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4,245 grafts Dr Cooley

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This patient has type IV hair loss and was mostly concerned with the crown. He was on finasteride to inhibit further loss. His hair was extremely fine. We performed 4,245 grafts by FUT: 1-701, 2-2067, 3-1211, 4-191, 5-75; 8906 hairs). The grafts were concentrated in the crown but did extend up into the midscalp and both part lines. Followup is one year later.









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  • Senior Member

Nice result Dr. Cooley. Can you share more deatil on your placement and density planning?


Thanks for sharing

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

THanks Dr. Cooley,


I would also with interest like to know more about your placement and density planning. You would really be helping to educate the community about these type proceedures.



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In regards to placement and density planning, we put all the 3-5 hair grafts in the crown, and 1's and 2's along the part line in the mid and frontal scalp. For someone with baby fine hair like this, I want as much hair along the 'equator' of the crown, flowing both up and down, to provide coverage. Making the crown look thick is inherently difficult, and that much more so in someone with fine hair. I approach each case differently so I might do something different depending on the patient.


Also, I've been recommending a product from Nioxin called Diamax for my patients with really fine hair. In the past, I haven't recommended Nioxin products but this one seems to have been developed with solid scientific research at Proctor and Gamble, and contains caffeine. I recommended it to this patient because any thickening of the hair shaft will be a good thing.


Thanks for your interest in this case.

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