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5 Months Post-Op ... Normal?

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Hi! I have searched these forums these past few months after I myself got a hair transplant, and am sure you've seen plenty of topics like this, but I really want some counsel from peers. Please see the photo below, I tried to take it as clear and honest as possible. Please excuse the redness (pimples, not scarring).


I am 5 months post-op. I skillfully chose my doctor who was an ace track record. We opted for a premium density, so essentially the end result should be pretty natural. I do want to refrain from passing judgements until month 8, but am seeking advice.


I haven't had much of any growth really, certainly not the past few months. Most of the hair in the photo started growing after surgery. Nothing new to report, and am just waiting, wondering. Has growth yet to begin, or is it finished, or?


I figured that since there hasn't been any growth at all these past few months, it surely must mean it hasn't started, or has finished. But is it even possible it can start this late?


I read that growth will mature after 3-5 months, but there isn't a whole lot to mature.


I am 29, pretty healthy, and have been really careful with things. Have a bit of shock-loss in the donor area, but expect it to regrow.


Also my recipient area is still pink in a few areas, and I do get the occasional tiny pimple. Surely must mean something, whether good or bad, I am unsure.


Cheers mates


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Also, I have indeed visited my Doctor's office since surgery, and was told to wait. The obvious of course, and I will patiently do so. But I still want advice from those who might have gone through the same thing, and what happened in their situations, and if indeed this is common, and what I should expect.

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  • Regular Member

I think I speak for everyone that for anyone to give you advice, you'll need to post pre and post op pics and pics that have the entire recipient area. Its really impossible to tell from that picture what is going on.

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I've edited the attached photo to remove any native hair. The area photographed was completely bare before transplant. Post op, the area was dense and every bit covered with transplants, at likely around 50-60 hairs per square centimeter.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you for that post, it does offer hope, and helps with riding this out patiently.


Unfortunately most of the results I do see, look nearly complete or at the very least highly acceptable by this month, whereas I still have to wear a cap, or my hair down. I have had a harder time finding results similar to mine than finding results better than mine, at the fifth month. Most seem so much further along, and speak of continuous growth.


Actually, if you know of any posters who had great end results but such slow start such as me, offering links would be so helpful, and much appreciated. I think that's what I'm looking for, peers who were in my position and made it through alright.

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  • Senior Member

As someone previously stated...wait. I personally think you should re-evaluate in another 3 months. At 8 months time, you should have a good idea of where the HT is going. There are,of course,always exceptions but hopefully you won't be that slow grower exception. Be patient and take another good look in another 90 days. Your transplanted follicles are likely just beginning to grow.

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hw, This is a topic that has been discussed often on this forum, and understandably so (look for posts by spex who recently re-posted helpful info on this subject). The waiting game is undoubtedly the toughest part of HT surgery.


First, understand that you cannot compare yourself to others in terms of growth--we all grow differently. Also, keep in mind that the HTs on this forum are a small slice of all the results in the world.


Second, as other posters have stated, a HT takes at least 12 months to see the final growth, and up to 18 months for full maturity (hair caliber, texture, etc.). So you are just a little over 1/3 grown out.


All you can do now is wait, but I have a feeling (especially if you chose a top doctor) that in seven months you will look back at this post and laugh. Good growing to you!


P.S. It might be helpful to post pre-op and immediate post-op pics, and to track your growth with pics every few months. Try to use the same positioning and lighting in your pics as it will accurately show your progress.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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hairwaiting, as others have pointed out, people grow at different rates. While I have seen some patients who had some noticeable growth at the 5 month period, many patients did not experience such visibly noticeable growth till later.


If at the 9-month mark or so, you still don't see any visible changes starting to happen, you should talk to your doctor.

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  • Senior Member

Take it from another slow grower, you are very very early in the process, I bet in the next two months your growth will start to take off.


Best of luck.

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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