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How many grafts using FUE would I need?

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- True true! :) I have a brochure coming from a clinic in London soon, I'll look through that and book a free consultation, I hardly have the money right now, but if he says "1000-1500 should suffice" then I will find a way to get the money.

OK I missed this comment before my last post and have to say 1 more thing. Do NOT even think about compromising on your choice of doctor due to lack of funds or proximity to doctors. There is a HUGE disparity in the quality of work done by the different doctors as transplants are as much as art as a science. Additionally, very few of the good ones are located in the UK so please consider traveling abroad to get this procedure done. If you can't afford to go to the best, you must wait and save up until you can, even if it means waiting longer than you want. Please be careful, I've read a lot of stuff about the UK doctors being far behind the US and Canada doctors and even here in the US there are only a select few that are truly great. Good luck to you.
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  • Senior Member
Any of those 8-10 in the UK?

Coalition Members


Take a look here at the list. Looks like there are 2 of them in the UK. I'd start with those 2. It's possible there are other doctors not on this list who are doing good work, but I don't recommend leaving that to chance. I would look at their before and after pictures on their websites but ALSO look for everything you can find (good and bad) here as they will only show the best results on their page. Also look at the doctors from outside of the UK and their results and only go to the doctors who you feel have the most aesthetically pleasing results. I don't hear as much positive stuff about these 2 UK doctors as I do about some of the other ones such as Dr. Feller, Hasson & Wong, Dr. Rahal, Dr. Feriduni, and a few others, but many of those clinics have representatives on these forums too so that plays a role.

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  • Senior Member

Don't consider a UK clinic unless it is Farjo!


..and if you are coming to Europe then Belgium is a good place to try

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Regular Member

Hmmm, I'm wondering, would Propecia even fill out my temples? You guys have tempted me with it... I just tried to take a few pictures of myself and got so disgusted.


Soo, does it fill out temples?

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  • Senior Member

Generally, no. Propecia is mainly effective further back in the crown area. However - being on some kind of preventative medication is almost a pre-requisite for having a hair transplant because if not, you will always be playing catchup as your hair loss progresses. If you have a hair transplant to fill out the temples, and then your hair loss continues, you may have a gap behind your new hairline which also needs a hair transplant. It's a long term 'battle'. Propecia helps to slow down your recession making it easier to win that 'battle'.


Just to address the figures you quoted on Propecia, they are not correct. The FDA noted side effects of decreased libido and consequent difficulty getting erections, but there are some important facts to point out:


1 - Decreased libido and impotence aren't the same thing. Sperm count was not found to be reduced, you just don't feel like having sex as much.

2 - The above only applied to 2% in the studies the FDA carried out - however, 1.3% of men receiving a dummy pill reported the same problems. The point being that many men will have these problems whether they take the pill or not - the pill is often a convenient excuse.

3 - The FDA found that all of the problems in their studies were completely reversed by coming off the pill, in other words no permanent effects.


In my experience, I've been on Propecia 7 years. Going on Propecia initially did knock my hormonal balance, but actually caused an increased libido at first. It balances out and for me at least you end up back to normal.

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  • Regular Member

Hmm I may consider it then, however I really do believe my hairloss has atleast stopped right now :o


A little question though if you guys dont mind my asking;


How do you get your funds to pay for these hair transplants? the FUE method will set me back around ?7000 (thats about $10k)


I may opt for the FUT method but I really don't feel ok about having a huge scar, hmmm

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