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Hello everyone, I have enjoyed the fruits of this forum and now it's pay back time, for those who are in my situation. I can say, I have made a right decision in choosing Dr.Madhu, if you find time go through this:


I have undergone HT with Dr.Pathuri Madhu in August 2011 after researching well through this forum (thanks to the forum, i made a good decision) and personally meeting few patients who have undergone HT with Dr.Madhu. I was nervous at the start, when i went for a personal consultation i was made to sit in a waiting hall and then i was guided to one of the assistant doctors who explained about the procedure (most of which i already know) . After this, I was guided to Dr.Madhu who examined my donor area, the first thing the doctor asked is 'what are your expectations', I said i wanted to cover the bald area with maximum density to this the doctor explained me by measuring my bald area using a graph paper and explained about the density that can be achieved. The doc explained that my donor characters are moderate and can expect around 2500-3000 grafts with which he can develop the frontal part with moderate density ( hair line was designed).


The D-day:


As usual I was nervous when i arrived at the clinic, actually Dr.Madhu's clinic has two wings, one for only consultation and the other for surgery. The clinic was neat & clean, i was guided to a preparation room ( i dont remember exactly what the medicines were given as it's been almost 10 months now) my pic were taken, then Dr.Madhu came in drew my hair line and showed me in the mirror, i was ok with that, i was asked any more queries you have, i said I am fine & was eager for the procedure to take over.


In the surgical room everything was ready for me, i was made to lie down and was given some shots of LA (little pain). The strip was being harvested and i remember Dr.Madhu asking me If i have any pain, i said i am fine, after the strip was taken Dr.Madhu asked to lie in a face up position and started to give incisions in the recipient area, he was cutting blades with something (which i don't know exactly), he then guided me to the dissection room where I saw a big team of surgical assistants who were busy working with the dissection etc. The doc was accompanied by two-three surgical assistants who he mentioned they have vast experience. Then I was guided to a dental chair where the process of implantation started and the surgical assistants started their work. Dr.Madhu was explaining them something which i could not understand properly. After some time Dr.Madhu implanted the grafts in the hair line and showed me the mirror for final corrections, i raised some queries to lower a little but doc said, better not to lower the hairline further. Finally the doc was able to extract 2790 grafts.


The scar at the back also healed well, at the ends it is little bit wide, but that's fine for me coz i don't cut hair too short.


I can say to anyone with confidence you can think about Dr.Madhu for HT. The doc is good and very down to earth, and basically he dosen't over promise and always explains about the realities which i liked the most .


So folks this is :D me after 10 months, what can I ask more , i am on finpecia, and minoxidil, nizral shampoo.










Edited by podda
didn't mention no.of.grafts
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  • Senior Member

Thanks for taking the time to post about your experience! I love reading peoples experiences with various surgeons.


This is like day and night. With the limited number of grafts, and the medications, you've restored what looks like a full head of hair!! I'm very impressed with Dr. Madhu, and this case shows why.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Senior Member



Glad your HT experience was positive and I think you've had a great result. Doctor Madhu and his staff provide good solid and consistent results for their clients.


Cheers Rod

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  • Regular Member

Congratulations with your HT. The difference in your appearance is like day and night. Exceptional results you must be really happy! This has edged me even closer to getting a HT myself..

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