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Consultation and PRP with Dr. Feller


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Just wanted to share my pleasant experience at Dr. Fellers Office.


Flew to NY Yesterday to see Dr. Feller for a consultation and ended up getting a PRP done as well.


Dr. Feller recommended 800-1000 grafts dense packed in between the 2s and 3s that currently make up my hairline (very sparsely). I was very happy with his conservative approach with grafts because I am only 25 and realize that I will have more HT's down the road. I am going to try to schedule the appointment as soon as possible. I've been doing research on this site for over a year and am confident the Dr. Feller is the man for the job.


Also I had a PRP treatment which was about as simple and painless as possible. It literally took less than 30 minutes and there is virtually no evidence that anything was done. I considered buying a hat on the way back to the airport but after looking in the mirror realized there was nothing to cover. He made a couple dozen injections of the platelets all around my dome and then did 250 small pokes to activate them (correct me if I am wrong doc!). The needle is so tiny that you cant see anything. It was an overall very positive experience.


Well worth the day of Travel and am excited to schedule a procedure and correct my hairline

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Hair transplant surgery and PRP treatment - sounds like a hairy day :-).


Where was the PRP treatment administered? Was it administered in areas of the scalp that weren't transplanted?


We'd love to see some before and postoperative photos when you get a chance. And if Dr. Feller took any photos while administering the PRP treatment, I expect everyone would find it both educational and interesting.


Best wishes,



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The PRP was pretty much done just behind where the transplanted hairs were. The front has decent density after my HT but my hairline is very stalky. I've posted pics previously with my situation but will try to post some others soon.


Dr. Feller took some pics and I would be fine if he shared them with the community. PRP is an exciting development and I hope it treats me well!

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DDD--- i think many would appreciate seeing pics.. do you have a link to your previously posted pics?? thanks for taking the time to share your experience...


what are your goals with the PRP?


do you hope for regrowth or to help maintain only??


how long were you told before you would see the effects of the PRP treatment??

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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lost - just really trying to keep what I have. I assume growth is possible but I would be elated if it just allowed me to keep whats already there.


Sorry for the bad pics. Hopefully it gives you an idea of what I am trying to acheive though. I realize my hairloss isnt horrible and I just want to use this small number of grafts to fill in the gaps a bit so it looks natural

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Scheduled to have 800-1000 grafts with Feller on Tuesday.


Will try to get Dr. Feller to take some better pics. Aparently the 8 Megapixel camera I bought doesn't know how to focus. The pics don't show the extent of stalkiness.

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