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Everything posted by jamiejay337

  1. Also I've been hearing with Propecia providing you take a very low dose you still block hairloss and don't suffer side-effects, is this true?
  2. So on Amazon I've noticed regular 5% Minoxidil is far cheaper than the Regaine version, I was wondering if you guys have any insight on if the non-branded ones wouldn't be as effective... Regaine: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Regaine-Men-Extra-Strength-60ml/dp/B005O9D88S/ref=sr_1_2?s=drugstore&ie=UTF8&qid=1337115262&sr=1-2 Normal: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Spectral-UHP-Purity-Minoxidil-Solution-Regrowth/dp/B003E6HMY4/ref=sr_1_1?s=drugstore&ie=UTF8&qid=1337115907&sr=1-1 Regards
  3. Hmm I may consider it then, however I really do believe my hairloss has atleast stopped right now A little question though if you guys dont mind my asking; How do you get your funds to pay for these hair transplants? the FUE method will set me back around ?7000 (thats about $10k) I may opt for the FUT method but I really don't feel ok about having a huge scar, hmmm
  4. Hmmm, I'm wondering, would Propecia even fill out my temples? You guys have tempted me with it... I just tried to take a few pictures of myself and got so disgusted. Soo, does it fill out temples?
  5. Any of those 8-10 in the UK? And true, with my anxiety medication I experienced lower sex drive, but impotence is not possible with either medications otherwise I wouldn't take them. I lowered my dosage and my sex drive increased. There's just too many horror stories attached to Propecia for me to consider it. Thanks for understanding
  6. Hey! - I agree, usually stress is hairloss in patchy places, however whats to exclude those "patchy" places being temples aswell? I feel like I will suffer some MPB, however right now whilst washing my hair victoriously I seriously get 2 hairs or something in my hands, thats it. I no longer get a red burning hot head whenever I'm anxious, I simply am not losing hair and haven't for nearly 2 years. Whether this is just a "cooling off period" or not I do not know, what I do know is that if it starts up again in 10 years time, I would love to have a fantastic head of hair for those 10 years. - True point aswell, just seems odd that both my brothers have no anxiety or stress problems and have fine hair, whilst I being the only one with anxiety and stress issues lost some. - Ofcourse, everyone loses hair with age, even if its a little, but I cannot see myself losing hair at the crown anytime soon, it's rather thick, just these damn temples. - I had thought about that, but "chances are" just simply isn't good, what the hell would I do if I was one of those who permanently becomes impotent? I would not be able to handle that - True true! I have a brochure coming from a clinic in London soon, I'll look through that and book a free consultation, I hardly have the money right now, but if he says "1000-1500 should suffice" then I will find a way to get the money. Thanks for the replies everyone!
  7. It makes perfect sense, but with the 0.1% figure, that's just me being a fool, the actual figures at 2-18% chance and yes, most often discontinuing use of the drug solves the problem, but sometimes it does not. And I don't drink alcohol, I get 8 hours or more a night, I use drugs for my anxiety and depression which is a must, I don't smoke cigarettes, I eat fast food as I have very picky tastes about food, I exercise 5 times a week. Honestly, nothing will change my mind with regards to this drug, it's too dangerous. Risking not having enough donor hair for future transplants (assuming I can afford it) is a small risk, besides, body hair is also usable is it not?
  8. Yes, and to me even 0.1% chance is too high, I mean come on, hair is VERY important but it is never ever worth that risk
  9. I can deal with that, as I've said my balding seems to majorly be due to the anxiety and stress I suffered. I literally don't see any hair loss and haven't for a long while, regardless, when I'm older I will deal with hair loss better, but I'm in my twenties, I want my hair how it should be. Also, if its not thick enough for a cosmetic result, still... I'd be surprised, the hair on the back of my head is rather thick, and even so thinner hair on the hairline is still better than none I value your opinion on the matter though, thanks for explaining some of the risks I wasn't fully aware of But I would still much rather risk not having enough donor hair for the future as opposed to risking being impotent. Oh and since when is Propecia temporary? Stopping use results in the loss of hair doesn't it?
  10. I have seen people on YouTube videos and interviews with people regarding perminant impotence from it. Ok so, what risks are there with FUE? I watched a few videos on it, read a few articles, seemed rather risk free.
  11. I have actually read and heard about side effects being irreversible in some cases, whilst a full head of hair is majorly important to me, so is the use of my manhood. Propecia is a nono. I've used Regaine +5% Monoxidil and have seem some results, but the cost of using this for the rest of my life is at least 5x more than a transplant would be. Also, FUE is seemingly risk free isn't it?
  12. I will not touch Propecia sorry, a 2-18% chance of becoming impotent is not worth it Thanks for the responses everyone! But I really really need good hair, it's a large part of my confidence issues which are ruining my life. I doubt I will have continued hairloss for a good 2 decades providing I take good care of my hair and keep my anxiety in check, so a hair transplant seems the best option.. With regards to pricing, I am using Regaine right now and it requires you use it for life or hte hair growth will dissapear and continue. I figure all the work to apply it twice a day (and makes it look greasy) and the price tag for the rest of my life is ridiculous comparing to a one off payment of ?4,000-7,000. Thanks again for replying :3
  13. Hey thanks for the response. As I said I feel like my hair loss has stopped, atleast now. It was rapidly happening due to the anxiety and stress and then once that stopped, the hair loss stopped. Havent seen a single hair in the bathtub in over a year coming on to around 2. Anyway, that tool is great! But I'm confused a little on the slider, I mean if I put it all the way up ofcourse its going to be full of hair but I'm wondering at say the 30 mark, how much hair would that be really? It's hard to determine. Thanks again for replying
  14. Hello there, first off yes I know there are people who have it alot worse than I, I have suffered with Social Anxiety Disorder for a decade and it went untreated. The anxiety caused a good amount of recession in my hairline and thinning on top, my genes aren't great, but both my brothers aren't getting this amount of hair loss and my hair loss has stopped since my anxiety has been treated. Basically my head would go super red and burn and then I would find hair in the bath and motorcycle helmet, which hasn't happened for over a year now so... Anyway back on track, here's a few pictures. I am below working class but this is what I really want, I was wondering if any of you insightful folk could give me any clue as to how many grafts I would need? My hairline at the back of my head (on the neck) is very low down so I presume alot of hair could be taken from there? I always hated having hair so far down my neck anyway. I've attached a few pictures of my condition. Now I know people have it worse like I said, but I have severe confidence issues and this only hinders me even further, I want my old hair back or atleast close to it. I've been using Regaine for a year now and figured the price tag on that for the rest of my life is 4x as much as a transplant so... Oh, and I'm 24 years old. :'(
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