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What to do now?...Can't keep throwing money at every option.

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Hi. I have been on the forum quite alot over the last few days after my transplant on the 5th december for 2000 grafts by strip method, it is filled in the front and gave me a hairline but my crown area is still really bad, i knew this would not get covered at the time of the transplant but i'm just worried it may stand out more and i want the best possible solution to try and fill it in.


I've bought propecia and i have started that, and also bought some alpecin shampoo just that i will start using in a few weeks as guided by the dr. I also bought a shake suggested by the dr who carried out the surgery. So with a transplant, propecia, the shake 2 months supply, alpecin shampoo. Im throwing alot of money at this, now i'm thinking shall i get some regaine foam again as i didnt give it a fair shot last time.


Just worried that maybe this is going to be a long and hard process an expensive one, but i want results like everyone does. Im 26 and around a norwood 5/6. I thought after the transplant i would feel over the moon because i have wanted this for years but feel a great sence of dissapointment even though i can't fault the surgeon an the excellent job he did with the 2000 grafts. Is it normal to feel like this after surgery?. Thanks for any support, suggestions. Rob:confused:

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  • Senior Member

Agreed. Many have post op doubts. You should accept the fact that you will need another surgery or two to get where you want to be. Assuming you only did 2000 due to donor limitations, you will need two more but I would strongly suggest the next time you go, you get as large a session as possible and get the mid scalp and crown laterals done. If your donor is good then go for 3000 plus. Most NW 6 guys need to concede somthing and that is usually the crown. However, if done right and your donor is decent, you can do the crown laterals to frame the head (ie can’t really see a bald spot from looking at the side of your head. The center crown circle may need to remain bare or with very light coverage. Do not give up hope. You can and will end up with a nice result provided you put a good plan in place now and keep it realistic.

Good Luck.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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For a nw5-6 guy , I think crown is the biggest problem. It needs more grafts to be covered up than the front and requires good skill of a surgeon. If we think that the minimum donor of a person is like 5-6k grafts, that can give an excellent coverage of the front without touching the crown.


Ric26, from your avatar it seems like you are buzzing your head. Maybe you use most of the grafts to the front and continue to buzz your head. FUE into scar or micropigmentation can be a good option to hide the scar.


Just my 2 cents, by the way who was your doctor?

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  • Regular Member

I was advised to have 2000 grafts after sending pictures through emails, and following a telephone call. I was also advised not to touch the crown area at my age and see if it responded well to meds. I think he also suggested 2000 grafts because he wanted to see my donor area in real life. The surgery went well and i thought the doctor was brilliant and very professional and would recommend him to anyone. I went with Dr Saifi in Poland and would quite happily go back for more surgery. Your right azazelgs been cutting my hair to a 1 or 2 buzz cut for quite a few years now, i did try and acccept being bold and go for the bic look and hated it with a passion. I seemed on a right downer yesterday maybe it could be down to the meds after or just realising im going to have to get another large some of money together to do it again next year. It would be awesome if my crown responded well to the propecia though that i have just started.

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