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Im new - Interested in help

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Hello there.


My first post, so please forgive me if its not in the correct area or zone.

I am 20, from the UK and a student currently studying law.

Receeding hairlines has ran in my family for years, My uncle/Father/Grandad have all sufferend receeding hairlines at an early age. Over the last 18 months or so my hair has started receeding, at first slowly so it wasn't noticeable, but in the last 9 months far quicker. On the norwood scale, I'd say im a 2a/3.


It sounds really stupid to be a young male and be worried, but I hate it. I absolutely cannot stand it. Its my current life aim to save enough money to get a hair transplant, before Im much older, stuck in a job and past my pulling best (if you no what I mean).


I just need advice. I tried Regain or Rogaine and it didnt bring my hairlines forward, it only thickened what I already had. I have heard bad reviews of Finasteride and my doc said its best I dont go anywhere near that. So im only really left with a transplant.


I am stuck with exactly what to do though.

I am tempted to go back to my doctor so he can refer me to a specialist, although im not sure there are any local specialists that would be qualified to do my hair.


Anyway, Im just looking for help, I have 1000's of questions, I need to see a professional for advice, I need to get a quote after a specialist see's my hair, I need to ask questions on the actual procedure itself.


As you can tell guys - its that 1 word - HELP!


Thanks in advance.



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At your age you are most likely not a candidate. Most medications do not work on the hairline so that is not surprising to hear, but you should certainly continue using rogaine so that you don't continue to recede further back. Finasteride is actually a very good medication which is considered safe and works very well. That is not to say you can't have the procedure eventually, but at your age using preventative medication is essential to keeping as much of your native hair as possible before you lose more. Medication should be used indefinitely otherwise the need for many procedures increases dramatically and the amount of donor hair you have is finite and you may not have enough to provide you with a "full head of hair". The first thing you should do is consult with a doctor who is recommended by this forum and since you're in the UK you can see Dr. Farjo or email other doctors for more opinions.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks for the reply.

First of all though, can I ask. Surely its up to me whether I get the procedure done, not whether I am a candidate for it. I am in the prime of my life right now (as for example is Wayne Rooney) and I feel that although it might not benefit me in later years, I do definetely want to look and feel my 100% best, something which I can't whilst my hair is in this condition. I found that the regaine was more of an annoyance. It showed barely any improvements at all, certainly only ones that I could notice if I actually searched for them, then you had the issue that the actual solution would get into my hair and make it looked greasy, whilst giving the greasy hair look constantly.


Thanks for the tips though.

Could you link me or refer me to this doctor so that I can have a conversation with him please. Also how easy is it to find a very local professional? Someone that a doctor can refer me to at a local general hospital and so on. Lastly, has anyone used or had an experience with the belgravia centre?


Thanks again.

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Welcome. As I'm sure you know, your story is a common one among the members here. Most of us have been in your shoes at one time or another.


The advice that the Thehairupthere has given you is solid and I can tell you that he is a rep for two of the world's leading hair restoration physicians.


In the vast majority of cases, hair transplantation on someone as young as you is an extremely bad idea. Given the description you've provided of your hair loss, I'd say you fit that category. Responsible and ethical hair transplant surgeons will typically not perform surgery on very young men because androgenic alopecia is progressive and you are most likely going to experience further hair loss. Restoring your juvenile hairline now will likely result in you having to chase your hair loss will multiple subsequent procedures just to maintain a normal appearance until you run out of donor hair.


Reputable hair transplant surgeons turn unsuitable patients away quite regularly. I know it's not what you want to hear and I'm sure that if you search long enough you'll find a doc willing to put a blade to your head but it may end up being the worst decision you've ever made.


Since you are based in the UK, I suggest contacting the Farjo Clinic. Dr. Bessam Farjo and Dr. Nilofer Farjo are highly regarded members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians and will certainly give you honest and credible feedback as to what your options are.


You may also wish to contact forum member Spex. He is the UK rep for Coalition Physicians Dr. Alan Feller and Dr. William Lindsey.


I wish you the best of luck in your research.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hello there.

Thanks for all the advice.

I didnt mean to come across as aggressive or slightly abrasive in that post, I am merely frustrated at not seemingly being able to get what I crave quite largely. Is there a PM system on this forum, because I have been on Spex's profile and sent an email to his hotmail account, but it all feels rather sudden and informal without speaking to him via PM, or via a chat or something like that.


Out of interest, is there anything else out there that brings the hairline forward (at the root, not just in thickness or keeping the hair you already have) other than a transplant? Injections? Or some sort of tablet? Anything like that?

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WentworthMiller1992, I can vouch for both the medications known as Propecia (Finasteride), and Avodart (Dutasteride). I've been on Finasteride for 2-1/2 years, and Avodart for 2. I've had no side effects whatsoever, or any other bad health problems. What I HAVE had is some good hair success! Since the day I started the hair loss meds, my hair has just got better. After about 6 months on Finasteride, I started Avodart (Dutasteride). I've had amazing success as far as no further loss, and I've had slow but definite regrowth over the 2 year time frame since.


In that time frame, I've never had any problems sexually with my wife. And I'm 41 years old. You are half my age, so you will probably have even less problems with the meds.


I hope you decide to go forward with meds as far as your treatment plan, as it is the best prevention against further loss and helps during a hair transplant also! Good luck!

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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A doctor has told you to avoid Finasteride and obviously, being a doctor, you would be inclined to give his opinion a lot of weight. I think it's worth giving the treatment a try, though. I've been taking it for close to seven years with absolutely no ill effects. Over those seven years I've barely lost any more hair.


So add this to the other positive reports above.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I've been taking fin 14 years and added a few dut pills (0.5mg) to that in the last year and a half and never had any sides,I'm 48 now and was told at 28 I had mpb but over the years the meds have played a big part in keeping the hair around some of the work I had done otherwise I'm sure most of the hair I still have beating dht would have been done in years ago without the meds.

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Hi , first thing first , stop panicking , calm down and don't make any rash desisions , that is a recipy for disaster .


the advice above is good , I feel you are a little too young to start down the transplant route yet .


I have replied to another uk guy about meds and provided loads of pics to back up my claims , I've been on fin since 2006 without any side effects , but please read all my links to find out more details .


please check out the link below to one of my older threads and trawl thought the links and photos to see how a long term goal , a world class surgeon and forward planning without panicing has helped me to not be the balding guy any longer .


Loads of pics , long hair , short hair , shaven , scar pics , info and pics on just how the meds helped me , even at the front , more so at the crown but deffo helped all over the top and front , check it all out here bud





good luck


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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