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Post HT - Passport control

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I have a HT booked for the end of November, so I'm already starting to think over everything!


After the op, I know we are given some sort of head covering/hat. I was wondering if this would cause a problem when flying home? i.e. would passport control ask you to remove it when comparing you to your passport photo? Definitely not something I'd like to do.


Also I know there can be a lot of facial swelling post op. What with some sort of headgear and a fat face, I might look VERY different to my passport photo.


What are your thoughts on this?

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Chances are quite high that you would be asked to remove your hat through passport checks as well as security checks(where you remove your shoes, keys, phone etc). It's only brief and you will never see the person again anyway. Most people around you won't even notice.

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  • Senior Member


I have a HT booked for the end of November, so I'm already starting to think over everything!


After the op, I know we are given some sort of head covering/hat. I was wondering if this would cause a problem when flying home? i.e. would passport control ask you to remove it when comparing you to your passport photo? Definitely not something I'd like to do.


Also I know there can be a lot of facial swelling post op. What with some sort of headgear and a fat face, I might look VERY different to my passport photo.


What are your thoughts on this?


I had a HT with Hasson & Wong in Vancouver two months ago and had to remove my cap at passport control on departure at Heathrow and on arrival in Vancouver. I also had to take of my bandana on departure, which I didn't anticipate would be requested. But yo can always ask to go somewhere private. Arrival back at Heathrow wasn't a problem although I'd suggest avoidIng using the face recognition booths in case your swollen face isn't recognised! Best of luck!




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Thanks for the replies.


Yeah I guess it's just one more hurdle to jump isn't it? Pretty minor in the scheme of things so I'll just have to be brave :) Still, now I know the issue is likely to arise, I can prepare myself for it. No nasty surprises.


Hows the HT healing, David?

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for me, when i do my HT i plan to stay for the country im doing the HT in for a week or 2, and i think by that time specially if you go for FUE, you shouldn't face any issue goig out without a hat (even through you still would have some red spots but don't think they will be that noticable).

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Had my HT performed abroad and was asked to remove my cap by passport control. I politely informed them that I had a surgical procedure done and slowly lifted my cap partially to reveal a medical cap and front part of my head while I feigned discomfort. They smiled and allowed me to carry on without further checking. Same thing happened back in the UK. All was good.


You can always opt to be screened in a separate room, if they insist.

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Thanks for the replies.


Yeah I guess it's just one more hurdle to jump isn't it? Pretty minor in the scheme of things so I'll just have to be brave :) Still, now I know the issue is likely to arise, I can prepare myself for it. No nasty surprises.


Hows the HT healing, David?


It seems to be going OK. Two months post-op, there's hair where there wasn't hair before and the very long scar is disappearing. I've been applying minoxidil since day 5, which could account for my observation that about 20% of the hairs haven't shed, but that may all change over the next few weeks. I also had a fair amount of shock loss which isn't that surprising given the amount of strip removed. But it's early days...




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I'm just 5 weeks post op a procedure with Hasson and Wong in Vancouver. I flew back from Canada to England 3 days post op with quite a bit of facial swelling. To be honest I was initially worried about having to remove my cap at Passport Control, so I thought to avoid the problem I'd just not wear a hat at all from the time I arrived at the airport in Vancouver to arriving back home in England.


You have to remember that we're not famous celebrities, people don't really care what you look like - they're too interested in their own lives, especially when they're stressing over getting a flight.


After a long queue at check in, going through passport control, doing some duty free, getting some food and walking to a full departure gate lounge which probably had well over 200 people in it by the time I got there, I can probably count on one hand the number of people that even looked up at me. There were no comments, no snide remarks - nothing.


The only comments I had was from a lovely old lady sitting next to me on the flight who asked me if I was ok. I explained about the op and she decided it was her duty to look after me for the duration of the flight - which was greatly appreciated!


Don't worry - other people really don't care about your life, in any case you're not going to see them again!

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  • Senior Member
I'm just 5 weeks post op a procedure with Hasson and Wong in Vancouver. I flew back from Canada to England 3 days post op with quite a bit of facial swelling. To be honest I was initially worried about having to remove my cap at Passport Control, so I thought to avoid the problem I'd just not wear a hat at all from the time I arrived at the airport in Vancouver to arriving back home in England.


You have to remember that we're not famous celebrities, people don't really care what you look like - they're too interested in their own lives, especially when they're stressing over getting a flight.


After a long queue at check in, going through passport control, doing some duty free, getting some food and walking to a full departure gate lounge which probably had well over 200 people in it by the time I got there, I can probably count on one hand the number of people that even looked up at me. There were no comments, no snide remarks - nothing.


The only comments I had was from a lovely old lady sitting next to me on the flight who asked me if I was ok. I explained about the op and she decided it was her duty to look after me for the duration of the flight - which was greatly appreciated!


Don't worry - other people really don't care about your life, in any case you're not going to see them again!


Sounds like a very well adjusted way of dealing with the whole thing! How was your experience at H&W?




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Very good experience at H & W thanks. It's like a well oiled machine! My only small annoyance was that even though I would have preferred to leave the surgery with nothing on my head, I was advised to wear a cap or bandana. When I got back to the hotel and removed the bandana, the lining of the bandana had pulled some grafts out :mad:

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You have to remember that we're not famous celebrities, people don't really care what you look like - they're too interested in their own lives, especially when they're stressing over getting a flight.


I've always struggled with low self esteem, especially since losing my hair. Unfortunately it does bother me what people think. I guess that's the same for most men that have a HT. If we were along on this earth with only a HT clinic, would we care about being bald? i bet not.


But you're right of course. I just need to keep things in perspective. Passport control is going to be the least of my worries. Going back to work is going to be very very though. Just got to push on through ;)

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Going back to work is going to be very very though. Just got to push on through ;)


I feel for ya. Luckily I am able to wear a hat when I return to work. I would hate returning to work if I could not hear a hat. But I suppose once the first day shock wears off everybody will leave you alone. I just know how people are. I've got these "OMG" type people at work that love to sensationalize anything they can. I even worried about funerals. What if someone croaks a few days after you get home from surgery. It would be tough wearing a hat into a church funeral, but I wouldnt want to look like an escaped mental patient either. I think I would just skip the funeral unless it was someone very close.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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thats why im glad im now a week post op and i go back to work tommorow


but i can comb my hair forward since its really long and cover the hairline work


even now after only a week it is looking a lot more normal thou

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I've always struggled with low self esteem, especially since losing my hair. Unfortunately it does bother me what people think. I guess that's the same for most men that have a HT. If we were along on this earth with only a HT clinic, would we care about being bald? i bet not.


But you're right of course. I just need to keep things in perspective. Passport control is going to be the least of my worries. Going back to work is going to be very very though. Just got to push on through ;)


I totally agree with you regarding the self esteem, and pre op I was also unbelievably nervous about the thought of removing my cap at passport control. Even when people were telling me not to worry, I took their comments with a pinch of salt and didn't really believe them.


But they were mostly correct and after you have the op, hopefully you'll find a huge weight lifted off your shoulders and a sense of relief that the worry about passport control is really minor in the grand scheme of things.


All the best

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flying home post-op i dont look forward to removing my cap either, but I sort of think going through the long tiring "battle day" of sugery...and the "hell" of the first day or two after surgery at that point you probably have a "I dont really care" attitude. i know after my kidney stone i looked like crap at the pharmacy...but i was like "whatever...got bigger worries right now".

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Thanks for all the thoughts everyone. I'll just keep in mind that hopefully I'll have a great result and be grinning from ear to ear :)


My biggest concern about shaving my head )and going back to work) is it's full of weird angles and lumps and bumps and the top and back. As my hair has got thinner, you can really feel it! I'm going to look absolutely dreadful when shaven. If its not enough to go bald, I have to have a hideous head too :)

I have a friend who is bald and his head is the perfect shape. If I had a head like him, I probably wouldn't be committing myself to a life of HT's and medication.


As I work in an office (smartly dressed) I don't think I would get away with a hat of any kind.

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