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12 Month Hair Transplant Results Dr Madhu


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Here are my 12 month hair transplant results that I undertook with Dr Madhu. To be honest these are not the results I was expecting as I don't feel there has been any growth at all. If I was told that these were the results that I would expect after my hair transplant I would never have opted for a transplant. This is because my hair was much thicker prior to my transplant. After the transplant alot of my hair shed but they never grew back again. Dr Madhu worked a little on my crown area too but there is no growth here at all and its infact worse here than what it was. I believe this is is because there has been alot of shock loss in this region. I opted for not shaving my hair when I got my transplant as Dr Madhu provides this option but at a cost. He was confident that he could do this as he felt I had good hair. The hair in the front is my natural hair and thank goodness it never fell but I feel alot did in my midscalp and crown without growing back again. Infact the hair he transplanted on my crown is not to be seen at all in terms of growth as it is far more bald there than anything else. Even my midscalp area appears to be more bald and patchy than what it was before. The hair in the front as mentioned is my natural hair and the hair that I had before from my first hair transplant. I have had roughly a total of 5200 grafts with 2412 grafts with Dr Madhu and 2700 odd grafts from my first transplant with Dr Damkerng. I thought after this transplant I would be able to go without a hat 12 months on but instead I wear one at every opportunity.. Also even now, 12 months on, when I touch my donor area there is a slight sting that I feel. I'm not sure if this is normal or not. If you want to see what my hair looked like at the 8th month mark as well as prior to my transplant you can do so in my other thread that I started here http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165309-8-months-hair-transplant-dr-madhu.html Photos of me before my first transplant with Dr. Damkerng is my album photos if you click on my profile page. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of me straight after my transplant as I didn't take any. This is because the clinic took some of me and I thought they would send it to me via email only to be told later about 2 months after the transplant that they lost my pics.

If there's anything to want to know feel free to comment. Thanks.




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I'm sorry to hear that your feel your transplant was a failure. I wish I could provide some better feedback. The problem is that, with no graft placement photos and given the length and styling of your hair, it's virtually impossible to assess your results.


As Bill and I mentioned previously, there are many world-class hair transplant surgeons around the globe that do not require shaving the recipient area with no complications.


I'm not discounting your own assessment by any means. But, I don't think anyone aside from you and Dr. Madhu will be able to give an educated opinion on the outcome of your procedure.


By 12 months post op, your should have seen not only your transplanted hairs grow in but most of the shock loss hair should have grown back as well. The only other reason I could imagine for your hair appearing worse at this time would be the progression of hair loss.


Have you been in contact with Dr. Madhu about your concerns? I know that in the past you had maintained regular communication with the clinic.


I am going to notify Dr. Madhu about your post and ask him to comment here and also to contact you privately. I have no doubt that he will do everything possible to address your concerns and ensure.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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The only other reason I could imagine for your hair appearing worse at this time would be the progression of hair loss
Hi Takingtheplunge, I was told by a doctor that native hairs "that were eventually on their way out" could grow back thinner after a HT. Could this also be a possible reason?

This is really a concern for me also because sometimes I see areas that were worked on looking thinner in general post HT. Could a HT (in some cases) speed up the loss of the native hairs around it, and make the hairs that do grow back, thinner?


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Here are my 12 month hair transplant results that I undertook with Dr Madhu. To be honest these are not the results I was expecting as I don't feel there has been any growth at all.. Thanks.



I am so sorry to hear you are dissatisfied with the HT. It makes me anxious as well, as my hair have almost all fallen out now and I am scared if they have gone forever with no chance of returning :(


On a positive side, I must say you have a handsome face and a shorter hair cut with some toppik / dermmatch should make you look good.


You are lucky as they are several people who are not lucky - neither with hair nor the face.. and you can salvage a good look because of your nice face.


Sounds gay and I am sorry about that , but I hope its makes you feel better! Use toppik until you gather enough money for another possible opportunity at HT!

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Hi Takingtheplunge, I was told by a doctor that native hairs "that were eventually on their way out" could grow back thinner after a HT. Could this also be a possible reason?

This is really a concern for me also because sometimes I see areas that were worked on looking thinner in general post HT. Could a HT (in some cases) speed up the loss of the native hairs around it, and make the hairs that do grow back, thinner?





Yes, very weak and miniaturized hairs may be lost permanently or may regrow even thinner after hair transplant surgery. Eventually they'll be gone for good. Medical hair loss treatments will only retain them for so long.


These considerations should all be part of a long-term plan created by your hair restoration physician.

Edited by TakingThePlunge

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Thanks for your reply David (taking the plunge) and also good to know you sent an email to Dr Madhu to notify him about my results. It would be helpful to know what he thinks. I remember you'd sent him an email during my 8 month result post but for whatever reason he never replied so it would be good if he did for this post.


Thanks Raulbrammin for the kind words. Yes, I might looking at cutting my hair shorter and using a concealer to thicken things.

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Hi Takingtheplunge, I was told by a doctor that native hairs "that were eventually on their way out" could grow back thinner after a HT. Could this also be a possible reason?

This is really a concern for me also because sometimes I see areas that were worked on looking thinner in general post HT. Could a HT (in some cases) speed up the loss of the native hairs around it, and make the hairs that do grow back, thinner?



These are just things that are unknown. You could stop losing hair on fin, severely slow it down, the bottom could drop out, it's all a crap shoot IMO. Sometimes I think I should have went a little more conservative. It's all a gamble.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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