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Hello Everybody,

I am visiting my friend in Holland later this year and I am planning to do an HT while I am there.

I know that I should not drink at least one week pre/post my HT, but is smoking weed OK (it's totally legal there), so can I smoke before my HT or after it? or is smoking weed as bad as drinking when it comes to HTs?

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From what i have read you need to avoid all nicotine in the days prior to surgery. Also the general advice is to quit smoking altogether and hit patchs while your HT is growing in.


Theres evidence smoking adversly affects hair growth.


Same would apply i imagine for even smoking pure weed. I was in Amsterdam last wkend and all i can say is thank god i didnt have a HT coming up !

Edited by Bobilero
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It is known that Nicotine can negatively effect the circulation which may slow down the wound healing process. I am unsure of the effects of THC on circualtion and wounjmd healing. I recommend extreme moderation in any case and you will likely be ok.

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I agree. If in moderation, you should be ok. I'm not a doctor so take it for what it is worth. I think things like sun exposure, dehydration, not keeping you recipient damp post op, trauma from a bump, poor hygiene, etc., would be things I watch out for. Just follow post op instructions and do what your doctor says.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Personally if you can I would stop smoking weed and cigarettes completely 2 weeks before surgery and 6 months after surgery.. Why risk anything when having a pretty expensive procedure like this! If you get bad results and you where smoking weed or ciggarettes that could probally have something to contribute to bad results.. That is just my opinion..

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  • Senior Member


Personally if you can I would stop smoking weed and cigarettes completely 2 weeks before surgery and 6 months after surgery.. Why risk anything when having a pretty expensive procedure like this! If you get bad results and you where smoking weed or ciggarettes that could probally have something to contribute to bad results.. That is just my opinion..
Exactly. And let's also not forget the hair folicles are a NON RENEWABLE RESOURCE so you would be better to err on the side of caution.
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The scalp is extremely vascular. Everyone here has valid points, it is expensive and donor is finite, so it is a good idea to not, but technically, I don't know of any top doctor that has done a statistical analysis on yield of a smoker vs no smoker. If they have, I would really like to see it.


I am not saying that you should smoke, and it's not good for you. I have had some doctors say it matters and some say they have not noticed a difference. Best idea is to not, but I don't think anyone knows if it actually affects yield or not for sure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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