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laser therapy for hair loss? scalp micropigmentation?

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  • Regular Member

Hello to All, I am 25 years old, have been loosing my hair since i was 17. Now i shave my head to a 1 and a half using clippers and i use toppik to hide the baldness.

I have also done laser hair therapy for about a year which i think its the reason why i still have hair on the top of my head, even tho without toppik you can tell i have been balding for years.


my questions to all of you experienced with this are: Do you think by using laser therapy you will always keep what you have? is laser really going to keep what you have as long as you keep using it? I used to go to a clinic to get this done twice a week... But i found igrow laser; if anyones familiar with this, would this be a good choice??


and also If laser really will keep what you have, what would you say of using laser with scalp micropigmentation? do you think this will be a good idea???


id really appreciate your help from you all... thanks a million!!!

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  • Regular Member

Hi! thanks for replying... im not on meds, i tried propecia but didnt like the side effects it had on me. Laser really got my hair looking fuller, i used it for a year, and havent used it for now about 6 months... and my hair still looks the same... my brother when he was my age had less than half of what i have and i believe its because of the laser i did that really got my hair healthier. but I just wondered if laser will always just keep what you have because if thats the case i will continue with laser ... thanks again!

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  • Senior Member

Hi Alban,


As of now, the "jury is still out" on low level laser therapy (LLLT). Some physicians think it's useful (especially in specific patient populations), others believe it is not backed by sound evidence and shouldn't be practiced. Here's a recent article with some more information.


Additionally, scalp micropigmentation can be a useful adjunct as well, but it isn't for everyone. Again, here is an article that may provide some additional information.


Frankly, in your case, I don't think either of these therapies should be utilized without proven therapies like minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia). I know you said you experienced adverse effects on Propecia, but have you tried Rogaine/minoxidil? If not, I highly recommend adding it to your regimen. Furthermore, if you do stabilize your hair loss with these preventive measures, you can always investigate surgical restoration further down the road.


I hope this helps! Please, feel free to ask any additional questions.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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