I got a reply from his staff in March apologising for the delay and that he would respond asap. Still no reply. I sent two other messages to him afterwards and no reply whatsoever.

It might seem trivial as I realise that I should judge him on results. But when the offices of Feller, H&W and Shapiro immediately respond then I expect other people to do the same.

I want to know that a clinic has perfect administration and are easily contactable (what if something went wrong after my procedure).


I feel that Dr Ferudini is glad to use this site to promote his results and become a coalition member, but judging by his lack of response, he's obviously not prepared to offer anything else to the community on this site.

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  • Regular Member

thanks to all, but im confused more, and it is getting closer to my appointment with Dr. Fereiduni, i think i would need 5000 graft, would i be in safe hand with Dr. Feriduni.


thanks agai to all

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I have asked you privately to substantiate that you are a patient of Dr. Feriduni's. It was really a simple request and I told you the information would remain confidential.


You claim you don't want to identify yourself because you fear I'm a personal friend of Dr. Feriduni. I am the Associate Publisher and moderator of this community. Did you even read our fair forum policy I linked to previously? Our policies are stated here clearly as as to why I asked you to substantiate yourself as a patient. See Maintaining a Safe and Fair Environment on our Forum for Patients and Physicians.


You won't even honor a simple request from Nader and put your photos up here blurring your face. Dr. Feriduni sees hundreds of bald heads each year - and you're afraid he's going to recognize yours?


Frankly, I'm tired of your excuses and it only furthers my suspicioni that you're not a genuine patient of his and only here to attempt to tarnish his reputation.


Like it or not, Dr. Feriduni has a right to know who you are. How is it fair to him that you hide behind an anonymous alias, make negative remarks about him, and claim to be his patient? Then when I ask you to substantiate to me privately that you are a patient, you give me a long winded excuse as to why you are not going to.


Due to the fact that you won't honor such simple requests from me and Nader to post yoour photos, I don't believe you are a genuine patient of his. Thus, I am removing all of your posts.


If you choose to substantiate yourself as a patient of his like I asked days ago via private message (which by the way I only asked for your full name, date of surgery, and a copy of a document the proves you went to him for surgery), you will be welcome to post your experience and photos but only if you allow Dr. Feriduni a chance to share his side of the story. This will require you to identify yourself to him and give him the necessary permision to post his side of the story. This is all explained in the thread Maintaining a Safe and Fair Environment on our Forum for Patients and Physicians.


Since you refuse to identify yourself privately to me, I can only assume that you are not a genuine patient and out to tarnish his hard earned reputation.


The ball is in your court to prove me wrong. Otherwise, this case is closed. You can email me what I've asked of you originally at help@hairtransplantnetwork.com.



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do what you have to do .trange rules you have .

I,m glad its different here ..So now we now this forum side is only for good resulst off FERIDUNI .i STILL THINK IT IS ONLY FOR HIM THIS FORUM .good result okay bad results go away

looks like the approach off the aesthetic.tell me bill did you got a free hairtransplantation by him ? joo bill i,m Feriduni and i will give you a free transplantation iff you will make a forum off me with good story,s

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I remember when you created that thread. I can't speak for why Dr. Feriduni never responded. Perhaps he forgot about it or became busy. I'd suggest considering sharing your disappointment with his failure to reply to the thread with the clinic directly. I'm sure Dr. Feriduni didn't purposely neglect your question.


Members of his staff post his photos online, not him personally. I know he's personally offered replies on the forum in the past, but it's been awhile. I don't think it's a lack of desire that prevents Dr. Feriduni from posting. I imagine most of his time is spent in surgery now adays and doesn't have much time to post.


Best wishes,



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All members of our forum are welcome to share genuine experiences and opinions whether they're good or bad. However, there may be times we ask a member to identify themselves so we can substantiate they are indeed a patient of the doctor they claim they are.


If the patient is genuine, they're welcome to post their detailed experience and photos here. However, to maintain a fair and balanced forum, we welcome doctors to share their side of the story if/when appropriate and if/when they desire.


In order for a doctor to be able to do this, patients may be required give up their anonymity and due to HIPAA laws, give the doctor written permission to post.


These are simple rules designed to keep the forum balanced and fair for all parties. You seem to want to hide behind your computer, make remarks, and then not be held accountable for them. But just as physicians are held accountable for their actions, so must members of our community for their posts


You apprarently have a problem with our rules and refuse to abide by them. Thus, you are no longer welcome to post here. If you can provide the information I asked you for privately via email, I will restore your rights and you can share your genuine experience and photos.





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