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Starting a Regimen - New, Requesting Input


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Hello all,


I've been lurking off and on for a little while and decided, initial research complete, time to start posting! Anyway, based on some reading I've done here and other places, I'm trying to put together a multifaceted attack to slow down, and hopefully stop/reverse my current hair loss.


I don't have any pictures to post at the moment, but I believe I'm currently floating around a phase 2. And yes, this lack of photos will probably be counterproductive to narrowing down specifics for my regimen. I'll get some up soon. Anyhow, I have strong thinning and some recession at the temple and hairline area, though there are still some hairs floating around, it isn't completely bare. The center of the top of my head (as in not the vertex, further forward) is very slightly starting to thin, but isn't noticeable. From what I can see there is no visible thinning in the rear or crown area.


Here is my plan, and I would greatly appreciate recommendations or anecdotal evidence on any of the following: brand, frequency, dosage, efficacy, what else to take/not take, anything really.


Daily - Some form of finasteride, completely unsure what kind.

2x Daily - Some form of minoxidil, leaning towards Rogaine foam or comparative generic (ie: also the inactive ingredients, not just minoxidil)

2x Weekly - 2% Nizoral shampoo


From what I understand this is the framework of a typical "Big 3" situation. Some threads I already read and set aside for future review include this and this.


For reference, I'm 25. Pictures forthcoming soon. Thanks a bunch guys.

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  • Senior Member

Sounds good! You are doing everything you should be doing. FYI, finasteride is finasteride. There aren't really different types of it. Propecia = Finasteride so most guys get the fin because it's cheaper than the brand name Propecia. The fin I get is 5 mg and I cut it in quarters so I take 1.25 mg per day.


Good luck!

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Thanks for that info.


I did have another question regarding application of the Rogaine. I've read that finasteride takes many months to have a noticeable effect on the retention and improvement of the hair. So, in the interim.. where should I be applying the Rogaine foam? Only to noticable loss/thinning areas (hairline, temples, a bit in the center front of the vertex) or everywhere to cover my bases before the finasteride actually helps maintain what I currently have.


Sorry if that's kind of an absurd question, but I really don't know.



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Hey dwtp,


I've been using generic minoxidil for about 10 months (granted it's the topical solution, not foam), and I've found it to be particularly effective on the crown, and fairly effective on the top. I didn't really see too much effect at the hairline, but that seems to be consistent with what I've read on this forum and elsewhere. This being the case, I generally just apply it to the crown and top of the head.


You should certainly try for yourself to see where it's effective for you (and keep in mind it could take a few months to notice Rogaine's effects as well), but that's been my experience with it.


Best of luck!

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for that info.


I did have another question regarding application of the Rogaine. I've read that finasteride takes many months to have a noticeable effect on the retention and improvement of the hair. So, in the interim.. where should I be applying the Rogaine foam? Only to noticable loss/thinning areas (hairline, temples, a bit in the center front of the vertex) or everywhere to cover my bases before the finasteride actually helps maintain what I currently have.


Sorry if that's kind of an absurd question, but I really don't know.




Great that you're looking to tackle potential hairloss early on.


I would apply the Rogaine all over the scalp. How easy this is depends on how long your hairstyle is and how dense it is.


I got noticeable results after a month. Nearly 4 months on I'm pretty overjoyed with the way it's progressing. I expect it will take 9-12 months to see my 'final' Rogaine result!


A little tip: take a flashlight and shine it on thinned areas while looking up close in the mirror. After a few weeks you should hopefully see dormant hairs starting to grow longer.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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